Liberal Libel & Anti-White Race Onslaught Intensifies

Donald Trump, Journalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Race, Racism

Wow, Donald Trump is so right about the filthy fudging of facts and definitions courtesy of America’s malfunctioning media. Jared Taylor, the object of scorn in “Donald Trump’s Message Resonates With White Supremacists,” is a white nationalist, not a white supremacist. Even Wikipedia gets that right. But not the New York Times’ incompetent, malevolent JONATHAN MAHLER. Oh no.

Donald Trump isn’t “exploit[ing] a mood of mistrust and resentment across much of the electorate”; he’s reflecting it. Do the left-liberal, northeastern elites not realize how hated they are for their libel and lies?

Trump Must Lay Responsibility For Libya At Hillary’s Chubby Feet

Hillary Clinton, Islam, Middle East, War

Donald Trump finished George Bush off and, by extension, brother Jeb’s candidacy. Trump should not be shy about laying Libya at Hillary’s chubby feet—from the invasion to the fiasco of Benghazi.

Republicans have confined their critique of the war Hillary Clinton initiated in Libya to criticism of her role in the Benghazi tragedy. Given their comparable zeal for unconstitutional, unethical and futile wars; Republicans have never seriously gone after the war Hillary launched on Libya; a war that has seen the US leave another Arab country in ruins.

I’ve heard Sean Hannity attempt this line of inquiry. He stopped short of pursuing a critique of the US-led ruination of Libya, perhaps because it would’ve left him and like-minded conservatives vulnerable. After all, had they not cheered a similarity unjust adventure in Iraq? Indeed they did.

The New York Times has a two-part expose, written, naturally, from the utilitarian perspective that it’s OK for the US to launch such wars, provided the war turns out well.

Part 1: In Their Own Words: The Libya Tragedy: Highlights of interviews with decision makers involved in the Libya intervention about what went wrong. Read the series.

Part 2: A New Libya, With ‘Very Little Time Left’ By SCOTT SHANE and JO BECKER: The fall of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi seemed to vindicate Hillary Clinton. Then militias refused to disarm, neighbors fanned a civil war, and the Islamic State found refuge.

“Libya: A War of the Womb.”

“To Be Or Not To Be In Benghazi; That’s The Question.”

“‘Left’ And ‘Right’ Bamboozling You On Benghazi.”

Republican Party Apparatchiks Put The Party Over The People

Conservatism, Donald Trump, Republicans

Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse, whose avid supporter, Mark Levin, now says he’s a fraud*, is fond of preaching about conservatism.

And as a real conservative, Sasse would like nothing more than to dissolve the Republican base and elect another more compliant support base to better reflect his ideas. Of course, Sasse phrases his goals more diplomatically:

“The American people deserve better than two fundamentally dishonest New York liberals.” (Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.)

Today, Sasse was put on the spot by MSNBC’s Chuck Todd:

Let me ask you this. If you have — what is a political party? And I ask it this way. Is it a, is it a party who gets its principles and its ideals from its leaders, or is it ground up? What if this is the people speaking and the people are basically handing the nomination to Donald Trump? You may not like it, but is it then fundamentally that the Republican party is changing because the people that are members of it have changed?

Sasse, the power hungry fool, conceded that “a political party is a tool, not a religion,” but went on to dictate his terms of party conservatism to the base. “Find the right guy,” Sasse said to Republican voters. Trump’s not it.

Republican Party apparatchiks have always put Party over People and The People are ON TO THEM.


*Levin has a record of endorsements that don’t work out (because most Scarlet Letter E–for establishment–Republicans are frauds).

UPDATED: Americans Sick-And-Tired Of Being Manipulated By Their Leadership & Its Client States

Donald Trump, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Middle East, Political Correctness, Republicans

World leaders are heavily vested in an America whose borders are open to all, and whose leadership leverages political correctness as a weapon against a down-trodden American people petrified of … being called names.

It would appear that Americans, for the most, are sick-and-tired of being manipulated from above and from every other direction by their leadership and its client states.

The audacious Hisham Melhem of Al Arabya:

And there’s the ubiquitous threat, again, issued by ESTABLISHMENT ERICK (ERICKSON). People, behave or else!

“… ultimately that Donald Trump supporters need to understand that Hillary Clinton will be elected if they choose to go down this path and Republicans have an obligation to to make it clear in the primary that it will be Hillary Clinton if they don’t change.”

UPDATE (2/29):

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