Category Archives: Barack Obama

‘Bronco Bamma’: A 4×4 Force For The State

Barack Obama, Classical Liberalism, Elections, Paleolibertarianism, Political Philosophy, Politics, Private Property, The State

On voting defensively:

I listened to a young (24), fiercely individualistic, libertarian friend speak about casting his vote for Mitt Romney. My pal may not be finely tuned to every philosophical nuisance, but he lives and breathes individualism. His backbreaking work as a proprietor of a small business means, moreover, that local politics are vital to his bottom-line. My friend explained to me why he would be voting to keep the toxic Dems out of office in our state, and why he supported Romney.

Although wedded to reality, columnist Jack Kerwick is “finely tuned to philosophical nuisance.” As mentioned in “On Living In Sin: The Sin of Abstraction,” Jack and I parted company over his decision to vote Romney. However, I admire Jack for “mixing it up”—for his commitment to arguing the issues and making pragmatic decisions in the rigorous and vigorous Rothbardian tradition.

But then Jack’s a scrappy New Jerseyan.

The entrepreneur (my young friend) and the philosopher (Jack Kerwick) are aligned in this instance.

I will say this unequivocally: “Bronco Bamma” (little girl tires of him and his rival, whose name at least she can pronounce)—Barry Soetoro Frankenstein, spawn of the state—is trash. Mitt Romney, however, is a patrician.

His individual achievements outside politics show that Mr. Romney is nothing like “Bronco Bamma,” who has always been at full throttle for the distributive state.

To Be Or Not To Be In Benghazi; That’s The Question

Barack Obama, Democrats, Foreign Policy, Republicans, Terrorism, War

Benghazigate is a minor issue in the grand scheme of American politics. The Dems and Republicans are arguing not over principles but over procedural mishaps. In other words: What happened? How did it happen? Who covered it up? How do we go back to doing what we did before IT happened. (“IT” being the Sept. 11 attack on the American embassy that left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.)

Viewed through the two-party prism, America wants to know how it can get diplomatic immunity from the dangers of occupation and interventionism. That’s all.

Likewise, the megalomaniacal media is not for peace; it’s for Barack Obama. They’ve depicted this war president as your good kind of killer; a thoughtful, great leader who agonizes over his kill lists with excruciating care.

Tomorrow’s final presidential debate at Boca Raton, Fla., will revolve around foreign policy. Unless Mitt Romney flip-flops to articulate a patriotic, non-interventionist policy; one that is antithetical to BHO’s—he’ll be playing second fiddle to Obama, as far as the American people are concerned (mainstream media already hates him).

It’s inevitable.

The other, more realistic strategy that might see Mitt Romney tied for the trophy is to go for the president’s jugular on Benghazigate. This might work for him.

O’s Argument From Inflation

Barack Obama, Economy, Energy, Federal Reserve Bank, Inflation

“Game. Set. Match, Mitt Romney,” last night, did not mean that the arguments made during the second presidential debate were not both tedious and hopeless for liberty lovers.

I did perk my ears, though, when Barack Obama made an argument from inflation. Mitt Romney failed or was prohibited from following-up (although I’m not suggesting that he had the philosophical wherewithal with which to respond).

Obama suggested that an earlier drop in gas prices was due to America’s economic straits (partially correct), and was thus a bad thing (completely incorrect):

CROWLEY: Mr. President, could you address, because we did finally get to gas prices here, could you address what the governor said, which is if your energy policy was working, the price of gasoline would not be $4 a gallon here. Is that true?
OBAMA: Well, think about what the governor — think about what the governor just said. He said when I took office, the price of gasoline was $1.80, $1.86. Why is that? Because the economy was on the verge of collapse, because we were about to go through the worst recession since the Great Depression, as a consequence of some of the same policies that Governor Romney’s now promoting.

In Austrian economics, deflation, “a sustained decrease of the price level,” is a good and natural market response.

Writes Doug French “In Defense of Deflation”:

Lower prices increase demand; they do not reduce or delay it. That’s why more and more people own flat-screen TVs, cellular telephones, and laptop computers: the prices of these goods have fallen, and people with lower incomes can afford them. And there are more low-income people than high-income people.
Lower prices don’t mean lower profits; nor do they mean that employees will be laid off. More demand for a good or service means more employees needed to produce those goods and services. “There is no reason why inflation should ever reduce rather than increase unemployment”
“Deflation is one of the great scarecrows of present day economic policy and monetary policy in particular”…

And here’s Guido Hülsmann on “The Economics of Deflation”:

Game. Set. Match, Mitt Romney

Ann Coulter, Barack Obama, Democracy, Elections, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Republicans

Mitt Romney won the second presidential debate too. That any normal person watching the brawl would have concluded. But in this country even the polls are bifurcated. GALLUP calls it for Romney (R: 50% O: 46%). An instant, non-scientific CBS poll says Obama curried favor with voters, 37% to 30%.

Because the bar for Obama had been set so low, dumbo’s passable performance fired up the base, not least the groupies at CNN. Chief cheerleader Jessica Yellin was over the moon, darting about fawning over Obama’s enthralled Democratic entourage. (She called it “interviewing.”)

I believe Ann Coulter predicted what has just unfolded. From the first debate, posited Coulter (on Hannity), liberals took away that no good would come from telling the truth about Obama’s dismal performance. Come what may they would, second time around, hail a tolerable performance as a momentous victory.

And this they’ve done, down to Andrew Sullivan, the borderline retarded crunchy con.