Category Archives: Media

Megyn Kelly: You’re So Vain (And Other Girl Talk)

Aesthetics, Gender, Media, Morality

Your new hair is magnificent, Megyn Kelly. You’re a pretty girl. But boy!, are you vain and a tad vacuous. The way you always bring the Kelly File show back to … yourself. Does that take skill or just all consuming narcissism?

Today we learned from motormouth herself that because she’s so cute (presumably), she was given a stripper name by her sources when investigating a story about a stripper who cried rape.

When she first burst on to the Fox News scene, years ago, Kelly announced in an interview that she was beautiful inside and out. She might have meant to say boastful.

After the much needed dressing-down and time-out forced by her snarling attack on Donald Trump, Kelly was a little more demure. She has since rebounded, rushing to make hay on the Charlie Rose show, where she was utterly charming, as she always is.

Yet the constant onslaught of Kelly charisma has become off-putting.

With Rose, Kelly slipped up again by bringing it back to herself: She told the interviewer and his viewers how Fox News boss Roger Aisles had liked “the package: the smarts, the looks, the voice.”

Her words about herself.

In the same interview, I noticed her glowing (and sweet) references to her kids, but nothing for her husband, whom she often allows into the studio when he has a book to flog (the nepotistic school of journalism is big with bimbo journos). Is all still well on that front? Or, has Kelly been forced to seek the counsel of her favorite wise man, Dr. Phil?

Glad the hair-do is fixed. The Fox News hair stylist is awful. An exemplar of her (or his) creation is Kimberly G-String’s rigid wig. The Hair sits on Guilfoyle’s head like a helmet. Andrea Tarantula’s stiff coif and Megyn Kelly’s old, shaggy hair extensions—all were awful.

Megyn’s new hair is neat. A good cut has replaced the old, matted shag that likely needed extensive reviving before each show.

Let’s leave the spandex, cling-wrap, cheap looking garments the broads on Fox News swaddle themselves in. Surely they can afford some gorgeous couture? Take a page out of Taylor Swift’s wardrobe or Kate Middleton’s. Beautifully tailored, high-end clothes are so flattering if one can afford them, sartorial essentials Ann Coulter is missing too.

The Race That Began & Ended In Media’s Mind

Democrats, Elections, Media, Reason

The race that never was: Joe Biden for president.

The Biden presidential bid began in the collective mind of Mainstream-Media, and ended in said swamp. Or has it ended? CNN’s Mad Michael Smerconish postulated, today, that by dropping out of a race he never joined, Biden was brilliantly signaling he’s actually joining it.

Why are these mad men, with zero astuteness or predictive powers, on TV? (“PUNDITS, HEAL THYSELVES!” addressed that quagmire in 2004.)

Meantime, CNN keeps their flame for Biden burning.

The Trump-In-Decline School Of Alternate Reality

Democrats, Media, Objectivism, Politics, Republicans

“Reports of Donald Trump’s demise are wildly exaggerated,” said one of the “astringent” minds with life tenure on the DC consultant and pundit circuit. Indeed, the school of thought that has consolidated like an aftershock after the tectonic shift in politics created by Donald Trump comprises the “adviser, strategist and candidate class” we know so well. They create their own reality and force their viewers or listeners to share their parallel universe.

Except that a LOT of Americans are having none-of it.

As was predicted in this space—and well before Monica Crowley awoke (today) to the reality of Trump (on Fox News’ Hannity)—many independents, Reagan Democrats and Southern Democrats are going to flock to Trump.

Likewise, refutations of rumors of the demise of Trump are meaningless, created among people whose intellectual output consists of wishful thinking designed to confirm a world-view friendly to power.

On the other hand, not once has a reliable, non-mainstream analyst outside this sheltered-employment clique ever suggested that Trump would peak, then crash, plateau, then decline or disappear.

DC is having a debate with itself.

As far as Trump is concerned, they can talk to the hand.

Genghis Bush Is Not Blameless In Sept. 11 Catastrophe

Bush, Media, Terrorism

Damn straight George Bush bears some culpability for 9/11, as Donald Trump intimated. We all recall Condoleezza Rice’s unblushing justifications for her dismissive treatment of the critical mass of intelligence pertaining to impending terrorist attacks. Even now, it’s essential that she and President G. Bush not be allowed to fob off their responsibilities for September 11 on their underlings. “HOLD THEIR FEET TO THE FIRE!” I demanded in May 29, 2002, in a column that still holds true (most of them do):

… By now everyone knows of the Phoenix FBI agent who, in July, wrote a memorandum about the bin Ladenites who were training in U.S. flight schools. Agent Ken Williams’ report was very specific. Over and above the standard sloth the memo met in the Washington headquarters, it transpired that the FBI was also concerned to avoid “racial profiling.”

The pending, bipartisan “End Racial Profiling Act of 2001” is the standard victim’s legislation. It’ll allow the U.S. government or the investigated racial or ethnic minority member to sue the taxpayer if there is a remote sense that law enforcement has engaged in an investigation that has “a disparate impact” on a minority’s eternally, and conveniently suppurating emotional wounds. …

Donald Trump’s right. What’s more, Mr. Trump continues to smoke out members of the media-political complex, who’re on the war path against him, not least Charles Krauthammer and Megyn Kelly.