Under Barack Obama, the misery index has risen dramatically.
“Food stamp rolls have risen 8.1% in the past year,” reports the WSJ. “[I]n August, the number of recipients hit 45.8 million.” That’s an astounding figure.
Whatever BHO claims to the contrary, the debt is only increasing: $203 Billion in the month of October. The national debt is approaching 15 trillion dollars.
Officially, close to 14 million Americans are unemployed. However, the liars at Labor (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) ought to use the U-6, which includes the unemployed and people who would like to work, but who have not looked for a job recently, as well as those involuntarily working part-time. The latter is closer to 25 million. It’s all very sad.
For his part, BHO has gone tripping in Europe. Evidently, “we have the standing to lecture them.” Or perhaps the president has traveled to the Continent, ostensibly to convince Europeans to continue on the road to ruin Obama has set the US upon? Who knows? Except that his contribution to a debate about debt will be … zero, his magic number.