UPDATED: The Ridiculous Racial Merry-Go-Round

Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Media,Political Correctness,Propaganda,Race,Racism


“The Ridiculous Racial Merry-Go-Round” is the current column, now on WND. An excerpt:

… On the positive side, the Sterling vignette distracted CNN fleetingly from a non-stop, no-news vigil for the missing Malaysian Airline. “Breaking News: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is still missing” has provided perfect cover for a “news” operation that has refused to cover the many failures and scandals of Barack Hussein Obama’s presidency.

I listened to the recordings of Sterling’s comments. (What option did I have?) I heard an odious old man nagging an equally off-putting woman. She is asked to refrain from publicly flaunting her relationships with black athletes. “Cavort all you wish behind my back,” Sterling seemed to be saying, “but don’t embarrass me in public.” What I heard was a decrepit degenerate demanding that the sanctimonious slut whose life he was sponsoring spare his manhood; an octogenarian threatened by prowess he lacked. Also clear was that the mistress with whom this unpleasant man had been fraternizing was engaged in an entrapment operation. …

… When it comes to the original sin—harboring impure racial thoughts—members of the chattering class, “conservatives” as much as liberals, trip over one another to express their disgust. So it was with the comments of the inconsequential, ill-mannered Sterling. Another dominant paradigm over which right and left converge in agreement is the Marxist Labor Theory of Value. How dare that drek—and Sterling is drek, on that all are agreed—claim to have supported, fed, clothed and housed the NBA athletes on his team. What a plantation mentality! But unless one is down with Karl Marx, Sterling is correct. Marx’s “demonstrably false” Labor Theory of Value disregards the infusion of seed capital necessary to launch and sustain an enterprise, privileging the role of labor in the production process. …

Read the rest. “The Ridiculous Racial Merry-Go-Round” is now on WND.

UPDATE (5/2): “The Ridiculous Racial Merry-Go-Round” is on EPJ, where a reader wrote a nice comment, to which I’ve replied as follows:

Thank you, anon. As all of us @ EPJ know, the temptation to capitulate and make it in mainstream is always there. You beat yourself up; you wonder, what is it in us that makes truth win over vanity and popularity? But it does. And it means a lot when readers recognize it. Amusing anecdote: I will always remember the exact date on which I became persona non grata to Republicans (some of whom had been sending flirtatious emails and kind dinner invites up until … September 19, 2002). The reason: http://www.ilanamercer.com/phprunner/public_article_list_view.php?editid1=196

Wrote Anon:

I like Ilana Mercer. She has the looks, the brains and the drive to make it big in the world of media, politics and metaphysical feminism, but her decency, integrity and visceral disgust at b.s. won’t permit her to do so.
They’ve been out to get Sterling for some time, and they got him, doesn’t matter to those who got him how they got him. Knowing that, the ones who got him know they can’t trust each other. Eventually the race and gender hustlers, happily selling each other out, may destroy themselves. Can’t happen too soon.