South Africa: Made-In-America Constitutional Tyranny

America, Constitution, Private Property, South-Africa

Continued on Barely A Blog is my conversation with South African philosopher Dan Roodt, Ph.D., a noted Afrikaner activist, author of the polemical essay “The Scourge of the ANC,” literary critic and director of PRAAG. (Previous interviews with Dan: “The Elephant In The Pistorius Courtroom” and “Little America At The Tip Of Africa.”) ILANA MERCER: […Read On]

Fee-Fi-Fo-Fem, I Smell The Blood Of A Racist

Free Speech, libertarianism, Paleolibertarianism, Race, Racism, Republicans

“Fee-Fi-Fo-Fem, I Smell The Blood Of A Racist” introduces WND readers to the dark world of a racism-sniffing bloodhound. “Fee-Fi-Fo-Fem” is topped with advice from libertarian extraordinaire, Hans-Hermann Hoppe. An excerpt: “You’re a racist.” “No, you’re a bigger racist.” “No way; you hang with the Hoppe, Rockwell and Ron Paul crowd of libertarians; they’re ‘known’ […Read On]

Prominent Neoconservative Admits Europeans Ahead On Multiculturalism

Affirmative Action, Europe, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Multiculturalism, Nationhood, Neoconservatism, Racism, Republicans

Which is what I said back in … 2005, in the column titled “Get With The Global Program, Gaul”. At the time, the famed Francis Fukuyama, Frederick Kempe, and Jonah Goldberg—neoconservatives all—had fingered the French for racism and snobbery in marginalizing their Muslims, who were running riot across France. All nonsense on stilts, naturally. The […Read On]

Updated: A Political Takeover Of The Entire Financial Sector? (CHINA)

Barack Obama, Business, China, Debt, Economy, Government, Uncategorized

Writes Robert Bidinotto on Breitbart’s “Big Government” (the proprietor that was infinitely more forgiving about Bush’s big government): As long as the Democrats continue to control Congress, we’ll have to endure an endless procession of initiatives for the federal government to take over industry after industry. Health insurance and college loans went under federal hegemony […Read On]