Category Archives: Constitution

Destroying Health Care For The Few Uninsured

Affirmative Action, Constitution, Debt, Economy, Healthcare

The excerpt is from my new WND.COM column, “Destroying Health Care For The Few Uninsured,” now on Taki’s Magazine:

“If the US wasn’t already insolvent, I’d say that Obama was bankrupting the country, and sending the health care we have to hell in a handcart, for the ostensible benefit of less than ten percent of the population. But the US is already in the red, courtesy of the current president and his predecessor.

The reported numbers—between 46 and 50 million—are inflated. If CBS news says so, you can believe it …

Large-scale destruction in the purported service of the few—does that sound familiar? Last year, a bumbling Bush bailed out and nationalized large sections of the financial sector because of a few million bad mortgages. For the benefit of these bad debtors, BO has beefed-up Bush’s initial offering with a $75 billion foreclosure relief plan. Although sources cited by Foxbusiness estimate “that up to 6 million homes could be lost to foreclosure in the current economic crisis,” so far approximately four million loans have gone under, out of a total of 44.4 million mortgages countrywide. …”

Read the complete column, now up on Taki’s (“Universal Health Care Is Theft”) You can catch the weekly fare every Saturday on Taki’s Magazine too, where the reading is really good.

Alien In More Than One Way (Part II)

Ann Coulter, Barack Obama, Conspiracy, Constitution, Media, Propaganda, Reason

In Part I of this post, I ventured that the president was an alien on so many levels, and that I failed to see why the formality of his birth was more central than the insanity and un-American nature of his thinking.
The saga continued today, with Orly Taitz, leader and lead attorney for the “Birthers,” being “grilled”—or shall I say shouted down—by David Shyster and the brassy, breast-bearing Tamron Hall—two dye-hard, MSNBC Obama heads.

Taitz tried to state her case, but was bellowed at by these blowhards. Now, as I stated, I am uninterested in this initiative. However, two issues caught my attention:

With my knack for detecting bogus arguments, it appeared to me that Taitz—who for all I know may well be lying—did at least present arguments. An argument can be logically sound while being untrue. Her attack dogs did not; they just shouted and offered arguments from authority. This raises alarm bells for me; tweaks my interest.

The Birthers’ lawyer claimed that the Obama birth certificate was a culmination of a report to the press by parents or relatives, and was not stamped by a hospital. If this is true, then Taitz is correct: it is possible that the certificate was a misrepresentation of Obama’s place of birth. Of course, her contention may be untrue. But she presents a case that could be investigated.

Her other, perfectly coherent, contention can easily be verified by a constitutional scholar. Taitz claims that to confer presidential eligibility on their child, both Obama’s parents would have to be American. Obama’s father was neither a citizen nor was he born in the US.

And who would object to a request for the release of the following heavily guarded documents, unless Obama’s scholarly articles were devoted to an application of Critical Race Theory?:

Obama’s Columbia University records, his Columbia thesis, his Harvard Law School records, his Harvard Law Review articles, his scholarly articles from the University of Chicago.

I’d sure like to read his legal articles, if any.

Tamron and Shyster offered Ann Coulter in defense of their positions: the Queen Bee had called Birthers “crackpots.” Argument from authority is no argument at all. See what I’m saying?

To their taunts to Taitz that Coulter was surely not a member of “mainstream media,” Dr. Taitz ought to have replied: “Oh yes she is.” Whatever one thinks of the “Birthers,” and I don’t think about them much at all, one thing is indisputable: Ann Coulter is a mainstream Republican.

“The secret to becoming a successful right-wing columnist,” quipped Canadian conservative Kevin Michael Grace, “is to echo the mob while complimenting yourself on your daring. That’s all there is to Ann Coulter’s craft, the rest is exploitation of the sexual masochism of the American male—he just can’t get enough of the kitten with claws.”

Alien In More Than One Way (Part I)

Barack Obama, Constitution, Law

I don’t understand the fetish with Obama’s alleged elusive birth certificate. The President is an alien on so many levels, I fail to see why the formality of his birth is more central than the insanity and un-American nature of his thinking (which can be said of many other of his fellow pols, although BO is, admittedly, an extreme case).

Besides, isn’t BO American by virtue of his mother being an American? Mother Obama was a natural-born American, so baby BO is as well. The whole thing is a little loopy.

Updated: Doctor Distribution

Affirmative Action, Constitution, Democracy, Economy, Healthcare, Regulation, Socialism, The State

THE AMERICAN AFFORDABLE HEALTH CHOICES ACT OF 2009, the shamelessly euphemized title of Obama’s unaffordable, choice-limiting, health care takeover, makes no attempt to conceal its radical, energetic, race-based distributive impetus.

The following initiatives come under the PREVENTION AND WELLNESS (IV) and the WORKFORCE INVESTMENTS (V) sections of the Act’s Summary:

A focus on community-based programs and new data collection efforts to better identify and address racial, ethnic, regional and other health disparities.
Greater support for workforce diversity.

With state takeover of 20 percent of the economy, more massive, racially-based transfers of wealth and resources are in the offing.

Understandably the ACT is not easy to locate. The White House’s promises of transparency notwithstanding, I hunted high and low for the accursed thing, finally finding a link on the Heritage Foundation’s website to the Act.

As shamelessly does the ponce in power speak of taxing the “rich” so as to be able to pay for his profligacy. Was it those earning more than a million or half a million? Is this equality under the law? As Peter Schiff has pointed out, “While the government has the constitutional power to tax to ‘promote the general welfare,’ it does not have the right to tax one group for the sole and specific benefit of another. If the government wishes to finance national health insurance, the burden of paying for it should fall on every American. If that were the case, perhaps Congress would think twice before passing such a monstrosity.”

Not once will you hear the following question from the pols and their media support system:

Is it constitutional?

All you’ll hear is:

How many Americans want it?

A nation of laws? Who are we kidding. This is a tyranny of the mindless, wayward majority.

Update (July 26): I understand “Moon Man’s” justified passions, but, at times, the Fed issue becomes a blanket charge. Who exactly are those earning half a million to a million depreciated dollars? Small business owners. Those of you who work in the corporate world, outside Wall Street, know that few and far between are the high-ups who garner such wages. The rich, middle-class entrepreneur: that’s who Obama is looking to filch without flinching.