Category Archives: Media

New York Times (& Mainstream Media) Behind The Times, Islam, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Media, Middle East

Forty two minutes ago (7/30), the New York Times seconded the “analytical glimpse of the dynamic forces at play in the current Middle-Eastern conflict,” offered by DEBKAfile on July 29, and reported on by yours truly, yesterday.

After the military ouster of the Islamist government in Cairo last year, Egypt has led a new coalition of Arab states — including Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — that has effectively lined up with Israel in its fight against Hamas, the Islamist movement that controls the Gaza Strip. … “The Arab states’ loathing and fear of political Islam is so strong that it outweighs their allergy to Benjamin Netanyahu,” the prime minister of Israel, said Aaron David Miller, a scholar at the Wilson Center in Washington and a former Middle East negotiator under several presidents.

MORE of the behind-the-times (news-wise) NYT.

MORE DEBKAfile, via BAB, your preferred source of analysis.

Patriots For Private Property Push Back

IMMIGRATION, Media, Private Property

Matters boiled over in Murrieta, California (while Bill O’Reilly interviewed the Hollywood Idiocracy, and his photogenic philosophical twin, Megyn Kelly, did take number four or five in her “Endless Ayers” series. So much for news). Private-property patriots pushed back against an invasion, by uninvited dependent aliens, of their space, their bank accounts and possibly their bodies (by pathogens). The heroic stand athwart forced the invaders to back away. Alarming, however, is the idiot elite’s position: they pushed back not against the invaders and their proxies (the Feds), but against the patriots.

Murrieta’s obsequious, pathetic mayor, Alan Long, apologized for his townsmen, depicting the protest as “angry,” lacking in compassion and unreasonable. Replace the guy!

O’Reilly performed the same jig, suggesting that the patriots were unamerican and nasty.

As I said, the Idiot Elite.

Endless Ayers: Megyn Kelly Discombobulates

Journalism, Media

Vanity creates professional blind spots.

The headlines are hot with real news: The crush of illegals, some carrying serious diseases, is moving from the US border to the interior. This might be taking place with government imprimatur, but residents into whose communities the hordes are being moved are having none of it. Consequently, some courageous Americans have turned them away from the Murrieta Border Patrol facility. Israelis and Palestinians are certainly rioting, to say nothing of the ladies of the American left and their male lap dogs. All are having grand-Mal seizures because a few christian employers won’t be forced to pay for their IUDs and morning-after pills. Things are indeed heating up.

But what has occupied Fox News sensation Megyn Kelly for the last 4 days (and counting), to the almost complete exclusion of all else? That old has-been Bill Ayers. This was a story in 2008, if I am not mistaken, Miss Kelly. But I don’t care enough to … even check how dated this nonsense is.

“A world exclusive” Kelly calls her endless Ayers interviews; “a special report about Professor Bill Ayers,” who “admits to terrorizing this country, bombing buildings and committing other crimes during the 1970s. And he got away scot-free. Because this is America, he wound up as a college professor, who even helped a president launch his political career.”

There is nothing here that wasn’t reported back in 2008. More importantly: it doesn’t matter.

News Blackout For Barack

Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Taxation

It looks like CNN might have been shamed fleetingly into fulfilling its mandate: covering current news. Yesterday, out of the blue, Wolf Blitzer conducted an interview not entirely friendly with that piece of detritus, IRS Chief JOHN KOSKINEN. By contrast, a day prior, reporter Dana Bitch ran a smarmy, lighthearted and facetious segment about the Internal Revenue scandal, suggesting it was a figment of the minds of Republicans. Perhaps the stark data of the sparse coverage of this and other Obama scandals, gathered by Media Research Center senior news analyst Scott Whitlock, and presented to large audiences by Bill O’Reilly, did something to create oscillation in the closed media circuit (“circus” is a better word).

… A grand jury is investigating whether members of Mr. Christie’s staff sabotaged traffic on the bridge to get revenge on a political opponent. The story is valid and the network news went wild with it, devoting 112 minutes to the situation in the first week, 112 minutes.
But when the VA scandal story broke, there was no coverage on the nightly network news broadcast for almost two weeks. No coverage.
When the lost IRS email story broke, just three and a half minutes combined on all the network newscasts. Unbelievable. That is a news blackout.
On the newspaper front, the big three liberal papers – the New York Times, L.A. Times, Washington Post – printed fifty-six stories and commentaries about Governor Christie in the first week. Fifty-six.
First week of the V.A. Scandal, two stories. First week of the IRS scandal, three stories. You want media bias, there it is beyond a reasonable doubt.