Those were the immortal words of an inebriated illegal alien who rear ended an ass, State Rep. Mike Moran of Brighton (Boston), in what is described as a “serious car crash.”
Welcome to our world.
It’s a shame illegal aliens and terrorists invariably impact ordinary Americans only and not their political overlords. The ability of the political class to segregate itself and its progeny from the vagaries of every-day-life has a lot to do with the Us Vs. Them policies under which their subjects labor.
The illegal aliens’ response is a perfectly logical one. All natural-born predators respond in this way to the left-liberal, progressive worldview that perverts and pervades the society around them (from its laws to its child rearing practices).
“Comprehensive immigration reform” type “solutions” to trespass and other domestic terrorism practiced by non-honkies are nothing but euphemisms for no legal enforcement, no consequences such as deportation, and little inconvenience.
The end result of such positive reinforcement of bad behavior is, invariably, an ugly, corrupt country, one in which, by legal decree, the righteous suffer and the wicked prosper.
Progressive policies lead to a regressive society.
UPDATE (May 24): “Jury hands down 1st conviction in Newark illegal alien gang massacre,” writes Michelle Malkin, who’s always top-notch on the invasion issue.
Read Ms. Malkin’s entire report of this crime, one among a critical mass of murders committed by illegals. The details read like crimes in South Africa, down to the machete action to severe and disfigure.
Here’s the tale of a rapist, whose repeat record of crimes against Americans entitled him to a Catch-and-Release visa granted by the Traitor Class.
And a “Serial drunk driver. Countless trips through the revolving door. Immigration status ignored. Now, a four-year-old girl dead. Her mother and brother hospitalized.”
The salient point in these many reports is the progressive laws that prohibit law enforcement from ascertaining whether the individual is in the country illegally.
Arizona’s law allows questioning about an individual’s immigration status only pursuant to a brush with the law. It’s a little late after a little cherub such as this one is dispatched to the next world by the detritus of humanity.

YOU TOO CHANDRA LEVY? What do you know? While the mindless media steered the investigation into the disappearance of CL in the direction of some hapless, middle-class man, the second most famous intern in the US might have been murdered by an import, a habitual rapist—and a recipient of the catch-and-release visa. Just the sort of individual who was the object of the late Levy’s pity and Democratic activism.
Mighty Malkin is similarly relentless in tracking rancher Robert Krentz’s murder (mention his dog, if you want Chris Matthews or Maddow to take an interest).