What a relief. Yet another philosopher king, this time Clueless Clooney, has been recruited to steer the proverbial Ship of State to safety. The President and Vice President want you to know, as they “assured the actor and activist George Clooney last night,” that
“Bringing relief to the battered region of Darfur is a top priority for the administration.”
By breaking bread with Clooney, the “prudential” Obama-Biden pair is doing nothing Bush had not done before them. Or the Clintons, for that matter. Bush went from preaching “trade not aid,” and being charmingly unaware of celebrity, to instituting trade tariffs, and pledging to Bono a 50 percent increase in U.S. foreign aid over three years.
Expect an American nation-building “expedition” to Darfur, which will be greeted approvingly by the neoconnery and others on the left.
For those of you wishing to be reminded, if only out of nostalgia, of the constitutional position on foreign aid, the late Lord Peter Bauer had this to say about the “morality” of “taxpayer’s money compulsorily collected”:
“Contributors not only have no choice but quite generally do not even know they are contributing. It is sometimes urged that in a democracy taxpayers do have a choice, which restores the moral element to foreign aid. This objection is superficial. The taxpayer has to contribute to foreign aid whether he likes it or not and whether he has voted in its favor or against it.”
Update: Western economists like the great Peter Bauer, the foremost authority on development, had been condemning aid to Third World countries for decades. But in the PC order, it is only when an African reaches the same, derivative deduction that the case against foreign aid is given credence by liberals.