Category Archives: Law

UPDATED (10/23/017): Girlfriend Of Vegas Killer Denies Knowing. AND EVERYBODY BELIEVES HER!!

Crime, Government, Homeland Security, Law, Political Correctness, Terrorism

Well then, the girlfriend of the Las Vegas killer Stephen Paddock says she didn’t know he was planning the massacre, then it must be true, right?

Likewise Noor Salman, Omar Mateen’s wife, also denied knowing anything was afoot with her her cherub of a husband: all those weapons and that bad attitude. Please. Mateen even told the FBI about his orientation as an aspiring terrorist. The FBI thought he was kinda cute.

At the time, Attorney General Loretta Lynch (confirmed by Republican lickspittles) stepped up to assure the public that federal authorities were scouring their contacts with Mateen, and those around him, to ferret out whether they’d missed anything. When grilled about Mateen’s wife, a key figure in the investigation and a possible co-conspirator, Lynch replied that Noor Salman was … missing.

I guess we have all the proof we need of Marilou Danley’s innocence: Her sisters went on Australian TV and wept a lot. And she returned to the US from vacation. Oh, an Australian TV anchor said she was “just a good woman.”

The End. Proof positive. QED (quod erat demonstrandum).

Does the FBI, preoccupied with setting up elaborate plots to entrap idiots, ever lean hard on a suspect?

UPDATE (10/23):

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UPDATE II (12/22): South-African Law Gone From Roman-Dutch To Tribal

Africa, America, Justice, Law, South-Africa

Two South African farmers, not the brightest, were convicted of “intent to murder” for pranking a trespasser, to teach him a lesson. Farmers are being killed by trespassers like Mr. Victor Mlotshwa, who turn home-invaders if they see an opportunity. The two farmers, Willem Oosthuizen and Theo Martins Jackson, wanted to teach him a lesson that would stay with him next time he entertained trespassing or thought of graduating to the next level of property invasion.

Judge Segopotje Mphahlele, also not the brightest, found the two guilty of attempted murder. Is there even a higher court in South Africa, manned with the kind of minds that might be able to explain to the country the imperative to overturn this silly judge’s verdict?

The “victim” was frightened but uninjured. Where is evidence of the intent to kill? Where’s mens rea?

Willem Oosthuizen and Theo Martins Jackson … were also found guilty of kidnapping, intimidation, and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm.

If the trespasser was on the farmers’ property, how was this a kidnapping?

Dan Roodt provides comment:

It’s a travesty of justice. A simple prank out of frustration that the police offer no protection against trespassers, thieves and murderers becomes “attempted murder”. It was also trial by media and social media, because the cellphone video went viral. So it is mob justice, a cyber-mob but mob justice all the same. The black judge got carried away by all the cries of racism. He should have been more even-handed and fair, like a real judge. Every white South African should be worried after this: you could be the next accused and you will not receive a fair trial. After this, I am very worried about our courts.

There is an excellent section in Into The Cannibal’s Pot about the Courts. It dissects judgments rendered and shows how the law of the land is being ‘Indigenized’ (page 75).

UPDATE I (10/24): “Culturally Incompetent To Stand Trial”:

American law:

UPDATE II (12/22): Via The Economist:

Among measures urgently needed to reassure potential investors is a repeal of Mr Mugabe’s “indigenisation” law that called for firms to be majority-owned by black Zimbabweans.

Get Cracking On Antifa Thugs, Jeff Sessions, Or Move On

Donald Trump, Justice, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Private Property

POTUS Trump was very eager for Jeff Sessions to crack down on special investigator Robert Mueller. Whatever happened to the law-and-order promises made during the campaign, to bring under control the rioters and looters of Antifa? Gone with the Wind?

UPDATED (7/27): Why’s POTUS Lashing Out At Sessions NOW? A Theory …

Donald Trump, Family, Government, Justice, Law, Russia

I was critical of Jeff Sessions early this year because he couldn’t stop groveling for nothing.

Why is it so hard for Jeff Sessions to say this: “Senators meet foreign diplomats all the the time. Establishment members are lying when they say they don’t meet with Russian diplomats. (And that includes Republican sleeper cells like Jason Chaffetz, Kevin McCarthy, Rob Portman and Barbara Comstock.)

The recusal was of a piece with this servile demeanor typically assumed by Republicans.

Via the Wall Street Journal:

Mr. Trump blamed Mr. Sessions’s recusal on the Russia probe as the reason the Justice Department named Robert Mueller as special counsel in charge of the investigation. Mr. Mueller’s appointment came after Mr. Trump fired former FBI Director James Comey, who had been overseeing the investigation.

However, President Trump had said nothing at the time. And Sessions has since proceeded to be one of the few cabinet nominees to do things consistent with Donald Trump’s campaign promises.

I’ve watched Trump closely now for close to 2 years. I believe that for him, like for most parents, it’s kids before country. And since POTUS has brought those kids of his into the affairs of the country, the anger over their perceived mistreatment is spilling over into the affairs of state.

This interview with the Wall Street Journal was given in the presence of … Ivanka Trump. Today, husband Jared Kushner got quizzed again, for the second day, by Robert Mueller, special counsel in charge of the investigation into the affair that never was: Russia.

My guess? Ivanka has been bitching to dad non-stop about her poor girlie Jared, who  underwent the Third Degree.

“An honest public servant can’t become rich in politics,” admonished Harry Truman. While Ivanka was already rich when she pressured dad to include her in his administration; the First Daughter did expect that she and family would be revered, not treated like common criminals.

And what Ivanka wants, Ivanka gets.  I think Trump has revved up his bitching at poor Sessions, suddenly, because Ivanka is bitching at the president for allowing Sessions to compromise the sainted Jared Kushner.

Just a theory.

UPDATE (7/27): Are we hoping too much for a method in the attack Sessions madness?