Category Archives: Media

AL Jazeera And RToo On America

America, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Middle East, Russia

a DRUDGE headline blares: “AL JAZEERA July 4 vid mocks Americans as fat, gun-toting, pill-poping, porn-watching racists …” Al-Jaz has always been a clone of the American left. John Stewart on steroids. RT, however, used to have a strong libertarian streak. No more. The American anchor babes took control there and that was that. The Al-Jaz headline could have come from RT (which went instead with as a mild “Number of ‘extremely proud’ Americans drops by 3 percent”).

No Trump Apology Tour

Elections, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Politics

“No Trump Apology Tour” is the current column, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine. An excerpt:

“CNN anchor Don Lemon conducted an interview with Donald Trump. It went very well, for Mr. Trump, that is. So well that Lemon’s scoop is difficult to locate on CNN’s website. Instead, scooped the telephonic exchange.

Lemon was at a loss. He got more sour-looking by the minute, as Trump bulldozed him with the force of his convictions and personality. There was no interrupting Trump’s train of thought. The “builder-businessman” was going to say his piece.

Americans have been listening intently. “A CNN/ORC poll released Wednesday,” reported National Journal, ‘showed Trump had 12 percent of the vote among Republicans and Republican-leaners, second only to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who earned 19 percent.’

Trump’s retort: “I’m not happy being behind Jeb Bush.” He went on to ponder beguilingly how Bush 3 (a man he would fire) could be soaring in the polls:

I don’t get it. He’s in favor of Common Core, extremely weak on immigration. He thinks people come over for love. I don’t understand why he’s in first place. Maybe it’s the Bush name. Last thing we need is another Bush. But I will tell you, I’m a little surprised he’s in the position he’s in.

As Trump sees it, his countrymen are being betrayed by the Beltway. To make America great, he’d have to restore American prosperity. Jeb Bush will not do America’s bidding. It’s not his thing.

True. Jeb Bush will not lead America to the Promised Land, in Trump’s words. No politician will. The hope is that Trump, who does not need to ride us like the others, will get the parasites-in waiting off our backs.

Trump’s strength is that he keeps coming back to the stuff of life: business, economics, making a living. Politics is the stuff that kills all that. …”

… Read the rest. “No Trump Apology Tour” is the current column, now on Unz.

Egos In The Anchor’s Chair

Ann Coulter, Etiquette, IMMIGRATION, Journalism, Media

On the rare occasions that Fox News entertains edifying guests, the Ego in the Anchor’s Chair can’t help but make sure he or she is heard above all others.

A case in point: The Megyn Kelly extravaganza (my, is she becoming a waste of time). The woman invited Ann Coulter to educate one of the stupidest men on TV: Geraldo Rivera. Instead, Rivera was allowed to noodle on endlessly and Megyn stole precious time from Ms. Coulter to work through her own ignorance of the word “polemicist” (which is also how my book is often described).

Sean Hannity’s act is way worse. The Egos have their clique. Larry Elder is not as close to Fox News’ hosts as Juan Williams is. The result: Hannity invited Williams to scream over Elder. Why is this good TV? Why don’t their ratings suffer?

No Trump Apology Tour?

Celebrity, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Media

Donald Trump is on the right track, speaking truth to the powers that be, and refusing to be cowed into apologies for his outspokenness. There is no greater achievement for an anti-politician than to be denounced by career politicians and their puppeteers.

“NBC is so weak and so foolish,” Trump taunted, “to not understand the serious illegal immigration problem in the United States.” And: “They will stand behind lying Brian Williams, but won’t stand behind people that tell it like it is, as unpleasant as that may be.”

The billionaire was responding to NBC’s decision to sever ties with him and boycott his shows because he, Trump, spoke candidly about the chaos on the border with Mexico.

Donald Trump: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. … They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with [them]. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards, and they tell us what they’re getting.”