Category Archives: Intelligence

Afterthought About Afwul Obama

Barack Obama, Capitalism, Free Markets, Intelligence

Lost in what Obama heralded in his State of the Union address as “an economy built to last” is Adam Smith’s “Invisible Hand.”

As philosopher Adam Smith’s wisdom went, the public good was optimized when each individual acted in enlightened self-interest—and not when, as preached by Obama, people were roped in the service of a politician’s definition of the common good.

“By pursuing his own interest,” wrote Smith in “The Wealth of Nations,” “[man] frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it. I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good.”

Alas, when it comes to Barack Obama, the wisdom of Ron White applies. That great satirist from the great State of Texas teaches that “You can’t fix stupid.” “There is not a pill you can take, not a class you can go to. Stupid is forever.”

Barry Soetoro Frankenstein (Reply From The Man Who Will Be President)

Affirmative Action, Barack Obama, Constitution, Economy, Intelligence, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Military, Political Economy, Propaganda, Regulation, Republicans, The State

The following is excerpted from “Barry Soetoro Frankenstein, my new weekly column:

In Obama’s simplistic scheme of things—as measured by the Flesch-Kincaid readability test, “for the third straight Address, the President’s speech was written at an eighth-grade level”—to recreate the glory of America, it is thus essential to continue to reinvent the state. …

In the spirit of brute-force statism, the POTUS promised a Trade Enforcement Unit to police “unfair trading practices,” and a “Financial Crimes Unit to “crack down on large-scale fraud.” …

Il Duce’s next derring-do? Send him the bill, and the Divine One will even instruct the provinces to incarcerate local kids in high school “until they graduate or turn 18.”

Having used the military to great political effect, Obama now intends to deploy the Department of Defense, no less, in the “clean energy business.” In Obama’s very elementary thinking, the DOD is bound to do a bang-up job.

… From financial aid (for foreign students, no less) to an affirmative-action placement in Harvard Law School, Barry Soetoro is a Frankenstein of the state’s creation. If not for government, Obama would have never managed to write himself into history. As a product of the state, Barry Soetoro sees it as the source of all possibilities. …”

Read the complete column, Barry Soetoro Frankenstein, now on,

My book, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa,” is available from Amazon. (Don’t forget those reviews; they help this cause.)

A Kindle copy is also on sale.

Still better, shipping is free and prompt if you purchase Into the Cannibal’s Pot from The Publisher.

UPDATE (Jan. 31): Sen. Paul Delivers State of the Union Response – Jan. 24, 2012

Obama’s Very Elementary Thinking—Eighth-Grade Elementary

Affirmative Action, Barack Obama, Intelligence

As measured by the Flesch-Kincaid readability test, “for the third straight Address, the President’s State of the Union message was written at an eighth-grade level.”

I’ve long maintained—and explained in “‘You Can’t Fix Stupid'”—that Barry Soetoro is simple. Read more about the “Smart Politics” study that would seem to back that up.

I was going to say that the study deconstructs the president’s use of language. However, that structure was so basic that there was little to dismantle.

UPDATED: The Vexing Case of the Vanishing Iranian Scientists

Barack Obama, Foreign Policy, Hillary Clinton, Intelligence, Iran, Israel, Middle East

I fully expect to hear former CIA operative Michael Scheuer on Judge Napolitano’s Freedom Watch tonight. I expect Scheuer to implicate the Israeli Mossad in the killing of an Iranian nuclear chemist by motorbike assassins. For once, I expect I to agree almost completely with what Scheuer will posit on the show (if Nap’s producers have been quick on their feet, as I expect they have).

If Israel has indeed been eliminating Iran’s intellectual arsenal, it may be acting in bad faith, in seriously bad faith. It knows that the US has zero credibility with the Arab world. No surprise there. America’s lack of credibility in the Middle East is well deserved. Israel knows full well that if Hillary Rodham Clinton, “the gorgon who heads Caesar’s state department,” denies doing the deed, as Clinton has, no one will believe the woman who cackled, “I came, I saw, I conquered,” when she was informed of Col. Muammar Gadhafi’s execution by her proxies.

If Israel had indeed “recruited Iranian operatives on the ground,” as it is alleged to have done, to carry out these precision killings, Bibi’s government has placed the Obama administration in a very dodgy position.

UPDATE: I stopped listening after a while; I have an allergy to truth deniers such as Erika Payne. I think the story was not covered on Freedom Watch. Perhaps tomorrow.