UPDATED: Tea Party Central

Constitution,Founding Fathers,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Natural Law,Political Philosophy,Politics,Race,Racism


How do you tell that a grassroots, decentralized movement has moved into mainstream politics and has been thoroughly co-opted by its forces? Here’s one sign: A movement that arose in order to address profound issues of political philosophy begins to front “spokespersons” to apologize and bend over backwards in order to pacify mainstream muckrakers and race-baters. That’s one way to know for sure that the Tea Party is being schooled and groomed for grimy politics as usual.


Mark Williams, the flamethrower leading the battle against the Ground Zero mosque, was kicked out of the National Tea Party Federation Saturday for a racist blog post.
He shrugged off the diss, calling it “grandstanding” from a “minor player on the fringe.”
A California radio host and leader of the Tea Party Express, Williams had labeled the Manhattan boro president a “Jewish Uncle Tom” and President Obama an “Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug.”
But when he posted a satirical letter supposedly from “the Colored People” to President Lincoln praising slavery, that apparently crossed the line.
The federation, an umbrella organization that claims to represent 85 Tea Party groups, kicked out Williams’ group when it wouldn’t fire him. “We have expelled Tea Party Express and Mark Williams from the National Tea Party Federation because of the letter that he wrote,” federation spokesman David Webb said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

You got a hint of the forces controlling the Tea Party—the kind of people who’ve clawed their way onto establishment forums such as “Face the Nation”—when the “gritty” movement doubled up in pain and then went into defense mode over being accused of racism by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Being so accused by such people is always false and is almost always a badge of honor.

Andrew Breitbart’s “Go to hell” is a start. But even better would it have been to ignore an organization that is too stupid to debate, but is sufficiently wily to work to ensure that nothing of the old, founding liberties remains or is revived.

It was wrong to so much as dignify these contemptible efforts to silence the small segment of America that is still true to her origins. Leaders of that America should never have chomped down on the bait, which is nothing but ad hominem intended to paralyze and marginalize liberty.

“The Many Ministries of Truth,” I wrote,

“make truth telling a difficult task. In fiction, the Orwellian Ministry of Truth is a reified entity. In reality, there isn’t one concrete ministry that decides how the nation thinks—there are many such entities. They’ve evolved over time, and they issue countless subliminal edicts.
One type of aversion treatment is to call the unhappy victim a racist. It’s the contemporary version of fingering a witch during the Salem witchcraft trials. This treatment awaits any and all who fail to conform to the correct thinking, transmitted by the education system, the churches, and the intellectuals.”

UPDATE (July 19): “Is it not an absurd world we live in?” asks a fired-up Pat Buchanan, who I’ve been seeing less and less on MSNBC.

“Here is an organization whose very name, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, pronounces its goal—advancement through affirmative action, quotas, contract set-asides based on race—accusing another organization of being motivated by race.”

Jealous and the NAACP are trying to change the subject from Obama’s failure to Obama’s race, and from the failures of liberals to the motivations of conservatives.
By accusing the tea party of harboring racists, the NAACP is, in effect, demanding that the party appear in a court of public opinion to prove itself innocent of an unsupported slander.
Sorry, that’s not how things work in America.

Oh, but that’s exactly how things work in America.

10 thoughts on “UPDATED: Tea Party Central

  1. Nobody

    Best way to fight the NAACP, SPLC and others is to ignore them when you can and hit them square in the face when confronted by them in public forums. Don’t back down and don’t cower at the word “racist” which translates in today’s world to mean “a white person” and nothing more.

  2. Myron Pauli

    Joseph Farah also mentioned that CAIR is now looking into anti-Islamic “bigotry” in the Tea Party movement (naturally, he mentioned CAIR’s detailed non-examination of intolerance among Moslems).

    On the other hand, since the NAACP DEFINES racism as criticism of Obama and since the Tea Party seems to be a rather incoherent coalition of people opposed to Obama – they can never be wrong.

    Much of the 2007-2008 Tea Party consisted of Ron Paul opponents of big government Warfare-Welfare statism who also opposed McCain and the like. Now we have an official Tea Party “establishment” cheering on God-knows-what such as how waterboarding former Taco Bell clerks contribute to my freedom or whatever…. To that extent, the controversy on “racism” takes on the intellectual caliber of a giant pissing contest.

  3. Greg

    It is obvious now that the Tea Party Movement has been co-opted by the political establishment. When I read about this over the weekend it made me sick. The only way to fight organizations like the naacp is to punch them in the face with the truth. The political establishments types are nothing but gutless cowards.

  4. james huggins

    Right on Nobody. Don’t give the NAACP the time of day. Everybody caters to them because for the last 30 or so years our young people have been brainwashed that they are dealing with that combination of near infallible geniuses and perpetual victims of the white man’s cruelty and greed. When I am called a racist the last thing I do is acknowledge it. Treat em like they deserve. Ignore their posturing and foolishness. In fact, treat them just like you would treat any other non-privileged group, whites, for example. While that’s completely fair, most of them couldn’t handle a level playing field.


    It seems the NAACP is never satisfied with the progress Blacks have made in the U.S. It seems it has been around forever and, if it has, doesn’t it mean that it has been a waste of time, money, and effort because if it was an effective organization, solutions would have been implemented already, wouldn’t they have? This organization is one that cannot, in its collective mind, ever see itself disbanded because of achieving its goals because its leadership would be out of work. Ignore it for it has become a dinosaur and is irrelevant to the global world of today and no self-actualizing achiever even thinks about it. Good-Bye NAACP…start a business and make that happen for your self-pitying members. PS: Perhaps the persecuted Blacks of Darfur would welcome your organization if you had the guts to go there and support them instead of acting so offended in the “evil” U.S. I am s-o-o-o tired of your message.

  6. Myron Pauli

    (1) A little more on the NAACP vs. Tea Party pissing match:


    I often disagree with the Times but equating Obama with Hitler and Lenin is hyperbole in bad taste but not inherent racism. After all, Bush was the previous Hitler. Holocaust trivialization is a commonplace occurrence with a HITLER DU JOUR to be chosen among ones political opponents. Remember that to Bush # 1, Saddam was “worse than Hitler” as Clarence Thomas was to the Hawaii NAACP.

    (2) About the NAACP. The struggle for the betterment of African Americans has included opinions by Booker T. Washington (education and self-improvement) vs. W. E. B. duBois (political struggle). To some extent, both points had validity. To go back to everyone’s famous analogy, certainly Jews in 1940’s Europe did not suffer for lack of education. But in 2010, blacks no longer have to travel 40 miles to a dinky schoolhouse, lynchings are virtually non-existent (or, in the case of the Duke lacrosse team, the other way) , and have equal (or “super-equal”!) protection of the law – but the NAACP views everything as if it is still 1909. Black self-improvement is too difficult for them. Hence, they suffer from institutional Alzheimer’s.

  7. Derek

    In case anyone has forgotten, there used to be a website – http://www.bushorchimp.com – that featured pictures of Bush and chimpanzees in similar poses. You can still find archives of this site on the Wayback Machine.

    I cannot even imagine the response to a similarly themed Obama site.

    Moving on, the first commenter has a point. The biggest problem is not that the NAACP or $PLC make allegations of racism against their opponents. The biggest problem is that others respond to these charges and shun the unfortunate target. This is how Trent Lott lost his post. This is how countless others get burned because their so called friends abandon them at the first instance of such a charge.

    The best way to fight this is to stop responding to these racial shakedown artists in the first place.

  8. Henry Bowman

    The NAACP statement could just as well been the statement of the Democrat Party. The Dem Party is avowedly for racial quotas. The party is racist to the core; yet, Dems are the first to loudly pronounce others as racists. They probably do not even appreciate the Orwellian nature of their statements.

    The Democrat Party is one of the few institutions whose members are proud to be (a) racists, (b) thieves, and (c) murderers. What a great bunch of people!

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