Monthly Archives: July 2011

UPDATE II: Great Conversation About ‘Into the Cannibal’s Pot’

Ilana Mercer, Ilana On Radio & TV,, Intelligence, Media

I had a wonderful time talking about my new book, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa,” with two interesting men, James Edwards and Bill Rolen of The Political Cesspool, a nationally syndicated Radio Show, today, Saturday, July 16, at 5:00PM Pacific.

I got quite passionate, but then you can do that when you feel you’re among individuals who value open debate and happen to be marvelously intelligent gentlemen too. If the men were hostile to an individualist’s perspective, as some have suggested here, they did not let on. Both Bill and James addressed the arguments advanced in my book. That’s the sum-total of a good interviewer.

I hope you search for the podcast on Political Cesspool Radio Program.

UPDATE I: James has just emailed the URL for the show’s podcasts, mine being the one on the 16th.

UPDATE II (July 17): Since I gave the exact time, date and day of this conversation, in this post, it should not be too hard for any individual to figure out when during the program I appeared. There is a limit as to how much info feeding I can do.

Dirty Dollars

Debt, Economy, Europe, Federal Reserve Bank, Inflation

Putin protests the funny-money plague the US has unleashed on the world: “Unites States act as if they were ‘hooligans’ because they ‘flood’ the entire world with dollars, Russian prime minister, Vladimir Putin, declared, attacking the liquidity QE2 program launched by the Federal Reserve using fresh printed money.”

They start the money printing presses and throw dollars throughout the world in order to solve their immediate responsibilities. They say monopolies are bad but only if they are foreign – their monopolies are perfect. So they use their monopoly to print money until the whole world is flooded” Putin explained.

Too true and not so funny.

American Veteran-Hero Jailed

Criminal Injustice, GUNS, Law, Private Property, Racism, Regulation, South-Africa

The following is from “American Veteran-Hero Jailed,” now on WND.COM:

“As I document in my new book, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa, ‘South Africa’s ruling dominant party disregards the importance of private property and public order and the remedial value of punitive justice. Consequently, innocent victims of crime often defend themselves in their own homes and businesses on pain of imprisonment.’

But are the impediments to the defense of life and property enacted by South Africa’s dominant-party-in-perpetuity so different from the decisions issuing from American courts?

A world away from South Africa, Dr. Jerome Ersland was recently condemned to life in prison for defending his property and his employers from a gang of armed robbers.

As reports,

“Ersland, 59, had been hailed as a hero for protecting two co-workers during the May 19, 2009, robbery attempt at the Reliable Discount Pharmacy in south Oklahoma City. Dramatic surveillance video of the attempted burglary shows 16 year-old Antwun Parker and an accomplice running into the pharmacy in the crime-ridden neighborhood and pointing a gun directly at Ersland. The video then shows Ersland, a former Air Force lieutenant colonel, firing a pistol at the two men, hitting Parker with one shot that knocked him to the ground. After chasing Parker’s accomplice out of the store, Ersland retrieved a second gun and returned to shoot Parker five more times, 46 seconds after firing the first shot.”

Ersland was accused of hastening the descent into hell of “Parker” with excess zeal.” …

The complete column is “American Veteran-Hero Jailed,” now on WND.COM

My new book, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa,” is available from Amazon.

Please note that you can purchase the lower-cost Kindle copy of “The Cannibal” without having to own a Kindle – all you need is a PC or a hand-held device (iPad or phone). This hyperlink describes the free Amazon software application for these devices. So you do not require a new gadget to read the book on Kindle.

The print copy is available from the Publisher too. Hurry: Publisher is currently offering free shipping, including to our readers in South Africa. To purchase, click on the “Buy From StairwayPress” Button.

A good way to help this work’s mission is to post your reviews to Amazon. Us talking among ourselves will do nothing to raise awareness of the issues covered in depth and in detail in the book. And you don’t have to have purchased the book from Amazon to review it on the site.

Man up!

Make a note of upcoming Mercer media appearances here.

On RT (Russian Television), Thursday

Ilana Mercer, Ilana On Radio & TV,, libertarianism, Liberty, Media

I’ll be on RT, the global Russian television news network, tomorrow Thursday, July 13, to discuss “Libertarianism Lite.” The segment is the daily newscast with Kristine Frazao. It airs at 4:00PM Eastern Time (1:00 PM Pacific).

Do click to “Like” the YouTube clip of the segment later, even if this scribe (who is not your typical SE Cupp-like circus animal) bungles it up.

RT, its hosts and producers, is the real deal when it comes to out-of-mainstream thinking.

More Mercer media announcements here.