UPDATED: Histrionic, Idiotic, Disgraceful ‘Discourse’ On Race

Journalism,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Media,Political Correctness,Propaganda,Race,Racism,Sport


What were CNN and MSNBC doing while RT was broadcasting an interview with Ehud Barack about the breakdown of “peace talks” between Israelis and Palestinians; Fox News was covering a breakthrough in DNA research; and BBCNews was devoting a Sunday hour to the life of a young, thoughtful, American military widow?

The conga-line of cretins at these networks, together with their special project, Barack Hussein Obama, were all foaming at the mouth over the racist speech of another man: Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers.

From abroad, the repugnant president refused to rise above the fray and stick to real issues. He failed to utter sobering, uniting words, such as, “In the US, we don’t hound people for the things they say.” Oh, no. Broadcasting from Malaysia (whose majority population was in the habit of regularly launching pogroms on more affluent minorities like the Chinese), BHO demonstrated, instead, the extent to which he follows petty racial politicking in this country, and the extent to which he’ll go to divide. Puled the president:

“When ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you don’t really have to do anything, you just let them talk. That’s what happened here,” the President said.
Obama also said Sterling’s alleged comments are an example of how “the United States continues to wrestle with the legacy of race and slavery and segregation.”

Meanwhile, a retarded CNN anchor-cum-vigilante (Fredricka Whitfield) solicited expert, legal advice from guests on how to dispossess the thought-crime offender of his property: The NBA Team.

Sterling had bought the team. He clearly values the players as professionals. Actions speak louder and all that stuff.

As I put it in “Into the Cannibal’s Pot” (p. 35): “The establishment media, especially, have made a mockery out of real racial hatred. To listen to them, you’d think that being maligned is more hateful than being maimed or murdered.”

Read “The Cannibal” as an antidote to the contagion of frivolity and idiocy, and for some perspective about what “white hot hatred” really looks like. “For Progressives, ‘Thoughtcrime’ is Worse than Mass Murder,” by William Norman Grigg is a must read too.

UPDATE (4/28): The national hysteria continues and engulfs conservative, who surely should be commenting (but are not) on the entrapment operation conducted by the sanctimonious whore of a mistress with whom this unpleasant man, Donald Sterling, fraternized. Via the LA Times:

A man, rich like a Rockefeller, has a wife of 50 years and a parade of female acquaintances less than half his age. One of the young women, who may have had an ax to grind and a plan in mind, engages Sterling in a conversation that is recorded. The recording somehow gets to TMZ, which breaks the story.
Whether Sterling was taped legally isn’t clear, but in this case score one for the new journalism of getting the story out there first and thinking about it later.

From listening to the non-stop recordings of the Sterling comments about black athletes vis-a-vis his gold-digging mistress—she sounded even more repulsive than he—I heard the fears of a decrepit old man who wanted his manhood spared. More than anything, the octogenarian Sterling seemed threatened by prowess he lacked.

I have to disagree with Robert Wenzel that this woman is “seriously beautiful.” Stiviano is beautiful the way Jenna Jamison is beautiful (not at all).