Trump Nullifies Republican Debate, AGAIN; Wisely Courts Trump Democrats

Democrats,Donald Trump,Labor,Media,Republicans,The South


I won’t be watching this make-believe Republican Debate, led by intellectual pygmies like Dana Perino, Bret Baier and at least 4 of the wannabe candidates

I do LOVE how Trump, in meta style, has made the latter—as well as all panelists on the other Fake News channels—irrelevant, white noise.

For the second time. On August of 23, some major dummies–Karl Rove (an architect of the war on Iraq), Ms. Perino, and the scintillating Trey Gowdy convened to sell something, for a change. They were trying to engineer a parallel reality for Deplorables.

As they say in the hood: Talk to the hand; the face ain’t listening.

So speak up, Ms. war-forever-more Nimrata Nikki Haley (who was empowered by Trump during his presidency), I can’t hear you. You too, Tim-something-or-another. Did you say something, Mr. anon on the upper-left of the screen?

It is an excellent political move, by the way, for Trump to be supporting labor. (I’m obviously not saying here that I support the United Autoworkers’ case.)

In this, Trump acts like a Southern Democrat (the good kind, once-upon-a-time)—and like RFK, Jr. might. Or, Trump deploys something similar to the Sailer Strategy.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is, come to think of it, a Trump Democrat (my new coinage).  The term mirrors the positive elements of a Southern Democrat.

Dixiecrats was the derogatory name the Media Ministry gave to what was really the States Rights Democratic Party. Considering that the Constitution consigns law enforcement to state and local governments, the position the Dixiecrats took was hardly subversive.

The issue of segregation or racism, moreover, is intellectually independent of states’ rights. The reason for the mistaken conflation of states’ rights and segregation resides with the same propagandists who successfully equate, for the purposes of discrediting, the right of secession with an alleged support for slavery.

* “LANCING THE LOTT,” Ilana Mercer, December 25, 2002

2 thoughts on “Trump Nullifies Republican Debate, AGAIN; Wisely Courts Trump Democrats

  1. Chicolini

    It’s not Nimrata Nikki Haley, it’s Nimrata Randhawa. Don’t disguise her alien origin that disconnects her from Heritage Americans.

  2. Matt C.

    “The issue of segregation or racism, moreover, is intellectually independent of states’ rights. The reason for the mistaken conflation of states’ rights and segregation resides with the same propagandists who successfully equate, for the purposes of discrediting, the right of secession with an alleged support for slavery.” Well said. I thought a recent article by Rod O’Barr, on Abbeville, was excellent: “Stephens Reflections on the Cornerstone Speech.”

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