The American Electorate As Seen By The Left

Celebrity,Democrats,Elections,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Politics,Pseudo-intellectualism,Sarah Palin,The Zeitgeist


“How D.C. Became Hollywood for Semi-Attractive People” is the title of an Esquire blog post by Tom Junod. It is not particularly well-written, or especially thoughtful—this guy is not Christopher Hitchens—but the post got its author on cable today. “Hardball” I think it was. Here is what Junod thinks of you yobbos and your politics:

“The Democrats didn’t think they had to worry about any of this. They weren’t looking for stars because they had the biggest star in the world as their president. He didn’t have a populist bone in his body, but he was a deeply thoughtful man and a galvanic speaker both, and he promised to transcend the bone-grind of American politics. With his promise of one-man racial reconciliation, he was transfixing, but the independents who were transfixed by him needed to keep being transfixed, and on this, he couldn’t deliver. The American public turned against Obama not when it found out he was radical, or wish-washy, or power-mad, or timid, or what have you; it turned against him when he stopped being entertaining. It turned against him when it found out his real secret — that under his professorial mien he was, well, a professor. Outside the enforced electricity of a national electoral referendum, he was dutiful, and he was dull.”

“It is something of an unfair fight now: a party led by a man who clearly thinks too much before he speaks against a party led by a semi-sexy woman who will say anything — hell, whose idea of a debating strategy in 2008 was a table dance. And the Democrats don’t have an answer, because they’ve so deeply misjudged what the American electorate wants and is capable of. They thought that after the trauma of the Bush years, we would want a no-drama president; a regal First Lady; endless pages of necessary legislation, achieved at a political cost that proves the party’s commitment and courage; and a few more women on the Supreme Court who prove the party’s emphasis on excellence and ethnicity over eros. They didn’t realize that what we want is drama and nothing but, and so the Democrats became the CNN to the Repubican [sic] Fox, clueless in their competence, bewildered by their own best intentions.”

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5 thoughts on “The American Electorate As Seen By The Left

  1. Van Wijk

    It turned against him when it found out his real secret — that under his professorial mien he was, well, a professor.

    A professor of African Studies, Marxist Deconstructionism, and Post-Capitalist Lesbian Theory. In other words, a hustler.

    a regal First Lady…

    Uh…Carla Bruni?

  2. james huggins

    Tom Junod gives the Obamas too much credit. Obama is crafty and ruthless in the areas where he wants to be. He appears clueless in other areas such as diplomacy and economics because he hasn’t a clue what to do. Michelle a regal first lady? Don’t make me laugh. She’s a flinty eyed, throat cutting fish wife. As far as the Republicans, I assume he’s talking about the Republicans, being led by a “semi-sexy”woman who I assume is Sarah, he’s way of base there too. Sarah doesn’t lead the Republicans. They fight her every step of the way, covertly as well as often overtly. She has a following that follows her, not the Republican party. I didn’t get the crack about table dancing. I assume it was just the obligatory below the belt jab that rodents like Junod feel required to make.

  3. Myron Pauli

    The Esquire article also had a fun link to a piece on Christine “don’t masturbate” O’ Donnell that, in its leftist cynicism, has a good ring of truth in it:

    I nevertheless enjoyed the Junod piece. Junod’s humor masks an underlying self-righteousness about the Democrats passing “endless pages of necessary legislation” and showing “commitment and courage”. In my definition, NECESSARY is something one cannot live without [ like AIG bailouts!, nationalizing General Motors!, 2900 pages of Obamacare! ] – illustrates Junod’s arrogance. Democrats showed a lot of COURAGE to give out an extra 2 TRILLION of domestic stimulus spending to keep housing prices artificially high (including 30 year mortgages being loaned out at an unsustainable 4 percent rate!!! – soon to burst). That’s courage! Not to mention the commitment to “excellence” in the choice of Sonia “Wise Latina” Sotomayor, the greatest mind of the 21st Century.

    In spite of his smugness, Junod is somewhat right about the Tea Party Divas. The booboisie, finally getting nervous over impending government-manufactured bubble-bailouts and coming down off their Obama-excitement, are turning to empty rhetoric from “I’m not Obama” Republicans. Even if the reasons are not ideological, the “ordinary people” have sounder instincts than Junod!

  4. Robert Glisson

    I just read [George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language,” 1946] yesterday; and you give me this! George is not just rolling, his grave-site must look like a tornado hit it.

  5. Mike Marks

    I don’t particularly want drama at the White House. I really don’t want the “necessary” legislation passed by all those “courageous” Democrats, particularly the 2900 pages of health care legislation. However, you have to take what I have to say with a grain a salt as I live in the State of Alabama.

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