Fems & ‘Girly Boys’ Are Really Feeling Hillary & Phony Pocahontas

Democrats, Feminism, Hillary Clinton, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim

“They stormed the stage together wearing similarly colored clothes — hues that almost perfectly matched the bold blue of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign logo. With a ‘Stronger Together’ sign hanging in the background and a Katy Perry pop song blaring from the speakers, they cheered each other on like old pals, cracking jokes about Donald J. Trump and pointing with enthusiasm at a young supporter who waved a placard that read ‘Girl Power.’”

The storm-troopers in blue frocks cheered by New York Times’ AMY CHOZICK, in her overheated prose, are “Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts,” whom CHOZICK calls “a towering political figure among today’s liberal Democrats,” and who “brought her energy, folksy appeal and populist roar to a candidate not known for energizing crowds.”

Wow, these fem writers are really feeling Hillary and phony Pocahontas.

Hillary Clinton and the unhinged Elizabeth Warren are two resentful, domineering, power-hungry women, who’ve made it big in life through the use of state power. The human backdrop to the joint female force looks the same. Lots of aggravated-looking women and their domesticated, pasty faced boys looking frightened. The music: enfeebled squeaking courtesy of female pop “singer” Katy Perry.


The Last Refuge Of A Brussels Or British Scoundrel: Bureaucracy

Britain, Donald Trump, EU, Europe, Republicans, Ron Paul, The State

Republicans have The Romney Rule Or Rule 40(b) which they passed to thwart Ron Paul’s chances. The same GOP scoundrels still hope they can use sleight of hand to change the rules at Convention to defeat Donald Trump.

Brussels has a bureaucracy so formidable, it hopes to mire Briton Brexiters in rules and bamboozle the poor people who voted to leave, so that they’ll never notice something called “Article 50,” necessary for departure, is never triggered.

This is mandarin mambo-jumbo for pulling a fast one on the voters:.

Britain “may never” trigger the formal divorce process with the EU despite last week’s referendum in which the country voted to leave, EU diplomats said Sunday.

“My personal belief is they will never notify” the EU about their intention to leave, a senior EU diplomat said on condition of anonymity.

A state leaving the EU must formally notify the European Council of all 28 EU leaders under Article 50 of the 2007 Lisbon Treaty, setting the clock ticking on a two-year period for Britain to negotiate its divorce.

“We want London to trigger Article 50 now, to have clarity. I expect, as we can’t force them, for them to take their time,” the diplomat added.

“And I would not exclude, it’s my personal belief, that they may never do it.”

The official did not specify if he believed Britain would avoid it by holding a new referendum, or simply dragging out the process to extract a better divorce deal, but said all such decisions were up to London.

UPDATE (6/24): Brexit Leads The Way, Trump Will Be The Next US President

Britain, Donald Trump, EU, Europe, Federalism, IMMIGRATION, States' Rights

Brexit is a harbinger of things to come. Donald Trump will be the next president of the US. Go Britons! Once again, Britain leads the way: In “Brexit, Britain Votes with Trump, against Hillary, Obama.” AND, let it be said, against ISLAM and the absence of borders.

UPDATE (6/24): You first heard it here, last night, when the news of Brexit was announced:

“Brexit could signal Trump winning White House …”

How is Shedding One Tier of Tyrants—The EU—Bad For Britons?

Barack Obama, Britain, EU, Europe, libertarianism, Nationhood, The State

Liberty is associated with a dispersion of political power, never its concentration and centralization. Adding an overarching tier of tyrants—the EU—to the British government benefits Britons as a second hangman enhances the health of a condemned man. (From “Adieu to the Evil EU.”)

I fail to understand the convoluted logic of the libertarian article, “Why this anarchist will be voting Remain on Thursday.”

Meanwhile, idiot Hillary Clinton is haranguing Donald Trump because he extolled the virtues of shedding the aforementioned tier of tyrants. That’s dangerous she hollered just today. (These days, Hillary is like a woman possessed.) But not when Barack Obama issued threats to Britain to stay in the EU while visiting with David Cameron—that was fine.

Said Obama (Apr. 22, 2016):

President Obama’s warning to those championing Britain’s exit from the EU was stark: Leave, he said, and the “U.K. is going to be in the back of the queue” on trade deals with the U.S.