Category Archives: Bush

Updated: 'Voting on November 7, 2006'

America, Bush, IMMIGRATION, libertarianism, Politics, The State

Walter Block has some sensible advice for freedom lovers, which I can safely second (not a given, mind you). Do as Walter says, with one caveat: Vote for your Libertarian state representative, provided—and only if—he is not a “La-Raza Libertarian“—i.e., opposes unfettered immigration and vows to stop the bleeding on the Southwestern border to the best of his abilities and commensurate with the powers delegated to him. Moreover, his avowal to do so must exclude Genghis Bush’s Guest-Worker Program.

I stated in “America’s Open House” that, “as a proponent of states’ rights and decentralization, instantiated in the Ninth and 10th Amendments, I rarely wish to see federal solons usurp the states. Local police ought to be tasked with immigration enforcement.” While immigration officially comes under federal jurisdiction, desperate localities are indeed stepping in to protect their beleaguered constituents. Libertarians ought to welcome such usurpation, especially when it’s to protect life, liberty, and property. Is this not the flip side of Jeffersonian interposition and nullification, whereby states beat back the federal occupier by voiding unconstitutional federal laws? Here, municipalities and states enforce hitherto-unenforced laws that protect lives and livelihoods.

For the rest, over to Walter:

“I really cannot support the federal Libertarian Party. For they, too, just like Paul “Stabilizer” Krugman, want to pull troops out of Iraq, but not bring them home either; instead, send them to yet other foreign countries, where, presumably, there [sic] imperialist services are in greater need… How the principled have fallen. It is one thing for the Democrats, a la Paul “Stabilizer” Krugman to support such a policy. But for Libertarians to do so? Murray Rothbard must be spinning in his grave at the prospect, after he spent so much time and energy trying to inculcate some modicum of principle into this group.

No, I cannot in good conscience ask anyone to support the federal Libertarian Party. Not, at least, until they rescind this horrid policy. (Whenever I get a fund raising letter from them, I reply that I will contribute, but only when and if they publicly climb down from this eminently anti-libertarian viewpoint.) The state libertarian parties, still, are a different matter. In my view, the rot has not set in there to anywhere near the same degree. To the contrary, at the state LP conventions I have addressed, I have found the rank and file to be pretty sensible on all issues, certainly including foreign policy.

So, two cheers for the LP at the state level, and none for them at the federal.”

Democracy à la Dubya

America, Bush, Democracy, Iraq, Middle East

For someone who is willing to kill for the false idol of democracy, Dubya sure flouts the will of the people.

Polls indicate most Americans want to see troops withdrawn from Iraq; Bush refuses to listen or obey his bosses.

A majority of Americans wants the bleeding on the Southwestern border stopped and immigration levels vastly reduced; Bush doesn’t and won’t hear of abiding by the people’s wishes.

Axis of Illogic

Bush, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Politics

Don’t forget that at the time Bush was preparing to invade Iraq, he was giving North Korea room to maneuver freely on the axis of evil. While Iraqi palm dates were being subjected to strict trade embargoes, North Korean Scud missiles were allowed to safely reach their destinations: the jammed-with-Jihadist nations of Pakistan, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Libya and Yemen.

In 2002, a North Korean vessel was not allegedly—but actually—apprehended in the Arabian Sea, carrying 15 well-concealed Scud missiles. At the time of its invasion, Iraq was suspected of hiding a total of 60 Scud-variant missiles. While Bush was revving up for war with Iraq, North Koreans were sailing the seas in search for markets for the equivalent of a fourth of the entire Iraqi arsenal.

You see, North Korea didn’t and apparently doesn’t sell missiles to Al-Qaida. While Iraq might have. That’s an important distinction.

The weapons inspectors, who were criss-crossing Iraq before the invasion, were not allowed to finish their uneventful task (Bush threw them out so he could invade). At the same time, Bush exempted North Korea’s Yongbyon research base from inspections, but not before bribing the North Koreans with $95m.

So long as you understand that North Korea’s belligerence is ultimately all Clinton’s fault.

Letter of the Week: Security 101

America, Bush, IMMIGRATION, Republicans

[Chuck, who works in law enforcement, has sent this to BAB. Please note that the ideas expressed by writers on the forum are not necessarily endorsed by BAB. —ILANA]: Our author, Ilana Mercer, alerts all Americans to the impending doom that is awaiting us all, right around the corner. This is America’s last opportunity to change course. Ilana, a self-identified classical liberal writer, has a solid grasp of common sense logic as it applies to Security 101. Why is it then that our nation’s commander-in-chief, George Bush, is so constantly AWOL, and without a clue, on our sovereign nation’s security. America’s borders, language, and culture are all being slowly, but surely, eroded at an accelerated pace, while George Bush brushes up on his espanol. George Bush is determined to protect us from his ‘radical Islam’—in reality it is simply Islam—but there would be no need to go to other countries and make them more peaceful and tolerant if he would simply enforce a stringent and iron-clad immigration policy !! Some may feel that George Bush has left America’s doors dangerously wide open… How would you describe a neighbor if he were to not only to leave his front, back and garage doors wide open, but then profile for and invite bloods, crips, ms13, la razas, and reconquistas to come and have a Tupperware party in your living room. In George Bush’s mind, that neighbor would simply be a compassionate conservative, not an irresponsible idiot who has relinquished any right to serve as protector of his charges. I believe that George Bush and all sanctuary cities are guilty of treason and sedition. George Bush has and continues to violate his oath to protect our sovereign nation. I believe, as does Patrick Buchanan, one of our greatest patriots of modern times, that George Bush should be impeached for the inactions in honoring his oath and the complicity of maintaining open borders, and the destruction of our American social fabric. [Well, you’re giving him too much credit; public schools, universities, and media have helped a lot in expunging American literature, history, and founding principles from the minds of today’s moronic young.] …and if you want a twosome that will really wow, add Tom Tancredo to the ticket! [I hope he’s a free trader, unlike PB.] can volunteer for America NOW (,,, or postpone your actions until its too late. —Chuck