Category Archives: Celebrity

25 Fun Facts About The Donald


Naturally, there are not many things mere mortals share with The Donald. I share numbers 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 22 and part of 11. What about you?

“25 Things You Don’t Know About Donald Trump,” Via US Magazine:

8. I like See’s Candies. [See’s is way too sweet, but being a hopeless candy person myself, I get the weakness.]

9. Citizen Kane is my favorite movie. [Not my favorite, but a very respectable choice.]

10. I turn off the lights when I leave a room. [Me too. It was drummed into us as kids.]

11. I like to read history, biographies …

17. I ask a lot of questions. [Doctors, dentists and the like get impatient and are often flummoxed.]

18. I’m very approachable. [So long as you don’t assail me with your politics. That’s the rule. If you read my stuff, however, you can ask and challenge galore.]

22. I eat lunch at my desk. [With a dishcloth over the PC keyboard.]

The rest is pure Donald:

1. I ride an elevator to work. It’s my greatest luxury.

2. I do my own hair (but my wife cuts it).

3. I like cherry-vanilla ice cream.

4. I don’t use an intercom in the office.

5. I’m 6-foot-3.

6. I often have mirrors, chairs, and sinks in my front office in order to decide what’s best for my buildings.

7. I have one of Shaq’s shoes in my office.

11. I like to read history, biographies, and the New York Post’s Page Six.

12. I don’t drink coffee, tea, or alcohol.

13. I love spending time with my family.

14. I like to drive myself when I’m out of the city.

15. I scrape the toppings off my pizza — I never eat the dough.

16. I love Scotland, where my mother was born, and where I’m developing a golf course.

19. I like hamburgers.

20. I like having dinner at home with my family.

21. My sister Maryanne makes meatloaf for me on my birthday.

23. I have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

24. “You’re fired!” is the No. 3 greatest TV catchphrase of all time.

25. I’m actually very modest. [Correction: Trump is realistic about himself, not modest.]

Another Celebrity’s Empty Vow Of Absence


Promises, promises. A wealthy bombast called Barry Diller has promises what actor Alec Baldwin promised before him: to leave the US should his political nemesis ascend to the throne. In Baldwin’s case it was W The Shrub. In Diller’s case it’s Donald Trump.

Just as Barack Obama has done, Bush brutalized America for eight lean years. But Baldwin never delivered on his vow of absence. Will Diller disappoint long-suffering America, too?

Our miserable power-hungry politicos do very little that is good for us. Ditto the elites who surround them and influence them. Wouldn’t it be dandy if, at the very least, those vying for power managed to rid us, inadvertently, of progressives who use their power to increase the state’s power over us?

Yes, be patriotic and expatriate yourselves, left-liberals. Do it for America.

Democracy is OK just so long as your wishes are fulfilled; is that right Barry Dildo?

… Diller, the founder and chairman of IAC Interactive, knows show biz and New York real estate—and he is not impressed with the New York real estate mogul and superlative showman currently topping national politics polls.

“All he is is a huckster,” Diller said of Donald Trump. “Somebody who learned long ago in real estate that if you can make a big name for yourself, it can get you an extra dollar.” In addition to questioning the Republican front-runner’s motivation for running, Diller attacked Trump for appealing to the nation’s worser angels. “He’s a self-promoting huckster who found a vein,” Diller continued. “A vein of meanness and nastiness.”

Speaking with Erik Schatzker at the Bloomberg Markets Most Influential Summit, Diller vowed to pick up stakes if Trump becomes President Barack Obama’s successor. “If Donald Trump doesn’t fall, I’ll either move out of the country or join the resistance,” he said. But Diller expressed his certainty that a Trump presidency will never happen. He said he’d put his money on it. …

MORE promises.

About Pope Francis, The Lady Di of The Papacy


“About Pope Francis” is the current column, now on the Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine. An excerpt:

In the wake of America’s week-long, Pope Francis bacchanalia, a few column titles suggest themselves:

“Benedict, What Have You Wrought?”

“The Global Village Idiot.”

“Lady Di of The Papacy.”

The last hints at the trendy, pop-philosophies that animate Pope Francis’ Lady Di-like belief system. The intellectual equivalent of these papal shopworn shibboleths you’ll find in a Chinese, fortune-cookie wrapper.

Ultimately, the editor will decide which of these unflattering headings best describes the man whom one devout Catholic—libertarian jurist Andrew Napolitano—called a false prophet for overturning Catholic canon law without consulting his Bishops. Yet another reason Pope Francis is drawn to an authoritarian president who rules by presidential veto.

Intellectually, Pope Francis is no match for his predecessors.

With his 1998 encyclical, the Polish pope—how the Polish people suffered under the communists whose creed Pope Francis is inadvertently dignifying—sounded a lone voice for both “Faith and Reason” in the postmodern religious wilderness.

Who other than Pope John Paul spoke with such unhectoring clarity about the errors of relativism in modern thought? Certainly not Jorge Bergolio, who is too simple to consider such abstractions.

The anti-intellectualism evinced in the Holy See’s 2015 environmental encyclical made this pope’s “close advisers,” in all their “ill-tempered diction,” the butt of ridicule over the pages of the Catholic Crisis magazine:

From the empirical side, to prevent the disdain of more informed scientists generations from now, papal teaching must be safeguarded from attempts to exploit it as an endorsement of one hypothesis over another concerning anthropogenic causes of climate change. It is not incumbent upon a Catholic to believe, like Rex Mottram in “Brideshead Revisited,” that a pope can perfectly predict the weather. …

In the same badly written potboiler, the pope took a swipe at the richest nations, blaming them for despoiling the earth. In truth, however, the developed world has advanced the technologies (and attendant ethics) that are helping to clean up the atmosphere, the waterways, the oceans and many a landmass. It is the developing and underdeveloped nations—China and India, for one—that despoil the earth and devastate its creatures. So polluted are the waterways in former communist countries that rivers are known to catch fire. Watch.

… Read the rest.“About Pope Francis” is now on the Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine.

Motormouth Megyn Kelly & The Mad Matriarchy


“Motormouth Megyn Kelly & The Mad Matriarchy” is the current column, now on “The Unz Review,” America’s smartest webzine. An excerpt:

… Megyn Kelly … has fast succumbed to the female instinct to show-off, bare skin, flirt and wink. She now also regularly motormouths it over the occasional smart guest she entertains (correction: the one smart guest, Ann Coulter). At the same time, Kelly has dignified the tinnitus named Dana Perino with a daily slot as Delphic-oracle.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, has proven he can be trusted to beat up on the right women.

Exhibit A is Elizabeth Beck, a multitasking “attorney,” who once deposed Donald Trump while also waving her breast pump in his face, demanding to break for a breast-pumping session.

“You’re disgusting. You’re disgusting,” the busy billionaire blurted in disbelief. And she was. Still is. Accoutered for battle, Beck recently did the rounds on the networks. In addition to a mad glint in the eye, Beck brought to each broadcast a big bag packed with milking paraphernalia.

Had she cared about boundaries and propriety, Kelly would have asked Trump how he kept his cool during a legal deposition, with an (ostensible) professional, who insisted on bringing attention to her lactating breasts.

Writes Fred Reed, who regularly tracks our malevolent matriarchy’s “poor sense of social boundaries”:

The United States has embarked, or been embarked, on a headlong rush into matriarchy, something never before attempted in a major country. Men remain numerically dominant in positions of power, yes, but their behavior and freedom are ever more constrained by the wishes of hostile women. The effects have been disastrous. They are likely to be more so. The control, or near control, extends all through society. Politicians are terrified of women. … The pathological egalitarianism of the age makes it career-ending to mention that women in fact are neither equal nor identical to men. …

Not quite in the league of Elizabeth Beck yet, Megyn Kelly was, nevertheless, in need of a dressing-down and a time-out. …

Read the rest. “Motormouth Megyn Kelly & The Mad Matriarchy” is the current column, now on “The Unz Review,” America’s smartest webzine.