Category Archives: Media

UPDATED: Wikileaks Reveals Collusion Between State, Lapdog Media & Clinton Campaign

Conspiracy, Donald Trump, Ethics, Government, Hillary Clinton, Journalism, Media

They’re not watchdogs they’re lapdog. In an epic “data dump,” Wikileaks has exposed for all to see the open collusion between the media and the Clinton Campaign. Naturally, the same colluding media are not covering the report about their malfeasance. I’ve scanned the online front pages of PBS, NPR, MSNBC, National Journal, Reuters, New York Times. As of 6:00PM Pacific Standard Time, there was nothing.

Courtesy of Zero Hedge:

Moments ago, Wikileaks just released its third data dump from the hacked email account of Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Chair, John Podesta, which is becoming a true headache for Hillary Clinton and her supporter base.

There are as many as 1,190 new emails in the latest release, adding to the more than 4,000 emails from Podesta already released by the whistleblowing website, and bringing the total to 5,336. Wikileaks founder Julian [Assange] has claimed he is sitting on as much as 50,000 messages. …

starting with yet another beauty from CNBC’s own “unbiased” political commentator John Harwood emailed to Hillary’s campaign chairman, John Podesta.

MORE WikieLeak, “The Podesta Emails.”

RELATED: “Assange Is Us” By ilana mercer.

UPDATED: Porno journo Megyn Kelly has just stated that her colleagues at CNN would never … DRUDGE Disagrees:

Releases Another 1,000 Emails From Podesta...
How Saudi Arabia And Qatar ARE Funding ISIS...
UNIVISION chief urged Clinton to hit harder...
CNBC John Harwood Advises Campaign [And he was debate moderator?!]...
NYT Gave Hillary Veto Power On Quotes!
BOSTON GLOBE coordinated to max her 'presence' in paper...
BRAZILE BUSTED: DNC Chief Shared CNN Town Hall Questions...
Used Benghazi as distraction from email scandal...
State Dept Coordinated Email Release...


Despite What The Moron Media Will Say, TRUMP Won 2nd Presidential Debate

Barack Obama, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Foreign Policy, Gender, Healthcare, Hillary Clinton, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Media, Republicans, Taxation, Terrorism, Trade

Despite this, Donald Trump won the Second presidential Debate hands down.

At some point, Andy Copper even:

Can’t legislate biology. The guy factor:

However, Andy did touch on the “deplorables”:

Maybe this is no longer true, after 2nd Debate:

Be afraid, guys:

A shame Hillary’s dream of one-world order didn’t get mentioned, but enough did:

I’m a sexist, too:

“Make Government Great Again” is Hillary’s slogan:

Does he have strategy, or what! Pivoting and more:

The strategy vis-a-vis Islam: Stand your ground:

Hillary’s strategy/pivot: ‘Go to my website’:

The Obamas are not such great Clinton pals:

HillaryCare aka ObamaCare:

I suspect Bill is not unhappy, deep down:

Hillary left holding a lump of coal:



I have a soft spot for the … Kurds:

SCOTUS: Hillary hates her own money in politics …

Group hug: Trump is kinder than Hillary:

Even About The Weather And America Does Mainstream Media Lie

America, Media, Propaganda

The CNN bimbo covering Hurricane Matthew, on east coastal Florida (I believe it was), is ridiculous. Too young to have lived through the previous Category 4 or 5 hurricane, she fibs on camera and in-situ.

Just watched said bimbo with mic interview a hardened fisherman or seafaring guy, who’s seen some bad weather in his life. When he appears relaxed and measured, know-it-all bimbo scolds him.

Then two tough chicks leap out of a vehicle for an interview. They’re as cute as a button and as cool as a cucumber. “Yeah, we’ve stopped to check out the surf before heading out. Everything is under control. Houses are boarded-up,” they say (and I paraphrase). But our idiot of a reporter, waving her hands affectatiously, turns away from the cool gals and declares, “People here are really nervous.”

Not! Not one person she interviewed seemed remotely nervous. They all appeared totally cool, amazing people.

Even about the weather and America does Mainstream Media lie.

Media Really Are Deplorable

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Political Correctness, Pop-Culture, Technology

Hillary’s surrogate’s sex tape exists.

Et tu, Fox News?! Always, and of course.

The never-interesting Ana Navarro.

Media members attack Melania for wearing … white.

The porno journo Megyn Kelly:

You can stop ’em, Mr. Trump:

Pre- or post-debate, the media are hard to abide:

The search engines are in on skewing the data:

Oh, the monolith of left-liberal mindlessness. Not even comedians stray from the party-line. I miss Jay Leno.

Circling the wagons around Hillary:

Now our speech and the Internet to be controlled by media  tools: