Category Archives: Media

Inauguration And The Aftermath (Women’s Math)

Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Gender, Islam, Media, Neoconservatism

American Woman, Stay Away From Me:

Neocon kingpins:

Sometimes Muslims have a point:

Can you articulate the problem?

Let me guess: Is it something down there?


Someone, Piers Morgan, has recovered his sanity:

CNN: Fake News in operation:

Moron Madonna, Aging ho:

Then there’s Melania:

To contrast with Mrs. Obama:

America First! What a concept.

From ‘I Obama” to ‘We The People’:

The supple liberal mind:

He spoke about people, not identity groups:

Dana Bash remains true to herself:

A very American show (down to the bikers):

Jack Ma Of Alibaba Way More Believable Than Mass Media

Business, Donald Trump, Ethics, Media

From the vantage point of the malfunctioning media, when it comes to President-elect Donald Trump, all news is bad news. Warn the warped minds of mass media: “Alibaba’s promise to Trump of 1 million jobs” is not to be believed.

Well of course.

Don’t be fooled by the latest billionaire meeting at Trump Tower claiming to have made “great” progress in American job creation: Alibaba won’t create 1 million jobs in the U.S. as promised, at least not directly. On Monday, Alibaba BABA, +0.88% Chief Executive Jack Ma became the latest CEO to tout job creation after a 40-minute meeting with Trump in the newly-minted politician’s gold-plated tower. There’s no better music to President-elect Donald Trump’s ears than pledges from CEOs to keep jobs in the U.S. or to create new ones. Trump ran much of his campaign on ensuring U.S. jobs are kept away from foreigners and aren’t outsourced to other countries, and he’s gone through great, highly-publicized lengths to prove his election is the reason why jobs are coming to or staying in America.

However, Ma’s assertion that he’s going to create a million new jobs in the U.S. by helping small businesses sell products and services to China is a stretch. The Chinese e-commerce giant is merely upping its own investments to appeal to U.S. small businesses, providing them with incentives, such as user data and logistics capabilities, in hopes that more American brands will sell items on its e-commerce sites. The increased demand on those U.S. goods from the Chinese middle class will prompt, it hopes, increased hiring as U.S. brands expand to meet the heightened demand. …


One thing’s for sure: Jack Ma of Alibaba is more believable and credible than American media. Just about anyone is.

Trump Changing Corporate Culture; Media Start Loving On Free-Market Capitalism

Business, Capitalism, Donald Trump, Free Markets, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Trade

The exuberant, America-First patriotism of President-elect Donald Trump is likely causing a chain reaction of sorts. Despite the gush and tosh from the deranged media, Trump has done nothing to pressure corporations to remain in the US—nothing but reiterate his campaign promises. But a powerful persona’s mindset is infectious, especially when coupled with the promise of a better economic climate. Trump is changing corporate hearts and minds about investing in America and its people. In order to frame this good thing as bad, the media have suddenly discovered a love of free-market capitalism. By triggering a change in corporate culture; Trump has the media louts decrying his assault on capitalism and his fostering of crony capitalism.

LOL: Free-market capitalism has been an “unknown ideal” in the US for a long time.

Via CNN:

Ford is canceling plans to build a new plant in Mexico. It will invest $700 million in Michigan instead, creating 700 new U.S. jobs.

Ford (F) CEO Mark Fields said the investment is a “vote of confidence” in the pro-business environment being created by Donald Trump. However, he stressed Ford did not do any sort of special deal with the president-elect.

“We didn’t cut a deal with Trump. We did it for our business,” Fields told CNN’s Poppy Harlow in an exclusive interview Tuesday.
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The $700 million investment will go to the Flat Rock, Michigan plant to produce more electric and self-driving cars. Ford believes electrified vehicles will outsell gas-powered vehicles within the next 15 years.

Ford is planning to roll out seven new electric vehicles in the next five years, including a Mustang Hybrid.

This is a major U-turn for Ford. Trump repeatedly slammed Ford on the campaign trail for shipping U.S. jobs to Mexico (a claim the company said was wrong). The president-elect has kept up the pressure. Just hours before the Ford announcement, Trump criticized GM (GM) for producing cars in Mexico. All of the big car manufacturers currently have some production in Mexico. …


UPDATED (1/9): The Unbearable Banality Of Fox News (Tucker Carlson Excepted)

America, Conservatism, Intelligence, Media, Politics, Pop-Culture, Republicans

“Tocqueville in the 19th century, and Solzhenitsyn in the 20th, noted that conformity of thought is powerfully prevalent among Americans.” Thus, the possibility that a lonely voice telling an unwanted, original truth might be heard on Fox News is small.

With this in mind, I couldn’t resist bringing you the “mind-blowing” Fox headlines for December 22, 2016, the kind of insights that are off-the-charts brilliant (cynicism alert):

“Germany’s Refugee Policy Has Been a ‘Complete Disaster.'” [You don’t say!]

“Gutfeld Slams ‘Divisive, Alienating’ YouTuber Who Claimed Racism on Plane.” [Yawn.]

Meghan McCain, one of the dumbest women on TV: “‘I’m So Blown Away’ That Some Dems Want a 3rd Hillary Run.”

“‘Russia Didn’t Elect Trump, America Did'” [OMG!]

Prepare for the clincher: “‘Tolerance Is One-Sided’ on the Left.” [The truly brilliant Christopher Hitchens must be tossing in his grave. His brilliance has finally been bested.]


UPDATE (1/9):