Category Archives: Criminal Injustice

Does Sean Spicer Still Need To Dignify Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Allegations?

Anti-Semitism, Crime, Criminal Injustice, Donald Trump, Judaism & Jews

Why was Sean Spicer nattering about anti-Semitic hate crimes, during a presser the other day? Said Spicer:

“I think that there’s one other piece to this, April. While we unequivocally, no doubt about it, need to call out hate, anti-Semitism where it exists, where’s another thing we have to do. And in your case in particular, I don’t know all of the details, so I don’t want to reference any specific case. But I think we saw this the other day with some of the anti-Semitic behavior that was going out in respect to people of the Jewish faith… we saw these threats coming in to Jewish community centers and there was an immediate jump to criticize folks on the right and to denounce people on the right. And it turns out, it wasn’t someone on the right. And the president said from the get-go ‘I bet it’s not someone from the right’ and he was right.”

Should these accusations still be dignified and pursued when the acts under investigation appear to have been revealed as the combined, un-coordianted efforts of:

1. An African-American scorned. (See “Black Man Makes Anti-Semitic Threats Over Breakup With #Whitegirl.”)

2. An Israeli-American:

The 19-year-old arrested last week, Michael Kaydar, reportedly used advanced technology and voice-altering equipment to call in the threats to more than 100 JCCs, Jewish day schools and other Jewish institutions in the United States in recent months.
While many Jewish groups had blamed white supremacists for the bomb threats, Trump refused to point any fingers. In February he reportedly said that the threats against Jewish communal institutions may be a false flag “to make others look bad.”

Classic Coulter: As Immigration Continues, So America Ends

Ann Coulter, Constitution, Criminal Injustice, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Multiculturalism, Nationhood, Propaganda

Ann Coulter:

… To review:

— When the president’s immigration policy is to promote international communism: The president wins.

— When the president’s immigration policy is to transform America into a different country: The president wins.

— But when the president’s immigration policy is to protect Americans: Some piss-ant judge announces that his authority exceeds that of the president.

This is exactly what I warned you about in Adios, America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole. Nothing Trump does will be met with such massive resistance as his immigration policies.

The left used to attack America by spying for Stalin, aiding our enemies, murdering cops and blowing up buildings. But, then liberals realized, it’s so much more effective to just do away with America altogether!

Teddy Kennedy gave them their chance with the 1965 immigration act. Since then, we’ve been taking in more than a million immigrants a year, 90 percent from comically primitive cultures. They like the welfare, but have very little interest in adopting the rest of our culture.

In many parts of the country, you’re already not living in America. Just a few more years, and the transformation will be complete. There will be a North American landmass known as “the United States,” but it won’t be our country.

The only thing that stands between America and oblivion is a total immigration moratorium. We are well past the point of quick fixes — as Judge Robart’s delusional ruling proves.

… The judiciary, both political parties, the media, Hollywood, corporate America and approximately 1 million lobbying groups are all working frantically to bring the hardest cases to our shores. Left-wing traitors, who used to honeymoon in Cuba and fight with peasant revolutionaries in Peru, toil away, late into the night, to ensure that genocidal Rwandans can move to America and immediately start collecting food stamps, Medicaid and Social Security.

No matter how clearly laws are written, government bureaucrats connive to import people from countries that a majority of Americans would not want to visit, much less become. Federal judges issue lunatic rulings to ensure that there will never be a pause in the transformation of America.

Congress could write laws requiring immigrants to pay taxes, learn English, forgo welfare and have good moral character. It could write laws giving the president authority to exclude aliens in the public interest.

Except it already has. Those laws were swept away by INS officials, federal judges and Democratic administrations — under ferocious pressure from America-hating, left-wing groups.

The country will not be safe until the following outfits are out of business:

The ACLU’s Immigrants’ Rights Project; the National Immigration Forum; the National Immigration Law Center; the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild; the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights; the Office of Migration and Refugee Services; the American Immigration Law Foundation; the American Immigration Lawyers Association; the Border Information and Outreach Service; Atlas: DIY; the Catholic Legal Immigration Network; the Clearinghouse for Immigrant Education; the Farmworker Justice Fund; Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees; the Immigrant Legal Resource Center; the International Center for Migration, Ethnicity and Citizenship; the Lesbian and Gay Immigration Rights Task Force; the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service; the National Association for Bilingual Education; the National Clearinghouse on Agricultural Guest Worker Issues; the National Coalition for Dignity and Amnesty for Undocumented Immigrants; the National Coalition for Haitian Rights; the National Council of La Raza; and the National Farm Worker Ministry.

And that’s only a small fraction of the anti-American immigration groups assiduously dragging the Third World to our shores — while you were busy working. …

The rest.

Dirty Cop James Comey Muddies The Water … Again

Crime, Criminal Injustice, Hillary Clinton, Homeland Security, Uncategorized

I have no idea why media are emphasizing that a review 650,000 new emails in eight days, promised by FBI chief James Comey, was an impossible feat. Or that the emails found on Anthony Weiner’s PC were mere duplicates.

FBI chief James Comey told leaders in Congress hours earlier that a review of 650,000 emails discovered on a laptop belonging to Anthony Weiner had reinforced his July 5 decision to let her off the hook.


The new emails — on the computer of Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of Mrs. Clinton’s close aide Huma Abedin — contain nothing except personal messages and duplicates of emails that had already been reviewed, investigators found.

Doesn’t Clinton’s criminality—and the whole point of the investigation—lie in the fact that Hillary Clinton and her aides spread work-related correspondence all over the show, including to pervert Weiner’s computer?

That’s The Scandal.

Furthermore, while I’m no conspiracy theorist, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and President Barack Obama are said to have maintained confidence in Comey and his ability to run the FBI. Both Obama and Lynch were too cool for comfort about the Comey bombshell of October 28.


Crime, Criminal Injustice, Ethics, Government, Hillary Clinton, Law

Sean Hannity also doesn’t believe the story concocted by F.B.I. Director James B. Comey about a “trove of [new Hillary] emails, heretofore unknown. The source of the “new” discovery that has made dirty cop Comey reopen an investigation that should never have been closed are on the devices of Anthony D. Weiner.

Yeah, right!

As Sean Hannity surmised, and I agree, Wikileaks is shaming the FBI with its revelations about the nefarious Clinton operations. It probably has in store some news the FBI simply can’t ignore if it doesn’t want to be officially crowned an agency befitting a banana republic. So make the dreadful Weiner the fall-guy.

… The F.B.I. is investigating illicit text messages that Mr. Weiner, a former Democratic congressman from New York, sent to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina. The bureau told Congress on Friday that it had uncovered new emails related to the Clinton case — one federal official said they numbered in the tens of thousands.
Mr. Comey said the F.B.I. was taking steps to “determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.” He said he did not know how long it would take to review the emails, or whether the new information was significant. A senior law enforcement official said that the emails belonged to Ms. Abedin and were backed up on Mr. Weiner’s computer.
The officials said the F.B.I. has not looked at the emails to determine their significance. …