Category Archives: Donald Trump

Rand Paul Is A Loser For Sabotaging Trump’s National Emergency Declaration

Constitution, Donald Trump, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, libertarianism, Republicans, Ron Paul

Put plainly, Rand Paul will vote against the president’s warranted—long overdue—declaration of a national emergency at the southern border.

Senator Paul, Republican of Kentucky, will “support a resolution that would overturn President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency at the southern border, appearing to provide the crucial vote needed for the Senate to pass the measure.”

Said Rand (via the New York Times):

I think he’s wrong, not on policy, but in seeking to expand the powers of the presidency beyond their constitutional limits.”

“I cannot support the use of emergency powers to get more funding” for a wall along the border with Mexico, he wrote, “so I will be voting to disapprove of his declaration when it comes before the Senate.”

Mr. Paul joins three other Republican senators — Susan Collins of Maine, Thom Tillis of North Carolina and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska — in backing the resolution. His support appears to provide the slim majority Democrats need to send the measure to the president’s desk, offering a stinging repudiation of the declaration.

What Constitution? Like it or not, the original Constitution is a dead letter, having suffered decades of legislative, executive and judicial usurpation.” Doesn’t Rand Paul understand that we no longer have a Constitution? Doesn’t the senator get that “Trump’s candidacy is for the age when the Constitution itself is unconstitutional. 

Trump, as I explained in “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (published June of 2016), is the “quintessential post-constitutional candidate”

Put differently, in this age of unconstitutional government—Democratic and Republican—the best liberty lovers can look to is action and counteraction, force and counterforce in the service of liberty.

But each blow Trump attempts to inflict on the opposition is met with resistance from self-aggrandizing idiots.

Rand is in shitty company. He is joined by “three other Republican senators — Susan Collins of Maine, Thom Tillis of North Carolina and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.”

READ: “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed (June, 2016)”

Rashida Tlaib Violates (Cohen) Hearing Rules, Suggests Republican Mark Meadows Is Racist

Culture, Democrats, Donald Trump, Etiquette, Race, Racism, Republicans

Congress is increasingly occupied by rubbish—the kind of representative who is constitutionally incapable of honoring timeworn rules of etiquette.

At the Michael Cohen testimony before Congress, a smug and smarmy attack dog, Rashida Tlaib, alighted on Rep. Mark Meadows.

With no warning, rabid Rashida accused him of the possibility of racism. Why so? Because the Republican had brought HUD official Lynne Patton along to the hearing earlier on Wednesday:

“Just to make a note, Mr. Chairman, just because someone has a person of color, a black person working for them, doesn’t mean they aren’t racist. And it is insensitive that some would even say — the fact that someone would actually use a prop, a black woman, in this chamber, in this committee, is alone racist in itself,” Tlaib said.

Meek Meadows, being a Republicans, folded, instead of rubbing Rashida’s nose it in.

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‘I Think It’s Possible’ Andrew McCabe Is Not An Asset To America

Donald Trump, Ethics, Government, THE ELITES, The Establishment, The State

“I think it’s possible’ Trump is a Russian asset.” So said former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe to a friendly interviewer (is there any other kind?).

That’s very funny. President Trump is so not spy material. Donald Trump would be a liability if recruited in spook capacity. He’d be tweeting out all Putin’s secrets.

McCabe’s nutty utterances tell you how stupid he is—and how compromised the FBI has become. I mean, McCabe was a big cheese in the org. He was a top dog there.

Image result for images of andrew mccabe

In any event, for those who do not recall, pursuant to the Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) recommendations, McCabe had been fired for making “an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lack[ing] candor,” including to lie under oath on multiple occasions. (HERE.)

“The FBI expects every employee to adhere to the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and accountability. As the OPR proposal stated, ‘all FBI employees know that lacking candor under oath results in dismissal and that our integrity is our brand.’”