Category Archives: Islam

CPAC: The Collapse Of The Conservative Movement

Conservatism, IMMIGRATION, Islam, The West

Peter Brimelow captures the collapse in all its vivid, vacuous details. Here are some select excerpts:

“Now, perhaps symptomatic of the general collapse of the Conservative Movement, CPAC is vastly larger but there is no central narrative, and above all, no dissent. …”

“Even back in the 1970s, you sometimes got the feeling that CPAC was run for the benefit of an in-group, despoiling but secretly despising us hayseeds from the boondocks. This is now flagrant. Of course, ‘Inside the Beltway’ has become an intoxicating, and notoriously insular, city-state. Still I’ve never seen a conference in which the speakers and celebrities were so systematically protected, with screened walkways and greenrooms, from contamination by the hoi polloi, general and Diamond alike. …”

“But, basically, I haven’t seen such a cattle call/mass rape of grass roots contributors since I went to my first and last Inaugural Ball in 1980. …”

“In fact, Ann Coulter’s rapid-fire liberal-bashing knockabout routine (much harder than it looks) was easily the most interesting performance. Ann has many jealous detractors among her supposed allies on the Establishment Right, but I have a lot of respect for her intellect and would guess that she could have developed the best political argument too. Significantly, however, she chose not to do so. …” [My emphasis: Peter is polite about Coulter’s lack of intellectual leadership on crucial issues. She’s capable of so much more.]

“Before the conference, Jihad Watch’s Robert Spencer searingly denounced ‘the Norquistian Islam-Is-A-Religion-of-Peace orthodoxy that prevails at CPAC,’ telling Newsweek that ‘conservatives…were fearful of being accused of being anti-Islamic or racist for associating with [Geert Wilders, the Dutch parliamentarian currently being prosecuted for his opposition to Islamization]”.

“And in fact CPAC did not, as Spencer obviously anticipated, find room in its program for Wilders. Instead, he spoke to a packed ancillary meeting organized by supporters.”

“The immigration issue … was almost invisible. At VDARE.COM we have chronicled its inexorable emergence at CPAC, in 2003 (when Michelle Malkin got a standing ovation), 2005 (when Tamar Jacoby was booed) and 2007 (when, with help from some Presidential candidates, immigration reform patriots dominated the sessions). At every stage, it has been apparent that the CPAC audience was solidly in favor of immigration control.”

“No doubt for that reason, this year the CPAC managers took the incredible decision not to discuss immigration at all. …”

Read “‘Regardless Of Their Doom/The Little Victims Play’: CPAC, Frum, Limbaugh…And America?”

Dah Is For Dhimmi

Gender, Islam, The West

The authorities are speculating as to whether Islamic beliefs might have nudged Muzzammil Hassan to decapitate his wife. In other words, did this Muslim “moderate” commit an “honor killing.”


I discussed the case on Friday the 13. CNN reported it for the first time only today.
It’s becoming harder for certain cable channels to decide to try and bury a story. CNN’s internet “reporter” must have noticed the story explode all over the blogosphere.

Robert Spencer goes straight to the source:

“Qur’an 4:34 tells men to beat their disobedient wives after first warning them and then sending them to sleep in separate beds. It is worth noting how several translators render the key part of this verse, waidriboohunna.

Pickthall: “and scourge them”
Yusuf Ali: “(And last) beat them (lightly)”
Al-Hilali/Khan: “(and last) beat them (lightly, if it is useful)”
Shakir: “and beat them”
Sher Ali: “and chastise them”
Khalifa: “then you may (as a last alternative) beat them”
Arberry: “and beat them”
Rodwell: “and scourge them”
Sale: “and chastise them”
Daryabadi: “and beat them”
Asad: “then beat them”

Pickthall, Yusuf Ali, Al-Hilali/Khan, Shakir, Sher Ali, Khalifa, Daryabadi and Asad are Muslims. Are their translations all incorrect? These are mainstream Muslim translations of the Qur’an, and we are supposed to believe that the idea that the Qur’an tells men to beat disobedient women is a ‘minority view’?

This is the kind of obfuscation that will only perpetuate this abuse. It can only be ended by confronting it, and speaking honestly about its causes.

Don’t miss … Phyllis Chesler’s illuminating elucidation of the difference between domestic violence and honor killing.”

Updated: Muslim ‘Moderate’ Offs Wife’s Head

Crime, Criminal Injustice, Islam, Law, Multiculturalism

A pillar of the community was apparently still beholden to a pillar of Islam: “disciplining” a disobedient wife.

Erie County District Attorney Frank A. Sedita III called this barbarism in Buffalo “the worst form of domestic violence possible.”

I’m not sure I concur; Muzzammil Hassan’s was simply a culturally compatible response to disobedience.

Muslims are fond of pointing out that the atrocities perpetrated in the name of the faith are not commanded in the Koran. Can we agree that there’s something in the faith of Jihad that has “inspired”–even sanctioned–honor killings, clitoridectomy, and forced marriage? Punishment for the first crime in Muslim countries is light, at best.

Multicultural understanding was forthcoming from the authorities in the form of a second-degree murder charge.

The complete story is here (via Larry Auster).

From the vault:

Jihad in Your Front Yard
Bus Beheading (Or, to quote reader Barbara Grant: Canada’s cannibal)

Update (February 17): On Feb. 14, Thomas Fleming wrote:

“Muzzammil ‘Mo’ Hassan, who has been has been lauded by Jay Leno and NPR, has been charged with second-degree murder. What does it take to get a first degree murder charge—vivisection?”

Muslim Fit Over ‘Fitna’

Europe, Free Speech, Islam, Jihad, The West

The excerpt is from my new WND column, “Muslim Fit Over ‘Fitna’“:

“Those who’ve been following the latest installment in the saga know that [Geert] Wilders released a film: ‘Fitna.’ ‘Fitna’ is unremarkable: it’s your basic primer to Islam.

The Koran commands the faithful to kill the kafir. Wilders excerpts these Koranic commandments, and shows Muslim believers articulating and acting on them.

Wilders could have easily been neutralized had Muslims across the West, and their puppy-dog proxies, allowed the screening of “Fitna,” and adopted a Western, live-and-let-live stance toward this tradition of benign protest. …”

Read the complete column, “Muslim Fit Over ‘Fitna.‘”