UPDATED (12/1): President Elect Trump Changing The Tone of the Presidency

Business, Donald Trump, Labor

The question’s so improbable, you’ve probably never asked it of yourself: Has an American president ever directly affected your life for the better? Not mine. Donald Trump, however, has already delivered on his promise to directly champion the cause of flesh-and-blood, working Americans.

When the New York Times doesn’t trash Trump for the Carrier feat, you know it’s BIG:

From the earliest days of his campaign, Donald J. Trump made keeping manufacturing jobs in the United States his signature economic issue, and the decision by Carrier, the big air-conditioner company, to move over 2,000 of them from Indiana to Mexico was a tailor-made talking point for him on the stump. … On Thursday, Mr. Trump and Mike Pence, Indiana’s governor and the vice president-elect, plan to appear at Carrier’s Indianapolis factory to announce a deal with the company to keep roughly 1,000 jobs in the state, according to officials with the transition team as well as Carrier.

Carrier worker Robin Maynard expressed joy and gratitude on the Castro News Network. CNN, however, managed to spin the Carrier deal Trump has struck before inauguration as … a possible negative. (At what price, etc.)

I hated both George Bush and Barack Obama. Other than to read prepackaged speeches and make the right sounds at crucial times in their presidency (in Obama’s case mostly when the victim was black)–they did nothing to directly help suffering Americans. If anything, the opposite is true. They’d arrive on stage, read a pre-prepared speeche, maybe authorize appropriations via a bureaucracy, and go back to their privilege.

Trump has not granted a handout; he’s helped people keep their livelihood.

Well done, President Elect Trump.

UPDATE (12/1): Some idiots like Bernie Sanders don’t get it.

The Third Degree à la Germany: Answering To Junge Freiheit

Europe, General, Ilana Mercer, Kids, The Zeitgeist

A change of pace for a change. “The Third Degree à la Germany” is the current column. It’s Junge Freiheit’s personalities-from-abroad questionnaire, now on The Unz Review (where, as in Germany, some got the humor. Townhall.com not so much). An excerpt:

Junge Freiheit is Germany’s finest weekly newspaper. It’s easily its only authentically rightist, freedom-loving, classically liberal publication. When Junge Freiheit’s editors come calling; this writer is always happy to oblige—and not only because my weekly column once appeared in JF. But also because, present company excepted, the young editors at JF are simply the kindest, most professional journalists I’ve encountered. What was it that Oscar Wilde said about kindness? “She thought that because he was stupid he would be kindly, when of course, kindliness requires imagination and intellect.” Having just emerged from a 15-year-long, abusive, professional relationship; kindness and courtesy are indeed new and lovely things to behold.

However, my Teutonic editor lit a fire under me. I was asked to make haste in answering Junge Freiheit’s personalities-from-abroad questionnaire, for the November 11 issue. You’re in good company was his matter-of-fact message. But get to it.

The company: Nigel Farage (author of Brexit), Eric Burdon (rock-and-roll legend), Douglas Murray (famous neoconservative), Lord Christopher Monckton (politician and inventor), Thomas Drake (Whistleblower), Colin Crouch (author of “Postdemocracy”), Frederick Forsyth (bestselling author), Charlie Duke (Apollo 11 and Apollo 16 astronaut), Tony Sheridan (early Beatles), etc.

The record time for answering the JF questionnaire: six minutes. Needless to say, I failed miserably to beat it.

JUNGE FREIHEIT: Where would you like to be at this very moment?

ILANA MERCER: I‘m strictly reality oriented. I don’t indulge in make-believe. I don’t wish to be where I’m not. …

… Read the rest. “The Third Degree à la Germany,”  Junge Freiheit’s personalities-from-abroad questionnaire, is now on The Unz Review.

JUNGE FREIHEIT, z.Hd. Christian Dorn, Hohenzollerndamm 27 A, 10713 Berlin, GERMANY, November 11 issue, page 27.

UPDATED (12/2): Will TRUMP’s Appointments Disappointment?

Ann Coulter, Donald Trump, Elections, Foreign Policy, Hillary Clinton, IMMIGRATION, Iraq, Islam, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Neoconservatism

UPDATE (12/2):

UPDATE (11/29):

Elaine Chao, not good:

Drain the swamp, don’t hire it or pardon it:

Petraeus and his posse are poison:

One good appointment:

Sanctuary Cities:

Lefty’s moment of lucidity:

My book recommended Democrat Tulsi Gabbard be tapped by Trump:

My book recommended Democrat Jim Webb be tapped by Trump:

Kris Kobach is a must in a Trump Admin:

First you’re against the Iraq War, then you think of hiring its architects?

The right refugees:

The right anti-Islam people:

No to Nikki Haley:

No to Mitt Romney:

Neocons orbiting:

Will America come first?

UPDATED (12/3): Castro Didn’t Even Make The Trains Run On Time

Canada, Communism, Education, Healthcare

“A legendary revolutionary who improved education and healthcare” is how very many on the Left, including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, bid farewell to the communist killer, former Cuban president Fidel Castro.

This conjures the legend of Benito Mussolini making the trains run on time, except that fascist leaders, in general, had nothing on the communists when it came to population control and the industrial scale of the killing.

UPDATE (12/3):
