UPDATE II: ‘Thank You For Your Service, Mr. Snowden’

Barack Obama,Ethics,Fascism,Propaganda,Republicans,Russia,Technology,Terrorism,The State


“‘Thank You For Your Service, Mr. Snowden'” is the current column, now on WND. Here’s an excerpt:

“A heroic American whistleblower chooses, oh-so wisely, to expose Uncle Sam’s usurpations to the veteran reporters of the British Guardian and not to the partisan hacks of the American press. This fact tells you all you need to know about US presstitutes.

Confirmation of the degree to which American media has been co-opted by power came on June 10, again, via a British newspaper. The Mail Online divulged that Edward Snowden had ‘first approached the Washington Post with his leaks but the newspaper refused to comply with his publishing demands.’

You see, the Washington Post had to hotfoot it back to Big Brother Obama before it would do its journalistic due diligence. ‘The Post broke the story on PRISM two weeks later, on Thursday, after consulting with government officials,’ confirmed the Mail Online.

Even after being scooped by the Guardian, the Obama embeds at the Washington Post saw fit to inform their readers about PRISM on a purely need-to-know basis, ‘eprinting only four of the 41 PRISM PowerPoint slides,’ and generally misrepresenting the nature of the program known as PRISM. The manufactured-in-America version of PRISM thus contradicts the ‘internal NSA documents’ leaked to the Guardian.

According to the guardian of American freedoms at the Guardian, reporter Glenn Greenwald, the 41-slide PowerPoint presentation he acquired from Snowden has been authenticated as a document ‘used to train intelligence operatives on the capabilities of the program.’ The presentation, pictorials with captions, handed out by the National Security Agency, boasts of having ‘direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple, Yahoo, PalTalk, YouTube in 2010; Skype and AOL, and other servers.’

Contrary to what you’re being told, ‘the world’s largest surveillance organization’ can and does ‘obtain targeted communications without having to request them from the service providers and without having to obtain individual court orders.’ And it is contrary to the Bill of Rights, the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, in particular. It specifies that ‘warrants shall issue’ only ‘upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.’

Tellingly, the tools of Big Media and big government are not apprising you of these facts. Like a tortoise in its shell they’ve retreated from the watersheds that are the AP, the IRS and the NSA scandals, informing you only of what New York and Northeast elites think is important: “Most of you still like Obama”

The complete column is, “‘Thank You For Your Service, Mr. Snowden.'” Read it on WND.

If you’d like to feature this column, WND’s longest-standing, exclusive paleolibertarian column, in or on your publication (paper or pixels), contact ilana@ilanamercer.com.


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UPDATE I: In his unrehearsed conversation with Glenn Greenwald, Snowden demonstrates analytical clarity, the kind you don’t get from his inferior critics. It comes natural for him to distinguish between NSA posturing for the national interest and reality; between intelligence gathered overseas and domestically; between surveillance of the foreign born and the domestic.

Snowden’s desperation—defecting and leaking as a last resort—is corroborated by other whistleblowers. When you blow the whistle through acceptable NSA channels you can expect cover-ups, heavily redacted reports and retaliation. This is what two veteran intelligence officers relayed to Sean Hannity at Fox News.

UPDATE II: From the Facebook thread. Memorial Day is a way to ensure men die for the state, not for their neighbors. It wasn’t always so, but it has become that. It’s the sad truth. Good men serve their countrymen outside the state. For example, Samuel Williams is an American hero. The same goes for the wonderful JOE HORN.

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