Category Archives: Islam

Good News: Americans Seceding From Unsafe Public Square

Islam, Jihad, Politics, Private Property, Propaganda, Terrorism

Yesterday, I expressed hopes that you wouldn’t let “politicians win, because politicians win if you don’t withdraw from the public square following terrorist attacks.” (Explained in “Don’t Let Politicians Win; Withdraw From Public Square Following A Terrorist Attack.”)

Today, a Gallup poll does my heart good. It affirms that Americans, at least, are acting rationally. They’re not acting as the politicians instruct them to.

Gallop has found that, “Terrorism Fears Drive More in US to Avoid Crowds”:

38% of Americans less willing to attend large events due to terrorism
Previous high was 32% in 2002
46% less willing to travel overseas due to terrorism concerns


UPDATE (6/21): Don’t Let Politicians Win; Withdraw From Public Square Following A Terrorist Attack

Europe, Islam, Jihad, Politics, Terrorism

Fox News’ Shepard Smith was exalting the Belgian human anthill for the speed with which the ants returned to darting back and forth, following a Muhammadan’s attack on Brussels’ Central Station. The terrorist win if we don’t return to our aimless consumption, laughing and making merry as we’re being picked off by the enemy within, goes Shep’s “thinking.”

The terrorists win if we don’t do as the politicians say” is reverse psychology and cliché rolled into one. Obama kept saying, “Dare do x, y or z on matters Muslim, and you guarantee that ISIS wins.” Or, “ISIS wants you to do x, y, and z.”

First, how do these asses know what ISIS wants? Or, are politicians and pundits like Shep simply ass-uming they know? It is more likely politicians are using reverse psychology to get Westerners to comply with their own wishes.

In any event, if ISIS wants you, America, to do what in your estimation is best for you–perhaps ISIS is right and the politicians and pundits are wrong. What a concept!

Perhaps ISIS is right and Shepard Smith is wrong. Mr. Smith, we’ll take that long moratorium on Muslim immigration, which Trump promised and reneged on. It’s a winner for Americans and Europeans. If ISIS approves, too, so be it. ISIS is happy; we are happy; everybody is happy; we all win.

To peacefully bring about the desired immigration policy changes, people need to withdraw from the public square to the extent possible. Secede. Shop online. Instead of dining out, gather at the homes of friends. Only when their Keynesian edifice of non-stop consumption suffers and their re-election is threatened will the politicians carry out their duty to implement immigration policies that safeguard lives.

For more, read The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed.

UPDATE (6/21/017): Excellent. Americans, at least, are acting rationally. They’re not rah-rahing it for the politicians.

Gallop has found that, “Terrorism Fears Drive More in US to Avoid Crowds”:

38% of Americans less willing to attend large events due to terrorism
Previous high was 32% in 2002
46% less willing to travel overseas due to terrorism concerns


MI5 Is MIA: British Security Missing In Action. Reliably So.

Britain, Government, Homeland Security, Intelligence, Islam

A degenerate culture, filming and fawning over the most dangerous individuals in society, who are free to roam around and plot murder: UK’s Channel 4 produced a TV documentary, The Jihadis Next Door, starring one of the London Bridge attackers, Khuram Butt. Butt was not on the lam, or being apprehended by UK Insecurity Forces, or hunkering in a bunker in Iraq. He was parading around in Barking, east London, broadcasting his intentions. Pretty much.

Even the Imam at the mosque expelled Butt for his murderous lust, but not his British protectors.

Scotland Yard? MI5? All missing in action. Always. Isn’t abnegation by the State Security apparatus the norm, rather than the exception? A norm the sheeple agree to live with?

British authorities hound, even jail, English men and women found in contempt of Islam. But never the reverse. Arrests of individuals for non-violent speech infractions, such as reciting a verse from a book by Churchill book, are not unheard of.

But that was yesterday or the day before. What’s Islam been up to today? French gendarme hammered, literally, with hammer. Authorities are in the dark. They always are:

And as I was writing the above, Murder by Muslim in Australia.

Cute Little Syrian Refugees Grow Up. Oh, The Possibilities.

Conflict, Foreign Policy, IMMIGRATION, Islam

Aleppo Boy is all better now, living more safely in an Assad-controlled area of Syria. The family of Aleppo’s famous bloodied boy chose a government-controlled territory over the rebel-held Idlib province. (That would’ve been John McCain’s preference for them.)

Do you think members of the London Bridge attack trio once looked as cute and as helpless as Allepo Boy? And then The Snakes bit. (“Take me in, silly liberal woman.”)

The Snake (made famous by The Donald):