Category Archives: Foreign Policy

UPDATED (8/1/019): Tulsi Gabbard Gets It Right About Creepy Kamala Harris

Democrats, Elections, Foreign Policy, Homosexuality, Military, War

The Democratic representative for Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard, has cautioned that California Sen. Kamala Harris’ lack of military experience would continue a “dangerous” cycle that would exacerbate the US “military industrial complex.”

Kamala’s spokesperson clawed back by bashing Gabbard’s past, peace-making efforts in the Middle East. Unlike kamala, Gabbard grasps that Bashar Assad is against ISIS and, with all his flaws, represents the civilized, pro-Christian option for Syria. (See “Lies About Putin, Syria & The Alawite Alliance.”)


Democratic Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has taken aim at presidential primary rival Sen. Kamala Harris, arguing the California Democrat “lacks the temperament” to be commander in chief.

“Kamala Harris is not qualified to serve as commander in chief and I can say this from a personal perspective as a soldier,” Gabbard said on Fox Sports Radio. “She has no background or experience in foreign policy and she lacks the temperament that is necessary for commander in chief.”

Harris has been the subject of increased attention after she made steep polling gains for confronting Democratic frontrunner former Vice President Joe Biden during the first round of presidential debates. Gabbard and Harris will share the debate stage during the second night of CNN’s Democratic primary debates on July 31.
Gabbard said Tuesday that Harris’ lack of military experience would continue a “dangerous” cycle that would exacerbate the US “military industrial complex.”

The anchor activists at CNN dislike Gabbard for her anti-war views and because she’s not as progressive as she’s “supposed to be” on the gay marriage and LGBTQ political production.

UPDATE (8/1/019):

#KamalaHarrisDestroyed is trending after Democratic debate:

#Kamala creep intimates ‘she couldn’t be bothered to care about #Gabbard’s criticism because the Hawaii congresswoman isn’t polling as highly as she is.’

A house is a human right.

UPDATED: 100,000 Invaders A Month Under Trump Administration. MAGA?

Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Nationhood

Trump’s accomplishments on the border crisis are listed below. It is what it is. Sticking your head in the sand makes you an ostrich, not a patriot.

Trump has not built a single mile of new border fence after 30 months in office.” Reports the Washington Examiner, hardly a bastion of lefty politics:

In Trump’s two and a half years in office, his administration has installed an average 1.7 miles of barrier per month, and none of it in areas that did not previously have some sort of barrier.

Via Sam Parker:

UPDATE: Forget new border laws; federal judges say we can’t even enforce current ones.”

“… an unelected and life-tenured Seattle-based judge can dictate to the entire country that we can no longer regulate who comes into our country and who is released into our communities.”

Neoconservative Mark Levin Disses Tucker For Rejecting WAR WITH IRAN

Foreign Policy, Iran, Neoconservatism, Republicans, War

Tucker Carlson is is highly critical of John Bolton and for excellent reasons. Bolton has spear-headed or agitated for unconstitutional, unjust wars and other revolutionary interventions to force democracy abroad through war.

And Tucker Carlson is standing firm again war with an impoverished, economically broken Iran. Neoconservative have always wanted to go to war against Iran. The see their chance.

And neoconservatives like Mark Levin see blood in the water.  They are rushing to create group consensus within the War Party. That means marginalizing thinking dissidents like Tucker.

At 31 minutes and 19 seconds, Levin launches his not-so veiled attack against “Americans who should know better.Clearly it’s not the Left Levin is gunning for; it’s the anti-war Right:

And, Levin misquotes and distorts the likes of Tucker when alleges this was said: “Can you point to one example when Iran committed a terrorist act?”

Tucker has merely asked when last did Iran commit terrorism against the US? He’s on the money. See this blog post of mine: “Iranians Killed ZERO Americans In Terrorist Attacks In U.S. Between 1975 -2015.”

Looks like Tucker Carlson is more likely to have Trump’s ear on Iran than Bolton, or … Levin. Is someone jealous?

In Venezuela, There Is No Disagreement About SOCIALISM

Democracy, Foreign Policy, Neoconservatism, Political Economy, Socialism

This may come as news to the doctrinaire democrats (lower case “d”) who doggedly conflate the will of the people with liberty:

The Venezuelan mobs fighting against the forces of Nicolás Maduro are not fighting for “freedom,” as we classical liberals think of it; they are not fighting against socialism.

In Juan Guaidó, Venezuelans are simply looking for a better, kinder socialist.

Guaidó is a member of the Socialist International. Guaidó is a member of the Voluntad Popular (Popular Will) party, which has been an official member of the Socialist International since 2014.


You mean you didn’t know that the Guaidó the US wants to go to war for is a socialist?

AGAIN: The masses as a rule, in the US and abroad, want more stuff, not less of it. If we quit the Disneyfied view of the world’s quarrels; perhaps we Americans will be less inclined to intervene in battles not our own.

One can only hope.