Gary Johnson Conjures The Very Old SCOTUS Definition Of Pornography

Donald Trump, Elections, Foreign Policy, Freedom of Religion, Hillary Clinton, libertarianism, Welfare

Gary Johnson: A Free-Trade Bernie Sanders? By Myron Pauli I’ve never limited myself to Republican and Democratic nominees since I cast my first presidential vote writing in Barry Goldwater in 1972. No regrets on rejecting the decent but too-leftist George McGovern or reelecting “the president!” that imposed wage and price controls, killed the gold Standard, […Read On]

Conservatism Is An Empty Election Slogan

Conservatism, Constitution, Economy, GUNS, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Republicans, Taxation

In which Barely A Blog’s resident physicist, Myron Robert Pauli*, reminds believers and dreamers that a Republican congress has never balanced a budget and that a Republican president that balances a budget is as elusive as Big Foot: In reaction to the “Dime Store New Deal” of Dwight Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater and L. Brent Bozell […Read On]

The George Bush Rehabilitation Industry: A President’s Day Reminder

BAB's A List, Bush, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Republicans, War, Welfare

Originally published on February 7, 2014, here is a Barely-A-Blog golden oldie: BY MYRON PAULI On President’s Day, I will say that I am not enamored with our current White House occupant, or with his recent predecessors. Barack Obama is a boring windbag egomaniac, mouthing a lot of leftist rhetorical garbage. However, in spite of […Read On]