Flying Sorties For Peace (The Latest From Libya)

Democracy,Foreign Policy,Islam,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Middle East,Neoconservatism,War


Make no mistake, and Obama’s denials notwithstanding, “Rebels fighting their way towards the Libyan capital” are “backed by Nato aircraft [ostensibly enforcing a UN resolution to protect civilians from Col Gaddafi’s forces.”]

NATO=The US. And the US being the US (a warrior nation); it is not pressing for peace talks, even though Libyan officials have “urged the rebels to open talks. ‘If you want peace, we are ready,’ Information Minister Moussa Ibrahim has said.

Rather than encourage a peaceful solution to the Libyan conflict from which democracy (as bad as that is) is unlikely to spring, our English allies—A UK Foreign Office spokesman, in particular, who appears to have responded on behalf of the oh-so independent Libyan Rebels—promised that “Nato action will continue … Our overriding priority has always been to protect Libyan civilians and to enable them to choose their own future.”

By flying sorties over their homes?

In July, Mrs Clinton, a member of the President’s Womb Warrior team, announced that, “Until an interim authority is in place, the United States will recognise the TNC [Transitional National Council] as the legitimate governing authority for Libya, and we will deal with it on that basis. … The United States views the Gaddafi regime as no longer having any legitimate authority in Libya,” Mrs Clinton had said.

As the BBC observed, by recognizing the Libyan opposition as the country’s “legitimate governing authority,” the US ensured that “billions of dollars of Libyan assets frozen in US banks could be released to the rebels.”

Have you ever wondered to whom this US confiscated (oops, “frozen”) property belonged in the first place? One loses track of all the “good” things America does in the name of freedom.

4 thoughts on “Flying Sorties For Peace (The Latest From Libya)

  1. Nebojsa Malic

    When I first saw that Jon Stewart skit about “Freedom packages” I thought it was a clever joke. Now I think it was no joke at all…

    [Which skit, NM?]

  2. Myron Pauli in Bellingham

    The war is completely unconstitutional and should be grounds for impeachment if 2/3 of Congress actually cared (which they do NOT) about obeying the Constitution.

    Libya does not constitute a threat to the US (admitted Gadaffi did things 20 years ago that justified some actions but that was 20 years ago) – although the rebels or a permanent state of instability MIGHT constitute a future threat OF OUR OWN MAKING.

    For the Tea Party Nation and other anti-Obama phonies to complain about “cow flatulence studies” while cheering on the war in Libya shows a complete fecklessness. I at least credit Bachmann with some skepticism on this issue.

  3. james huggins

    We have a government led by anti Americans. A state department led by an idiot. A legislative branch controlled by one party in the Senate who wants to drive the country into socialist doldrums and a House of Representatives controlled by a bunch of hand wringing weaklings. We won’t even protect our borders and have to ask permission of the UN, Nato and probably the Knights of the Round Table before we allow our Navy to protect our ships on the high seas from a bunch of flea scratching camel thieves in bass boats in the Indian Ocean. Who knows what we are up to in Libya? What ever it is I predict it won’t pan out.

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