Category Archives: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

NEW COLUMN: Let’s Mobilize An Army Of Stone Throwers On Border

Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Military

NEW COLUMN IS  “Let’s Mobilize An Army Of Stone Throwers On Border.” It’s currently on,, The Unz Review. And, tomorrow, on American Greatness.

An excerpt:

In the United States, even Customs and Border Protection apologizes for doing its job. CBP is supposed to “protects the public from dangerous people and materials attempting to cross the border …”

On one of the networks that wants all people, dangerous or not, to cross the southern border into the U.S., if they so desire, a CBP officer was bending over backwards to appear like a “global force for good.” (That, believe it or not, was the U.S. Navy’s motto, between 2009 and 2015!)

Tear-gassing rubble-rousing migrants, who were charging his officers and breaching the U.S.-Mexico border, was in the service of protecting … the migrants, especially The Children. Perhaps that’s in the oath of office a CBP officer takes?

Law enforcement officers entrusted with the safety of the American people struggle to articulate pride in executing their mandate. Attached to the expected self-loathing repartee is, invariably, a declaration of loyalties to The World. (Of a piece with this confused loyalty is the typical argument made by the typical TV talker: Illegal immigration must be stopped, so as to … save migrants from the journey’s depredations.)

It’s instructive to contrast the apologetics around defending the U.S. border and the American people with the absence of apologies on Israel’s borders.

In May this year, “Tens of thousands of Palestinians massed near Gaza’s border fence, threatening to ‘return’ to the lands their forefathers lost when Israel was created in 1948.” They wanted in.

Israeli soldiers responded not with tear gas, but with bullets. They killed over 60 protesters who threatened to breach the border. The number has since risen to 120.

Most of us, this writer included, would condemn such excessive force.

Yet surprisingly, the Economist—a liberal, pro-Palestinian, most excellent weekly—pondered but briefly and nonchalantly about Israel’s army having used excessive force, concluding almost callously: “Every state has a right to defend its borders.”

Come again?!

This from the very same editorialists who never tire of protesting any disruption in the holy quest of weary columns of Christ-like caravanners, planning to defy the U.S. government, by illegally entering the United States of America. …

… READ THE REST.  NEW COLUMN IS  “Let’s Mobilize An Army Of Stone Throwers On Border.” It’s currently on,, The Unz Review. And, tomorrow, on American Greatness.

TRIVIA: The motto of the U.S. Navy from 2009 till 2015 was: “America’s Navy: A Global Force for Good.” Pretty sick, if you’re an America First Deplorable who thinks that “Defending America” is a better, more constitutional, motto to live by.

Marc Lamont Hill Should Go Jump In the River Jordan

Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, UN

Of course Marc Lamont Hill shouldn’t be fired purely for his opinion, voiced “during a meeting at the United Nations held for the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on Wednesday.”

Hill “called for a ‘free Palestine from the river to the sea.'”

Not that stupidity has ever been cause for CNN to fire someone of late. (Chris Cuomo, anyone?) But the guy, Mr. Hill, is really dumb. And/or has an appetite for destruction. Has not Gaza already gone to the dogs? The dogs of war. Indeed it did, back in 2005.

At some point, a utilitarian calculus has to enter into the Palestinian equation. The M.O.P. E (Most Oppressed People Ever) only ever break stuff. (But that, too, is Israel’s fault.)

Most sane Americans look askance at those who suggest that the real estate between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea should be turned over to the Palestinians. ?

Besides, that’ll be The last Stand, like the Hebrews’ stand against the Romans on Masada.

Naturally, having an opinion on a vexing problem is not to be confused with supporting a war in that cause. That’s crazy; even a sleight of hand.

To be charitable, perhaps Hill’s grasp of geography is just really bad. Most Americans didn’t know where “Eyeraq” was when we invaded Iraq, RIP.

Israel: Wildly Successful Country, But Too Jewish, Hints Leftist Magazine

Economy, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Multiculturalism, Nationhood

The quintessential ethno-state, Israel, is increasingly coming under attack from within and without for being … a Jewish State.

Israel at 70, grumbles The Economist, is a wildly “successful country.” Having made a successful “transition from a centralized economy,” it also sports a highly skilled labor force (May 19th-25th, 2018).

Israel’s only major problem (no, it’s  not the Palestinians aka the MOPE—the Most Oppressed People Ever): The country is marred by “xenophobia towards non-Jews and African refugees.”

AND: Israel’s “concept of citizenship, based on serving as a haven for all Jews, is hopelessly outdated.”

Time for a change, Israel! Get with it.

To retain respectability in polite circles, a developed nation-state cannot identify as a nation, or remain a nation in any meaningful way. So say the globalists, in not so many words.

It doesn’t occur to this idiocracy that Israel’s success in a failing region may have something to do with its … dominant ethnic composition.

UPDATED (4/5/018): Jews Must Never Forget Trump For Remembering Our Unforgettable Jerusalem

Christianity, Donald Trump, Hebrew Testament, History, Islam, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Middle East, Private Property, Religion

NEW COLUMN: “Jews Must Never Forget Trump For Remembering Our Unforgettable Jerusalem” is the new column, now on

An excerpt:

…. A quick quiz: What does “unoccupied” or “liberated” Palestinian land look like? Answer: Like Gaza.

Gaza serves as a sufficiently strong precedent against the folly of ceding territory to Islam. (With the exception of the long-suffering Kurds, what Muslim nation has recently made good on territory gained or on self-determination won?)

Gaza was “returned” to the Palestinians, who promptly destroyed the hothouses Israelis had built there, and planted in the ground Qassam rocket launchers, instead. Gaza now hothouses Hamasniks. In all, granting statehood to their nihilistic neighbors has been pretty thankless for Israelis.

But what of Palestinian families who’ve resided in The City for generations? This the libertarian must address.

The question of generational attachment to place and title in property is simple to solve if intentions are good.

Of course Palestinians should retain their properties.

An historical, national Jewish right to the city of Jerusalem does not extinguish the property rights of individual Arab homesteaders acquired over the years.

Muslims residing in East Jerusalem must just learn to extend to their Jewish neighbors the courtesy their Muslim brethren receive from their Jewish neighbors, in Israel proper.

In other words, allow Jews to live in peace. Or, just live.

Faith and the facts of history notwithstanding, Jerusalem undivided as the capital of the Jewish State is what Christians should be praying for if they value celebrating future Easter Holy Weeks in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, located in Jerusalem’s Old City.

The current pontiff is not Pope Benedict, who was—still is—a brave and brilliant scholar.

Pope Francis is likely more familiar with Quranic verses than with Psalms 137:5, in which the exiled Jews likened forgetting Jerusalem to forgetting the function of one’s right hand. (Literally translated, it is a vow: “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.”)

That was in 607 BC (Before Christ), and we Jews have still not forgotten. …

… READ THE REST. THE Complete column, Jews Must Never Forget Trump For Remembering Our Unforgettable Jerusalem,” is now on


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