Category Archives: Democracy

The NYT’s Half-Truths & Wholesale Lies About South Africa

Affirmative Action, Africa, Crime, Democracy, Israel, Media, South-Africa

My VDARE.COM column is up. Here’s an excerpt from the column, which I had titled “The NYT’s Half-Truths & Wholesale Lies About South Africa”:

“Fourteen years and approximately 300,000 murders after black rule devastated my homeland, the New York Times is shocked to discover that South Africa is fast disappearing down the same hole into which Rhodesia, rest in peace, was dropped. [Post-Apartheid South Africa has entered an Anxious Era, by Barry Bearak, October 5, 2008)

I guess some latitude is in order. It took decades and piles of dead bodies before Robert Mugabe lost luster in the eyes of the American MainStream Media [MSM]. By the time the megalomaniac Mugabe was conferred with honorary doctorates (1984 and 1986) and a knighthood (1994), he had already done his “best” work: slaughter an estimated 20,000 innocent Ndebele in Matabeleland (1983), with whose leader, Joshua Nkomo, he refused to share power.

Western conventional wisdom was, well, no wiser.”

Read the complete VDARE column.

The NYT’s Half-Truths & Wholesale Lies About South Africa

Affirmative Action, Africa, Crime, Democracy, Israel, Media, South-Africa

My VDARE.COM column is up. Here’s an excerpt from the column, which I had titled “The NYT’s Half-Truths & Wholesale Lies About South Africa”:

“Fourteen years and approximately 300,000 murders after black rule devastated my homeland, the New York Times is shocked to discover that South Africa is fast disappearing down the same hole into which Rhodesia, rest in peace, was dropped. [Post-Apartheid South Africa has entered an Anxious Era, by Barry Bearak, October 5, 2008)

I guess some latitude is in order. It took decades and piles of dead bodies before Robert Mugabe lost luster in the eyes of the American MainStream Media [MSM]. By the time the megalomaniac Mugabe was conferred with honorary doctorates (1984 and 1986) and a knighthood (1994), he had already done his “best” work: slaughter an estimated 20,000 innocent Ndebele in Matabeleland (1983), with whose leader, Joshua Nkomo, he refused to share power.

Western conventional wisdom was, well, no wiser.”

Read the complete VDARE column.

Updated: Canada Votes

Canada, Democracy, Drug War, Economy, The State

It was swift and efficient. It took a day. There was little fuss. Campaigning did not begin three years earlier. Voters and election officials managed to cast and count the ballots. There are no reports of systemic voter fraud. Conservatives have returned to form a minority government. (As the American duopoly merges into undifferentiated socialism.)

The Wall Street Journal once called Canada “an honorary Third World country.” The tables are turned.

Update: (October 18) It’s important to make finer distinctions. Canada is more socialistic than the US; the US is more fascistic. Take the Drug War. Canada doesn’t have one nearly as destructive to lives and liberties as the US’s. Ditto an SEC. The US put Canadian newspaper mogul Conrad Black in jail; not the other way round. When last did you hear of an SEC witch hunt in Canada? Canada has tried to follow the US’s lead in these areas, but has not lived up to the latter’s brutality. Not by any measure.

Dissolving The People, Electing Another

Democracy, Elections 2008, IMMIGRATION

Benjamin Shapiro asks a question and answers it (incompletely I think):

“What do you call a candidate who wins 90 percent of the African-American vote, between 30 percent and 50 percent of the Hispanic vote and 40 percent of the white vote in a tight Democratic primary race?

A general election loser. … In a general election, candidates must appeal to the broadest base of support in order to win. Relying on small coteries of like-raced voters simply will not do it.”

This is valid… for now. The “broadest base of support” is indeed Anglo-American, for the near future. But in a few decades, given unchecked immigration, the majority—Anglo-Americans—will be dwarfed demographically by Hispanics. Afro-Americans, who together with Anglo-Americans (and Indians) made up the historical majority, will be usurped too. Birthrates in these populations are similar.

Since voting patterns diverge from one demographic group to the next, it is not unreasonable to deduce that each has different interests and concerns. It is probably fair to say that both Anglo- and Afro-Americans are unhelped by the unchecked influx of Hispanics.

On a related topic: I’ve brought up the flight of the native-born to the heartland before on the blog. Michael Barone has documented this “Realignment of America.”