WATCH A NEW HARD TRUTH: Exporting Wokeism

Free Markets,Free Speech,Globalism,Ilana Mercer,libertarianism,Propaganda


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America has made a habit of exporting democracy at the point of the bayonet. While not as lethal, cultural trends and products exported can be toxic, too. They, moreover, displace and contaminate indigenous cultures. For example: Wokeism is made in America, is entirely toxic, and, sadly, suffers no supply-chain disruptions in its spread. Wokeism is a product of a distorted and deformed American marketplace of ideas. Alas, there is always a libertarian who sees a free and vibrant marketplace of ideas worthy of defending, where there is only coercion and cruelty. “The woke movement could be the next great U.S. cultural export—and it is going to do many other countries some real good,” waxes Tyler Cowen, an economist at George Mason University.

David and ilana dissect

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