How Weak Is Mike Pence! How Wrong is He For Trump VP!

Donald Trump, Military, Republicans

Mike Pence is so weak, so stylistically establishment. Chris Christie may be establishment neoconservative to the marrow, but in temperament; he offers fireworks and is quick on his big feet. I can just imagine how Christie would have reacted to this attack dog of a woman:

… at a town hall in this Nevada town on Monday night, the Republican vice presidential nominee got the question — from a mother of an active Air Force staff sergeant:

‘Time and time again Trump has disrespected our nation’s armed forces and veterans — and his disrespect for Mr. Khan and his family is just an example of that,’ Catherine Byrne, the mother of Raymond Harmon, who is currently deployed in the Persian Gulf, said to Pence. ‘Will there ever be a point in time when you’re able to look Trump in the eye and tell him ‘Enough is enough?’ You have a son in the military. How do you tolerate his disrespect?’ …

… Mike Pence had only released a text statement in the more than 48 hours since Donald Trump questioned the mother and father of fallen U.S. solider Humayun Khan. He had avoided cameras and questions on Monday during his travels to Nevada after a weekend at home in Indianapolis.

The woman, sainted because she has a son in the military, was whining about Muslim Brotherhood devote and Hillary Clinton attack dog Khizr Khan :

Pence “went on to claim that Trump supports veterans ‘like no other leader in my lifetime.'”

“The only other thing I would say to you is having spent time with our nominee, I have never been around someone more devoted to the armed forces of this country, more devoted to the families of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marine and coast guard and no one more devoted to the veterans in this country,” Pence said without any real evidence for such hyperbole. “Donald trump supports our soldiers and supporters our veterans like no other leader in my lifetime.”

That’s it?! How feeble!

Trump is unorthodox. Let him fire Pence and start afresh.

Beef up on Mike Pence:

“The Pence Omen: Pro Wars, Pro Islam, Not-So-Pro-Private Property.”
“Get Off Your Knees, Gov. Pence! (You’re Not In A Gay Bathhouse).”

Non-Stop Democrat Promotion, On Fox News, Too

Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Hillary Clinton, Individual Rights, Propaganda, Race, Racism

Even the NYT is prepared to entertain that Dem optimism is for certain preferred constituencies only:

Khizr Khan is very particular about his distaste for millions of Other Americans:

How Does Your Garden Grow? Moving The Wealth of Others Around?:

Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand; Heard Of It, Hillary:

Hillary’s Generosity Toward Her Victims:

Those Natural Rights are Hillary’s to Adjudicate:

A Man With No Political Criminal Record (a point made here) is … a spy:

Emasculated West Primed For a Muscular, Muslim Takeover

Feminism, Gender, Islam, Jihad, Paleolibertarianism, The West

“Emasculated West Primed For a Muscular, Muslim Takeover” is the new column, now on FrontPage Magazine. An excerpt:

Programed as they are in feminist myth-making, journalists, young and old, often ask incredulously, “Why would western girls travel to join ISIS fighters?” “ISIS men don’t believe in equality between the sexes.”

At heart, neither do women. Not when hormones rage.

Islamic State projects strength. Strength is an aphrodisiac. Women are biologically programmed to be attracted to powerful men. That’s one reason some girls willingly put on black nose bags and flock to become ISIS brides.

Brainwashed to think biology is incidental, and that men and women are essentially interchangeable; younger readers will likely find it harder to grasp something as primordial and important as the male-female biological category.

Sheikh Muhammad Ayed has no such problem. Speaking in a deep, sonorous voice; in what sounds like classical Arabic, this imam can be observed on YouTube delivering a sermon from East Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque. The object of Sheikh Ayed’s coruscating derision is the emasculated West. It is primed for a muscular, Muslim takeover, he argues.

Said Ayed (as translated by The Middle East Media Research Institute):

But they have lost their fertility, so they look for fertility in their midst. We will give them fertility! We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries—whether you like it or not, oh Germans, oh Americans, oh French, oh Italians, and all those like you. Take the refugees! We shall soon collect them in the name of the coming Caliphate. We will say to you: These are our sons. Send them, or we will send our armies to you.

On its side, Islam has ascetic evangelists such as Ayed, who bow to no one.

On our side we have Father Michael Pfleger! He’s the too-hideous-to-behold, standard issue, Western preacher-cum-Obama idolater.

Pray tell: Who looks and sounds more impressive to the young and the impressionable? The impassioned, unapologetic, manly imam in flowing, Lawrence-of-Arabia robes, who channels the Word of his Prophet? Or, Father Pfleger, the soft face of the West’s ultra-liberal faith; a tool of liberal public administration; a man more eager to prostrate himself to Caesar than to serve a higher authority?

Pfleger’s ilk—the West’s priesthood—are in the four corners of the earth preaching hate for their own kind. Thus, in a week in which fifteen blacks wielding Kalashnikovs killed two white farmers in KwaZulu-Natal; another excuse-for-a-man—man-of-the-cloth Michael Vorster—was at a South-African pulpit puling about “the controlling ways of whiteness.”…

… Read the rest. The complete column is “Emasculated West Primed For a Muscular, Muslim Takeover.”  It’s now on FrontPage Magazine.

I had a blast, 07-29-2016, with the talented Bill Meyer, discussing my new book, The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed.

The KMED podcast is up: Listen.

The Dreck On Display At The DNC: A Roundup

Barack Obama, Communism, Democrats, Economy, Hillary Clinton, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Race

From this Golden Oldie About Village Idiots (2002):

The “Hildebeest” is a … believer … in the power of legislation to renew communities. In fact, the philosophy popularized by Hillary Clinton is one that advocates undermining and forcibly stripping families and communities of their powers to keep their members in check, and replacing them with legislation that often transfers responsibility for children to the State.
When last did the actions of a legislator serve to renew a genuine community? Public housing slums? How about rent control? In many great cities, rent control has meant that there are more boarded up buildings than there are homeless, because landlords are not permitted to recover the costs of upkeep. Designed to preserve a way of life, enforced inter-provincial wealth equalization programs in Canada have resulted in chronically dependent and depressed regions. And we know how, with welfare policies, the state has helped destroy black families: young black women choose to marry the state rather than wed the fathers of their children. Last year, the prohibition on drug possession “recharged” the lives of roughly 1.5 million Americans, arrested for marijuana possession. Clearly, It Takes A Village Idiot to think of government policy as a means to a Renaissance.

That’s our Hillary.

Post Convention, Creeps Still Giddy:

Hillary’s Economy, Literally:

Dressing Up Economic Devastation:

The Right To Rob:

If Only She Spoke Like An Egyptian, Not a Commie:

Ah Yes, The Book, It Takes A Village Idiot:


Eff The Kids:

C’mon: Bill Clinton Was Looking Kinda Good:

The Vagina-centric Music Goes With The Giant-Welfare Program:

Chelsea Did Not Chill:

The Tarts & Tards of Hollywood:

The Biggest Disappointment A The DNC:

The Women Folk:

The Turkey Barack Obama Pardons His White Grandparents:


Hillary’s Village, Or is it a Penal Colony?


Donald On Dem Emails:

Herstory Is Made: