Category Archives: Egalitarianism

Bernie Sanders’ Degenerate Democracy

Crime, Democracy, Democrats, Egalitarianism, Ethics, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Morality

Killers who’ve conspired to kill, or have killed, “fellow” citizens forfeit their right to partake in the community they seek to destroy. If you think that statement is a given—you’re wrong.

Not according to Bernie Sanders’ degenerate democracy:

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said he thinks everyone should have the right to vote — even the Boston Marathon bomber.
Asked at a CNN town hall Monday night if he thought felons should be allowed to vote — even while they’re incarcerated, not just after they’re released — Sanders said the country needs more people to vote.
“This is a democracy and we have got to expand that democracy, and I believe every single person does have the right to vote,” he said.
Sanders started his answer by pointing out the low rate of voter turnout in the United States when compared to other major democracies around the world. He said one of the primary priorities of his campaign is to make the US a “vibrant” democracy with a much higher voter turnout.
And, Sanders said, enfranchising people like Dzhokhar Tsarnaev — the US citizen who helped bomb the Boston Marathon in 2013, killing three and injuring hundreds of others — is a part of that.
“Yes, even for terrible people, because once you start chipping away and you say, ‘Well, that guy committed a terrible crime, not going to let him vote. Well, that person did that. Not going to let that person vote,’ you’re running down a slippery slope,” Sanders said when asked by a student if sex offenders, the Boston Marathon bomber, terrorists and murderers should have voting rights.

Via CNN.

As it stands, today, there are almost no moral or ethical obligations attached to citizenship in a Democracy.

Illegal immigrants are seriously considered as candidates for the vote.

Their right to be shielded from telling the truth on the Census is solemnly debated. As is their right to “welfare”—benefits that come from the work of others—no longer disputed.

The rights of all individuals to an income derived from the labor of some: that too is a debate in democracy.

But then moral degeneracy is inherent in democracy. The best political thinkers warned a long time ago that mass, egalitarian society would so degenerate.

* Image via “The Right Nerve Place.”


UPDATED (3/6/019): Acceptance Into Medical School Depends Greatly On Race, Not Necessarily Aptitude

Affirmative Action, Education, Egalitarianism, Gender, Intelligence, Race

How did he get into very good medical schools with subpar scores (3.1 GPA)? Vijay Chokal-Ingam, who’s of Indian heritage, studied his chances of admission while Indian—and then resolved to pretend to be … African-American. Voila!

Admission into medical school is determined by the applicants GPA (Grade Point Average) and MCAT (the Medical College’s Admission Test), explains Tucker Carlson. The standard, however, differs by the appearance of the candidates.

(Here is a new “MCAT conversion table.”)

Asians with an MCAT of 27 to 29 and a GPA of 3.4 to 3.49 have only a 21% chance of getting into a medical school. A white with that score has a 29% of acceptance.

African-American applicants have an 81% chance of acceptance with these scores.

IF YOU’RE HISPANIC, you have a 60% probability of being accepted with such scores. (Tucker did not explain that respectable scores of 27 to 29 place the candidate in the 61st to 73rd percentile.)

An African-American candidate was 4 times more likely to be admitted to medical school than an Asian with the same MCAT scores.

If only Tucker had surveyed the degree to which women of all races trump men in the medical school selection.

(I also believe aptitude tests have been modified over the decades to address what the egalitarians insist is “racially biased Questions in standardized tests.” But I don’t have the literature to show this dumbing down over the decades.)

RELATED: “MCAT and GPA Grid for Applicants and Acceptees by Selected Race and Ethnicity, 2013-2014 through 2015-2016 (Aggregated).”

UPDATED (3/6/019): “When Merit-Based Hiring Is Deemed Racist, Bridges Fall Down“:

The U.S. government hasn’t had an entrance test since … 1982. It abandoned both the Federal Civil Service Entrance Examination and the Professional and Administrative Career Examination (PACE) because blacks and Latinos were much less likely to pass either of them.

In academia, law schools have lowered the bar in admissions and on the bar exam. Universities run a “dual admissions system”—“one admissions pool for white applicants and another, far less competitive, pool for minorities.”

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UPDATED II: (3/12/019): NEW COLUMN: Progressive Crazies Are Getting The Kids Killed

Crime, Education, Egalitarianism, Family, Feminism, Gender, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Sex

NEW COLUMN IS “Progressive Crazies Are Getting The Kids Killed.” It’s currently on, the Unz Review and (abridged).

An excerpt:

Muslim men murder two European women backpacking across a Morocco mountain range and, right away pundits holler, “ISIS, Jihad, extremism, terrorism.”

Likewise misleading are the leads from the intelligence authorities, who seem to confirm that, but for “ISIS, Jihad, extremism, terrorism”—it would be perfectly safe to adopt the improvident habit embraced by the deceased and many young ladies like them:

Wander happily all over the world in the belief that the world is their oyster.

To be sure, Jihad was likely part of the predatory behavior involved in the decapitation of the two young Scandinavian lovelies, in Morocco.

But while potent, Jihad—and the Brownie points accrued for offing infidels—is not the main incentive in operation here.

Freud’s Pleasure Principle is—that atavistic, sexual pleasure derived by predatory males, when stalking and subduing a woman.

You adopt the argument of feminism when you willfully ignore sex, gender, and the man-woman disparities in crimes involving these young, attractive women.

Like many an agenda-driven pundit, the authorities are only too pleased to compartmentalize and abstract causality. They’ll tell you that Islamists, not Muslim men practicing Islam, are implicated in violence against women. They’ll tell you that a lofty ideology, not ordinary sex, was the motive for murdering Maren Ueland, aged 28, and Louisa Jespersen, aged 24. On and on.

It’s up to formative figures like parents to counter the crazies—for those who ignore the power differential that comes with biological differences are crazy. What’s worse, these crazies are getting the kids killed.

So, yes, Jihad. But Jihad is secondary to the probable sexual subjugation to which these mindless young women would have been subjected, as they traipsed around the Muslim Maghreb defenseless.

Please, parents and pedagogues, start teaching young girls that “Beauty and the Beast” is a fantasy; that the world, certainly the Third World, is not their oyster; that women can get raped, even killed, if they Kumbaya alone around the world. Or, around the country, for that matter.

The lesson is universal.

Before being abducted, raped and killed by stalker Jesse Matthew, in September of 2014, Hannah Graham drew the attention of this predator by wondering about alone, late at night, in Charlottesville, Virginia, her midriff so bare as to render her crotch almost visible. In surveillance footage, Ms. Graham can be seen swaying as though tipsy.

Invariably, the grief-struck parents of many a young woman like poor Hannah will demur, “She died the way she lived; free.” No: Ms. Graham and too many girls like her—if one is to go by crime documentaries such as “Investigation Discovery”—die horrible, futile deaths. This is likely because these young women are raised in a society that refuses to recognize the limits imposed by biology, preferring to teach them that their beauty, desirability and fragility place no impediments on their liberty to live la vida loca. …

… READ THE REST.  THE NEW COLUMN, “Progressive Crazies Are Getting The Kids Killed,” is on, the Unz Review and (abridged).

UPDATE I (1/4/019): Facebook:

Craig Smith:Liberalism is a mental disorder. If the parents are oblivious to the idiocy of open borders, illegal immigration, and allowing hordes of “refugees” in, as many are, then they’re oblivious to the dangers their daughters will be in by traveling in shithole countries, and shithole localities in this country. They have nothing to pass on to their daughters.
Ilana Mercer: How many times must I beg readers not to cast wickedness, evil and bottomless stupidity as mental diseases. To do so is bad thinking. And wrong on logic, science, etc. It also absolves individuals of responsibility for their evil or stupid ways.