Monthly Archives: November 2018

Caravanners Are Suing Trump. Apparently, America’s Constitution Was Written For The World

Constitution, Crime, Criminal Injustice, Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Law, Nationhood, Race

If the following reality is not proof we Americans don’t have a country, I don’t know what is. If caravaners can sue Americans; Americans don’t have a country.

“Migrant caravan members sue Trump over proposed border policies.”  Read:

Central American migrants who are part of the caravan traveling toward the U.S.-Mexico border have filed a class action lawsuit against President Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and other members of the administration.

In the lawsuit filed Thursday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, six Honduran migrants and their children argue that Trump cannot legally stop them from seeking asylum in the United States.

The migrants allege that Trump and his administration are violating the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment, which prohibits the federal government from denying anyone life, liberty or property without due process of law.

If these scofflaws are given standing to bring such a lawsuit in an American court, know that the birthright of Americans has been frittered away by treacherous elites.

Related: “The Caravans Cometh, Making America Great No More.”

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UPDATE (11/3/018): NEW COLUMN: If The Disunited States Of America Is To Survive …

America, Constitution, Culture, Democrats, Founding Fathers, History, Ilana Mercer, IMMIGRATION

NEW COLUMN is “If The Disunited States Of America Is To Survive …” It’s currently on, WND.COM and the Unz Review. And, it’s on American Greatness, too.

And excerpt:

“We are one American nation. We must unite. We have to unify. We have to come together.”

Every faction in our irreparably fractious and fragmented country calls for unity, following events that demonstrate just how disunited the United States of America is.

They all do it.

Calls for unity come loudest from the party of submissives—the GOP. The domineering party is less guilt-ridden about this elusive thing called “unity.”

Democrats just blame Republicans for its absence in our polity and throughout our increasingly uncivil society.

These days, appeals to unity are made by opportunistic politicians, who drape themselves in the noble toga of patriotism on tragic occasions. The latest in many was the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre of Oct. 27.

In the name of honesty—and comity—let us quit the unity charade.

The U.S. is not united. Neither is America a nation in any meaningful way. It hasn’t been one for a long time.

Consider: In the late 1780s, Americans debated whether to nationalize government or keep it a decentralized affair. The discussion was one in which all early Americans partook, nationwide.

Think about the degree of unity that feat required!

The eternal verities of republicanism and limited government were understood and accepted by all Americans. The young nation’s concerns centered on the fate of freedom after Philadelphia. (The Anti-Federalists, the unsung heroes who gave us the Bill of Rights, turned out to be right.)

Around the time The Federalist Papers were published in American newspapers—Americans were a nation in earnest.

For it takes a nation to pull that off—to debate a set of philosophical and theoretical principles like those instantiated in these Papers, Federalist and Anti-Federalist.

The glue that allowed so lofty a debate throughout early America is gone (not to mention the necessary gray matter).

The Tower of Babel that is 21st century America is home not to 4 million but 327 million alienated, antagonistic individuals, diverse to the point of distrust.

Each year, elites pile atop this mass of seething antagonists another million newcomers.

Democrats, who control the intellectual means of production—schools, social media, TV, the print press, the publishing houses, think tanks, the Permanent Bureaucracy—they insist mass immigration comports with “who we are as a people.”

The last is yet another hollow slogan—much like the unity riff. …

… READ THE REST. THE NEW COLUMN, “If The Disunited States Of America Is To Survive, …” is on, WND.COM and the Unz Review. And, on American Greatness, too.

UPDATE (11/3/018): Love my American Greatness readers. Smart and knowledgeable (not least about the “S” word):

1G25 • 26 minutes ago

One of the most thoughtful and intelligent writings I’ve seen on the internet.

” A peaceful society is one founded on voluntary associations, not forced integration.”