Category Archives: Media

Is Islam Violent? Of Course Not: Propaganda By Fareed Zakaria

Islam, Journalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Neoconservatism

Fareed Zakaria plagiarizer can to no wrong at CNN. Donning his documentarian’s hat, the taqiyya-talking Zakaria proceeded to editorialize for an hour about “Why They Hate Us.”

“Is Islam an inherently violent religion?” asks Zakaria and answers predictably.

Islam is innocent and so is America’s foreign policy (Zakaria is a neoconservative interventionist).

It’s not theology, it’s politics. Radical Islam is the product of the broken politics and stagnant economics of Muslim countries. They have found in radical religion an ideology that lets them rail against the modern world, an ideology that is now being exported to alienated young Muslims everywhere — in Europe, and even in some rare cases in the United States.

How can we bring an end to this?

This collectivist (Zakaria is an immigrant from India) uses his considerable reach to agitate for yet more involvement and sacrifice on the part of Americans, audacious ruling out anything but this:

There’s really only one way: Help the majority of Muslims fight extremists, reform their faith, and modernize their societies. In doing so, we should listen to those on the front lines, many of whom are fighting and dying in the struggle against jihadis. The hundreds of Muslim reformers I’ve spoken to say their task is made much harder when Western politicians and pundits condemn Islam entirely, demean their faith, and speak of all Muslims as backward and suspect

Trump has it right. See “Wrong, Donald Trump, Islam Loves Us … To Bits.”

“Why they hate us” By Fareed Zakaria.

The Donald’s Done Playing Domesticated, Speaks Truth To The ‘Political Press’

Donald Trump, Journalism, Media, Military

Donald Trump is done playing the domesticated Donald (also the face he put on for showgirl Megyn Kelly). Thirty six minutes and eight seconds into this Trump presser, at Trump Tower on May 30, The Old Donald, full of conviction, describes the “sleazebag,” malfunctioning press’ modus operandi.

I’m not looking for credit, but when I do raise millions of dollars for veterans, I don’t want this sleazebag from ABC—you’re a sleazebag in my book– writing lies. The bad part abut the dishonest media is that people like myself (Donald Trump) will be less inclined to repeat the exercise.

Lo! The moron media faulted him, essentially, for vetting veteran groups vying for funds before sending out the funds raised. Wow. A man who’s careful with money! That doesn’t bode well in politics, now does it!?

‘When Is Fox Going To Deep-Six Megyn Kelly?’

Celebrity, Donald Trump, Feminism, Gender, Journalism, Media

My good friend, retired flight test engineer WILLIAM B. SCOTT, author of “The Permit,” spared me the agony of watching Megyn Kelly’s journo porn. I could not possibly tolerate the bedroom voice, the affectatious ringed-hand gestures and the dumb bimbo questions. How disappointing that Donald Trump found this tack tolerable. The Washington Post echoes comments I had already made about Kelly. Briefly, and before we clear Bill to fire, here’s WaPo’s take:

Kelly is going to have to learn about listening, and, wherever possible, resist the urge to bring attention to herself. But I don’t think that’s really her thing. … Kelly’s last words to her viewers were spent crassly plugging her forthcoming memoir.

My version’s more colorful:

… A serious journalist with a grasp of the enormity of the Trump Revolution; a journalist who didn’t wish to give up on ever again interviewing the candidate, or forever forfeit access to a possible future president, a journalist with gravitas would have labored less at promoting herself and more on mending a professional relationship. … Not Kelly. And Kelly’s colleagues and bosses are enablers; they’ve taught her everything about ratings, make-up and hair. …
… Yes, your new hair is magnificent, Megyn Kelly. Glad you got rid of the old, matted shag that likely needed extensive reviving before each show. You’re a pretty girl. But boy, are you vain and a tad vacuous. The way you always bring the Kelly File show back to … yourself. Does that take skill or just all-consuming narcissism?

Bill’s the best:

When is Fox going to deep-six this woman? America has had it with the Blond Ego of the Fox News Channel!!!
This interview was moronic. What dumb questions Witch Megyn asked! Where are the questions about policy, ISIS, the economy, etc.?
Megyn was determined to get an apology from Trump, but it didn’t happen (good!). Then Kelly asked the dumbest d*** questions, again focusing on personal trivia and trying to portray The Donald as something he isn’t.

My gut-feel sense: Kelly’s popularity among Fox viewers has plummeted, since that first Republican debate and her moronic, aggressive “women question.” Since then, her unremitting campaign to undermine and discredit Trump has further infuriated the Fox audience, even though she’s merely carrying the water for Rupert Murdoch. She’s the most-ambitious Fox-babe—one willing to do anything to please Murdoch, a paragon of the global elites threatened by Trump presidency.

Roger Ailes (sp?), the FNC news chief, would probably “deep-six” Ms. Megyn, but Murdoch is trying to save her pretty little face by giving her a separate, new personality-based show that’s distributed to Fox affiliates. (Kelly as a new-generation Barbara Walters?) I suspect her FNC show will vanish shortly. Kelly’s star is in free fall, and giving her a new show smells of desperation.

Merely an old reporter’s sensors and news radar at work. I may be wrong.

The last straw for me last night was Kelly’s not-so-subtle “suggestions” that Trump change his ways to become more of what the mindless elites and media (pardon the redundancy) think he should be. Fortunately, Trump is far more attuned to today’s American psyche than are the elitists paralyzed by fear of the distinct possibility that Trump will upend their cozy little exclusive club and money machine—the political-corporate-media-globalist complex that empowers and enriches everybody but working citizens.

An Ode To Paul Ryan By MSNBC’s Left-Liberal Lawrence O’Donnell

Bush, Constitution, Donald Trump, Government, Kids, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Natural Law, Republicans

Oh what natural bedfellows these fleas make and how they love The People. I’m talking about the Left and the left-leaning “Right” of our political and media establishment.

Last week, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell practically glorified House Speaker Paul Ryan for, as he put it, “giving little Donald Trump his first a major kindergarten lesson in government during a meeting on Capitol Hill, putting into perspective how hard it will be for Trump to pass his outrageous legislative agenda.”

Ryan was the best and smartest Republican negotiator [code for shyster] in D.C.; Trump the worst, exalted statist O’Donnell.

Note how O’Donnell frames the right thing—naturally right thing to do—as ignorant, “magic thinking. “Ryan has been dealing with children like Trump for years,” intones this pompous member of the ruling class, in reference to Tea Party fiscal impulses and Trump Nation inclinations.

Lawrence thinks the good kind of power comes from the Law and from The Constitution, rather than from The People heeding the natural law. Naturally, to O’Donnell, Ryan, a mere boy, is the adult in the room. Trump, a man of the world, who’s built stuff, is the child, sitting at the feet of legislator-cum-apostle Paul, lapping up his wisdom.

It’s simple. If Trump doesn’t fulfill his promises, just as Barack Obama did through Executive decrees (which most certainly are in the overreaching U.S. Constitution), through brute force; he’ll be a one-term president. The Constitution is a dead letter. Has been for a long time.

Besides, “The Constitution has saddled Americans with a very strong presidency, should he choose to act on the veto it grants him. Buried in the constitutional thickets, concedes historian Paul Johnson, are “huge powers.” The American president “was much stronger than most kings of the day, rivaled or exceeded only by the ‘Great Autocrat,’ the Tsar of Russia (and in practice stronger than most tsars). These powers were not explored until Andrew Jackson’s time, half a century on, when they astonished and frightened many people.”

See “The Sovereign Agrees To … A Bourbon Summit.”