UPDATE II: @Twitter, Trayvon Was “NO_LIMIT_NIGA” (The Latest, Feral, 10-Against-One Assault)

Crime,Criminal Injustice,Law,Political Correctness,Propaganda,Race,Racism


“Trayvon’s Tweets and Black Hate Crimes” is my latest column. Here’s an excerpt:

“Hoodie on the Hill’ blared the Drudge-Report headline, as the street theatre playing out over the shooting death of Trayvon Martin crossed over to the House floor. There, concealed by the by-now iconic hood and “gangsta” glasses was one Bobby Rush, a Democratic representative. Rush blessed Trayvon Martin’s departed soul.

The name Trayvon is soon to be a trademark. It may yet spawn a franchise, as the youth’s grieving mother has had the presence of mind to file with the US Patent and Trademark Office.

If you’ve managed to miss the news, Martin was a 17-year-old black youth, shot dead last month by a Hispanic man with a Jewish surname. George Zimmerman—who, for the purposes of the “Racism Industrial Complex” is being considered white—was patrolling a Florida gated community, as part of his neighborhood-watch duties.

Other than that Martin was unarmed and that George Zimmerman has not been arrested, the facts of the case have yet to be established. Since then, the “Racism Industrial Complex (RIC)” (columnist Jack Kerwick’s coinage), has galvanized on behalf of Trayvon.

The Hollywood faction of the RIC sicced its followers on the wrong Zimmerman, after tweeting out an unverified address in the hope of getting the shooter lynched. Somewhere in the Sunshine State a retired Jew is on the lam. …”

The complete column is “Trayvon’s Tweets and Black Hate Crimes.”

If you’d like to feature this column in or on your publication (paper pr pixels), contact ilana@ilanamercer.com.

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UPDATE I: (March 30):

To me, what stands out in this “Media Mash” featuring the “Racism Industrial Complex (RIC)” is the sub-intelligent level of it all. Via NewsBusters:

Reacting angrily to selective editing by NBC that suggested racial animus by George Zimmerman, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell complained to Fox News’s Sean Hannity last night that NBC News was engaged in an “all-out falsehood.” The story in question was a March 27 Ron Allen report on NBC’s ‘Today’ in which 911 audio was edited to make it sound like George Zimmerman said “he looks black” immediately after saying “this guy looks like he’s up to no good.”
In the actual 911 audio, Zimmerman only described Martin’s race after the dispatcher asked, “And this guy: is he white, black, or Hispanic?” “To edit that out is so distorting,” Hannity complained. “Sean, it’s not distorting, it’s advancing a falsehood, it’s worse,” Bozell corrected the Fox News anchor. [see video below page break]
What’s more, with Al Sharpton in the NBC family on cable channel MSNBC, the network has been ginning up another Tawana Brawley-like atmosphere where passions are whipped into a frenzy before all the facts are laid out on the table.
“The radical left has already acted as judge, jury and executioner in this. This is another Tawana Brawley moment we’re looking at folks,” Bozell noted, reminding viewers that “Sharpton never apologized for that” incident.
“Every single person who hung this person [Zimmerman] without knowing the facts has got to respond to this,” Bozell complained.

To pick up on the aforementioned sub-intelligent themes in the cognoscenti’s one-sided “conversations” about race, I just heard a black commentator advance the following on MSNBC: A white girl dying at the hands of a black is sad, but devoid of the significance that attaches to the crime when visited on a black. I paraphrase the moron.

The pundit didn’t seem a malevolent man, just deeply stupid, for the non sequitur he was advancing was that black-on-white crime can never spring from endemic and epidemic racial hatred. Thus is it devoid of social and symbolic significance. “Casualty of racial hatred”: This is a construct that exists (in the abstract) for blacks alone.

MSNBC’s Tamron Hall, who is unburdened by brains, tweeted her affections for the guest (from Freedom Watch we know that these shows are more often about entertaining the host’s “good friends.”)

tamronhall .@Toure passionate and fury all wrapped into one very smart and loyal friend coming up live in 2min

UPDATE II (March 31): The Latest, Feral, 10-Against-One RACIAL Assault:

Seven black teens have been arrested on suspicion that they committed a hate crime when they attacked a 15-year-old Hispanic boy while he was walking home from school in Southern California, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office.
The March 14 beating in Palmdale was captured on video and posted on YouTube, but has since been removed from the site. The seven boys, ages 13 to 16, were arrested Wednesday for investigation of assault and committing a hate crime, Lt. Don Ford said.
The attack happened near Cactus Middle School, but Ford didn’t know if any of the teens involved were students there.
The video shows as many as 10 boys surrounding the victim and challenging him to a fight. The suspects then began hitting the teen while others watched.
During the beating, the teens made racially derogatory statements that were captured on the video, Ford said.
After the victim fell to the ground, the assailants kicked him multiple times in the head, knocked out several teeth and left shoe impressions on his skin, Ford said.

15 thoughts on “UPDATE II: @Twitter, Trayvon Was “NO_LIMIT_NIGA” (The Latest, Feral, 10-Against-One Assault)

  1. Rebel Without a Clause

    Whites are waking up to the Race-Hustle. Gun sales sharply up, month after month. TPTB want a Race War, they are going to get it. The Day the EBT Cards Stop Working,I look for the urban Blacks and Latino gangs to have at each other; what’s left will then cull out the citified White Cosmics. At some point, after dealing with whatever oozes out of the cities, rural/suburban Whites will go back into the cities and clean up the mess. A Tragedy, actually: most of the individual Blacks/Latinos I know are solid folk. But such is the nature of Group Conflict.

  2. Eric

    Now this is the article I expected the other day. But I have to disagree with you about the facts of the case not being established. Martin had not done anything that warranted being stalked by Zimmerman or anyone else. Martin was legally entitled to be in that complex. Zimmerman had no right to , and if I may mangle a quote from a sharp mind “Get in Martins space and get in Martins face” The aggression started there.

    It’s undeniable that the black underclass unleashes an amount of barbarism on people of all colors that is as astonishing as it is wicked. The excuses and the protection given for these people is deplorable. As hard as it is for whites to fight the machine, it’s even more daunting for those of us who are black to challenge the Racism Industrial Complex. It’s akin to challenging the Catholic church in the 15th or 16th century. Just as the average European didn’t have to worry about dealing with the Pope, only his minions, we(I)don’t worry about Sharpton, only his acolytes. They are most irrational and flat-out delusional. These people are not interested in right or wrong. They could care less. They are constantly looking for a boogeyman under every bed, and around every corner to unleash their bitterness, anger, and disappointment against.

  3. lonegranger

    A couple of things to think about:

    Racism is based on suspicion and survival, fundamental human chemistry necessary to maintain life. It can only be mitigated but never defeated by applying cosmetic legislation.

    As a matter of fact, evidenced over the last 50 years, racial division has become more intense due to special considerations afforded to what the government apparently views as inferior humans.

    No Einstein need apply to formulate a Racial Theory of Relativity.

  4. james huggins

    Multiple attackers against old or crippled or otherwise obviously weak victims. Usually lone victims. This is the way it has always been. My Dad always taught me to walk tall. Not swaggering, not bullying just be a man. Look them in the eye. My uncles and grandfather reinforced this lesson. Thugs are not out to win medals for bravery. If you don’t look like an easy target you probably won’t be one. If you look like dinner you will be eaten.

  5. james huggins

    Enough rhetoric and theory. Let’s get to the basics. If I’ve been slugged in the nose and knocked down and am having my head smashed into the sidewalk I have two choices. Either let my brains be bashed out on the curb or do something to protect myself. If I’m armed he is going to get an unpleasant surprise.

  6. John Danforth

    The media campaign advances a pragmatist’s contempt for reason, facts, logic, and truth. They appeal to hatred, envy, and nihilistic indignant passion, all wrapped up in a nice hairball.

    The Neocons are defenseless against a campaign like this because they advance their own agenda based on pragmatism. So they are reduced to whimpering about letting everything come out in a trial, by jury, and so on (yeah, I saw the Hannity show last night). Translation: they are willing to turn process on its head and give the race-hate bloodsuckers what they want — to have a man charged with a crime based on the success of their attempt to excite a mob rather than on the evidence. To hell with the idea that no charges will be forthcoming if there is no evidence of a crime.

    Thesis, antithesis, synthesis. The more ‘reasonable’ position is that if you defend yourself you will be tried for murder. Thanks a lot to those Neocon cretins who pretend to be more objective than their opponents in the pooflinging fight on Fox. I guess if you can remain silent while Americans are executed by the President (based on calculation of the probable backlash or rather the success of the PR campaign to demonize them) then something like this is to be expected.

  7. John Danforth

    Now Sharpton is threatening a race riot if Zimmerman isn’t arrested. As I mentioned above.

  8. Robert Glisson

    “Martin had not done anything that warranted being stalked by Zimmerman or anyone else.” Eric: I have a problem with this wording. ‘Neighborhood watch means just that “Watch” The neighborhood south of me has ‘Neighborhood watch’ It is a mixed neighborhood, Black, Oriental, and White. When a stranger comes into that neighborhood, he or she will get checked out and who knows what color the checker will be. My problem with your sentence was the word “Stalked” Zimmerman was a watchman, it was his duty to check out suspicious persons. Martin was not a resident of that community. He had been suspended from school where his mother lived, and was visiting his father at his father’s girlfriend’s home. There had been burglaries in the area, why shouldn’t he have checked the stranger. When I was a Probation Officer, I enjoyed making visits to the south side. If someone had moved without telling me, I only had to stop my car at the first citizen I saw on the sidewalk and ask where my client was. I got directions instantly. That’s the way it is in ‘Neighborhood watch’ Everyone watches out for their neighbors. He didn’t stalk, he just did his job. That don’t make him innocent, just not a stalker.

  9. My RON PAUL i

    I conditionally agree with Eric that Zimmerman (who apparently is the Exalted Cyclops of the KKK http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2548350/posts ) MAY have initiated the fracas by confronting Martin. Whether Martin was wearing a hoodie or a push-up bra doesn’t raise “reasonable suspicion” into “imminent danger” – but I use the word MAY because that is what must be considered by civil and/or criminal juries.

    Zimmerman MAY have done some wrong actions. Martin MAY have done something criminal prior to his being killed (being an idiot teenager does not per se merit the death penalty). But what is certain is that the Sharpton et al RIC machine (including Spike Lee and others threatening all Zimmermans they can find!) is that they are INDISPUTABLE RACE HUCKSTERS.

    More on all the black crime victims killed by blacks (of no concern to the RIC) :



    As for the Messianic son of the spousal cheating 23 year old Kenyan who banged a 17 year old college Freshman and then abandoned his (polygamistic) wife and son within one year – I guess the white-reared son has a lot to resent those evil racist whities…

    Here is a typical “anti-racist” web site saying how the Trayon Martin GENOCIDE proves “The caucasian race is not superior in any way whatsoever. As I said above, you could not take care of your own lives without the help of the very people you despise. You are an inferior race.”


  10. irongalt

    @ By Robert Glisson on 03.30.12 3:34 pm – Good points. Short of self-defense, the neighborhood watches are probably the closest america will ever get to the private production of defense.

    Judging from the decedent’s lewd and violent tweets, the chances of him having initiated the conflict are astronomically high. At the risk of sounding cold: good riddance.

    @ My RON PAUL i on 03.30.12 5:38 pm – Well, Martin’s end was not met as a “penalty”…it was met as a consequence of initiating a conflict with a more worthy opponent.

  11. irongalt

    Who wants to bet that in the same scenario, if Zimmerman was a (public/oink sector) cop instead of a (private sector) watchman, that there would be little to no “controversy” surrounding this at all – and furthermore there would be a media blackout surrounding the whole case?

  12. Myron Pauli

    Unarmed 16 year old American “white” kid killed by order of a (half) black man! Will Rev. Al lead demos? Will there be calls for lynchings? Will we have idiotic debates whether the kid was wearing a hoodie or a push-up bra? As Orwell would say – all people are equal but some people are more equal than others.


    … and here’s a bonus for the Birther (Bertha??) movement:


    As for blacks attacking Hispanics (or others), that was obviously “caused by white racism” – get with the PC, bro!

  13. David B

    Excellent piece Ilana! I think we all may need to start getting our televised news from RT since our national media is in the continual habit of using its power and influence to set the national agenda — even if it has to lie to do it.

    Re Eric’s comment, Zimmerman had every right to follow Martin to see what he was doing in the neighborhood whether or not he was advised by the police to not do so. I would think a neighborhood watchman would do such things.

    Who got in who’s face we don’t know. We weren’t there. Did Zimmerman act in self defense or not? That is the crucial question.

  14. Roger Chaillet

    If Zimmerman is a “white” Hispanic, then is Barack Obama a white mulatto?

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