Category Archives: Elections 2008

Updated: Count McCain and Countess Condoleezza, His Vampire Bride

Elections 2008, John McCain, Neoconservatism, Race

A new poll of New York State voters suggests a hypothetical John McCain-Condoleezza Rice ticket would beat the so-called ‘dream ticket’ of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, even though Rice has sought to douse rumors that she’s seeking the VP slot.”

If this is true, then Americans deserve to have their blood sucked dry by these two neoconservative vampires.

The presumptive Republican nominee is a neoconservative deluxe. Read my detailed analysis of “the pollution he has left along his political path” in “Mitt’s Gone, Bill’s Back.”

Condi’s his evil ideological twin—a neocon. At the very least, how can the genus Boobus Americanus forget this woman’s role, as the head of the National Security Council, in September 11?

As I wrote in “Hold Their Feet To The Fire”:

“According to Rice’s official bafflegab, a 1999 report by the Library of Congress stating that suicide bombers belonging to al-Qaida could crash an aircraft into U.S. targets belongs to the realm of analysis. It wasn’t ‘actionable intelligence.’”

“Incredible doesn’t quite describe what Condoleezza calls intelligence ‘specifics.’ The National Security Adviser [implied back then that she would have] moved to act if she [had gotten] word of time, place and method of attack. What next? A gilded, personalized invitation to attend the crime scene?”

She headed “an office created by the National Security Act of 1947 to advise the president on ‘integration of domestic, foreign and military policies relating to national security and to facilitate interagency cooperation.’ If suspicion existed – analytic, synthetic, prosaic or poetic – Rice should have put the squeeze on the system she [oversaw].” Or so I wrote in 2002.

Condoleezza was a colossal failure. If this new pole is accurate, Americans are emotional wrecks. I suspect they’re responding to the Ebony and Ivory seduction.

Update 1 (April 12): In 2005 I consigned Condi to the hate America crowd. Here’s why:

“Hating America is wildly in vogue among Bush and his devotees. Condi and acolytes, in particular, showcased their contempt for this country’s history by continually comparing the carnage in Iraq to the constitutional cramps of early America. As The Wall Street Journal put it, ‘There were a few glitches 200 years ago in Philadelphia too.’ For its part, Fox News kept coupling George Washington’s name with Saddam’s slimy successors: à la mode, man!”

“No matter that faction fighting in Iraq is as old as the sand dunes. As James L. Payne has reminded those struck with historical Alzheimer’s, there are cultural barriers to democracy, chief of which is a high-violence society. Iraq is—and has always been—a society in which assassinations, riots and terrorism are viewed by a large segment of the public and its leaders as legitimate tools in a political struggle. Iraq is a high-violence society now. And it was one in the days of Sumer, Saddam, and in the millennia in-between.”

“Yes, the uncivilized hoots, hollers, and deadly blasts instigated by members of Iraq’s tribal troika capture to a tee the tone of the debates in, what’s that document called? The Fedayeen Papers?”

Bad Dreams From Obama

Barack Obama, Elections 2008, Race

I said it before Ann Coulter did (here and here), and Steve Sailer said it before most: Obama boils with anti-white bile. He’s as dangerous as he is deceptive. Writes Coulter in “Obama’s dime store ‘Mein Kampf’”:

“If characters from “The Hills” were to emote about race, I imagine it would sound like B. Hussein Obama’s autobiography, “Dreams From My Father.”

Has anybody read this book? Inasmuch as the book reveals Obama to be a flabbergasting lunatic, I gather the answer is no. Obama is about to be our next president: You might want to take a peek. If only people had read “Mein Kampf.” …

Nearly every page – save the ones dedicated to cataloguing the mundane details of his life – is bristling with anger at some imputed racist incident….

When his mother expresses concern about Obama’s high school friend being busted for drugs, Obama says he patted his mother’s hand and told her not to worry.

This, too, prompted Obama to share with his readers a life lesson on how to handle white people: “It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves. They were more than satisfied, they were relieved – such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn’t seem angry all the time.”

First of all, I note that this technique seems to be the basis of Obama’s entire presidential campaign. But moreover – he was talking about his own mother! As Obama says: “Any distinction between good and bad whites held negligible meaning.” Say, do you think a white person who said that about blacks would be a leading presidential candidate?

The man is stark bonkersville….”


Read on.

Liar, Liar, Obama On Fire

Africa, Barack Obama, Elections 2008, Media, Race

If the media cared to cover the two Democratic candidates fairly, you’d hear more about Obama’s lies. But it so happens that the mindless ones don’t even bother with the appearance of an even reportorial hand with respect to the two.

Hillary’s “A Thousand Arabian Nights” about Serbia have been cast as the tall tales of a pathological liar. Barack’s beefing up his community activist’s résumé—he was never a professor—that’s merely a white lie. (I myself have referred to him by his undeserving honorific, professor.)

Barrack’s false claims-making concerning his “Camelot connection,” and the way in which his parents met—these episodes of amnesia have been framed as an “overstatement” by the Washington Post.

The less than truthful speech Obama gave at Selma is worth attention, replete as it is with his stock-in-trade strident race rhetoric. With respect to this particular biographical tidbit, slavery, colonialism, white hypocrisy, and black victimization (the stuff of Afrocentrism) are front-and-center in his address. Less so the benevolence that brought the elder Obama and other African students to the US.

Manufacturing A Storm In The D Camp

Democrats, Elections 2008, Hillary Clinton, Iraq

Howard Dean has jumped in; Gore was volunteered as mediator, Pelosi piped up, Obama backers stomped their feet in fury, and demanded Hillary quit the competition—who is manufacturing this melodrama; this storm in the D Camp?

Don’t switch off when I say the media. Since when has a good political tussle become a cause for such breast-beating? What kind of a people can be led to denounce a vigorous race for the highest office in the land because it is, well, vigorous?

I’m describing a reality shaped by pussies. I won’t postulate about media motivation—why has the malpracticing media reflexively, rather than intentionally, framed a dynamic debate as a crisis?

It is possible that this mindless monolith’s hunger for Hussein has driven them to manufacture a reality out of thin air? I’m not sure these people are even smart enough to jump a level of abstraction and Meta-analyze their motivation, and, by extension, control their derangement. I think it’s all gut with this gormless lot.

But for heaven sake, settle down; calm down to a blind panic. As it is, elections are dishonest enough a process. Don’t buy into the phony supposition that a crisis is unfolding because two Democrats are battling bitterly over the party’s nomination. (If only Republicans had more than one mummified candidate.)

Admittedly, the Florida and Michigan delegate situation is disturbing. It’s obvious to me that party procedure cannot trump the truth as represented by the voters and their votes. This does not seem as plain to pundits and party officials.

Another thing that has been cobbled up is Hillary’s lying—her depiction as a pathological liar is humbug! Hillary embellishes on a few episodes in her life—she has a bit of an Arabic imagination; like Scheherazade of “A Thousand Arabian Nights”—and suddenly she’s a pathological liar?

This from pundits and politicians—”idio-experts” who’ve demonstrated their allergy to the truth over and over again. Iraq anyone? When it comes to grave issues of policy that affect lives and the future of this republic, Iraq is the cardinal lie. All those hammering home the message that Hillary is a liar for embellishing on a trip she made during another unjust war make me sick.

Come clean about the lies that led to the war in Iraq and that keep it going before fraudulently fashioning a fib into a lie.