Category Archives: Donald Trump

NEW COLUMN: Too Bad Kirstjen Nielsen Isn’t Trump’s Daughter


NEW COLUMN IS “Too Bad Kirstjen Nielsen Isn’t Trump’s Daughter.” It’s now on WND.COM and The Unz Review.

An excerpt:

“More than 76,000 migrants crossed the border without authorization in February” this year, reported the New York Times.

March saw 100,000 merry migrants waltz into the U.S., undisturbed.

Caravans are getting larger, not smaller. “Newcomers continue to arrive, sometimes by the busload, at the rate of 2,200 a day,” said the same source.

Border agents are said to be bracing “to meet the medical needs” of the newcomers.” Silly me. I thought their duty was to meet the security needs of the American people.

Monthly apprehensions average 32,012.

“Apprehension”: Now that’s Orwellian speak for you. A more accurate description is: briefly stopped for a cursory wellness check before being sent on their way to the interior.

All you need to know is that children are the charm, a magic amulet. If you don’t quite get it, here’s a reenactment of “apprehension”:

Customs and Border Protection agent to migrant: “Got kids?”

New arrival at the U.S. scouthern border: “You bet.” (Turns to a large, brooding male.) “Pepito, say hello to the nice policeman.”

American agent: “Pepito is a little hairy for a kid and he’s covered in ink.”

Future American citizen from Salvador (with the aid of a translator paid for by the U.S.): “Pepito is just mature for his age. It’s the chemicals. They’re killing us. Asylum. Hurry. We’re dying.”

Agent sworn to protect Americans: “You’re good to go. (Stamps a bit of paper and waves the new Americans by.) “Don’t forget to return for your asylum court hearing, amigos.”

Instead of this “apprehension” farce, Kris Kobach, the former Kansas Secretary of State, has highlighted the many tactical strategies that could—still can—be operationalized at the border to halt the treasonous Catch-and-Release policy ongoing.

Kobach faults former Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen for looking to Congress for a legislative remedy.

This seems a little harsh. The two chambers were dominated by Republicans for two years. It was hardly unreasonable for Nielsen to have expected from these legislators an immigration bill for the ages. Instead, she got a tax cut.

Confession: I have a soft spot for the ice princess, whom Trump summarily dumped. …

… READ THE REST. “Too Bad Kirstjen Nielsen Isn’t Trump’s Daughter” is now on WND.COM and The Unz Review.

Chris Christie: Another Effective Attack Dog Dismissed By Javanka


Quit calling prosecutors who colluded against Trump apolitical. They are political as hell.

That’s the paraphrased gist of Gov. Christ Christie’s delicious admonition to MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle, today.

Can’t locate the exact clip or quote, because MSNBC has a website designed for illiterate cretins. Big pictures, nada data.

Forget his ideological impurity, Chris Christie, with all his faults, is as quick as a whip and is a gifted orator. Christie can think on his feet, and uses his faculties to expose the workings of a blinded, willful, low-intelligence arrogant media.

If nothing else, Christie would have delighted and regaled us as Press Secretary Christie.

ALAS, via CNN:

“Jared Kushner, the husband of Ivanka Trump and the son of the real estate developer Charles Kushner, a man [Christie] once sent to prison,” was behind the termination of Christie’s tenure in the Trump administration. (Let us start blaming the person who makes the final decision, not those who bend his ear.)

Another opportunity to kick ass lost by our president.

The President Is The Quintessential Pro Wrestler. Let The Games Begin.


President Trump is the quintessential pro wrestler. He will eat alive those empty Democratic suits, in the lead-up to the 2020 showdown. Should be fun.

(The entertainment element of the primaries and the election should sweeten the bitter pill that is Trump’s abject failure on immigration. Or, as Ann Coulter puts it, “The country is over.”)

The kick-off. Some off-the-cuff Trump quips about the 2020 Democratic candidates:

* Joe Biden has been dubbed “Sleepy Joe” and “another low I.Q. individual.”
* Bernie sanders is “Crazy Bernie.”
* Elizabeth warren is better known as “Pocahontas,” thanks to POTUS.
* Beto O’Rourke is “a flake.”
* “Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is a total flunky for Chuck Schumer.”
* Kamala Harris was credited with “having a little better opening act than others,” but “a nasty wit.”
* “Mayor Pete is not going to make it.”

The TV Tarts’ Reign of Terror


NEW COLUMN is “The TV Tarts’ Reign of Terror.” It’s exclusive to The Agonist.


The particular CNN segment I was watching concerned Fox News personality Tucker Carlson. It was meant to help terminate the controversial anchor’s career. I recognized the sourpuss, dressed in marigold yellow, who was presiding over the seek-and-destroy mission, targeting the ultra-conservative Mr. Carlson. She was no other than Poppy Harlow.

“TV’s empaneled witches and their housebroken, domesticated boys are guided more by the spirit of Madame Defarge than by Lady Justice.”

It transpires that years back, Carlson had routinely called into a Howard-Stern-like shock-jock radio show and made naughty comments, some about women. Women were “extremely primitive,” he had quipped. Yet to watch the countless, indistinguishable, ruthless, atavistic women empaneled on CNN, MSNBC, even Fox News—one cannot but agree as to the nature and caliber of the women privileged and elevated in our democracy, and by mass society, in general.

They are certainly not women with the intellect and wit of Margot Asquith—countess of Oxford, author and socialite (1864-1945). Would that women like Mrs. Asquith were permitted to put lesser “ladies” like CNN’s Ms. Harlow in their proper place!

When asked by American actress Jean Harlow how she pronounces her first name, Margot Asquith shot back, “The ‘t’ is silent, as in Harlow.” Naturally, you’d have to have a facility with the English language to know what a “harlot” is. You’d certainly need an education, as opposed to a degree, to recognize the next character referenced.

TV’s empaneled witches and their housebroken, domesticated boys are guided more by the spirit of Madame Defarge than by Lady Justice. If parents saw to it that children got an education, not merely a degree, the brats would know who Madam Defarge was. But our uneducated ignoramuses no longer seek out the greatest literature ever. This is because most of the best books were penned by the pale, patriarchal penile people. Given this self-inflicted ignorance, few younger readers will know this most loathsome of literary icons, from “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens…

… READ THE REST.  The TV Tarts’ Reign of Terror” is on The Agonist.