Category Archives: Media

The Costs Of The Drone & Family

America, Barack Obama, Foreign Policy, Media (where my weekly column can be read too) is a good source for unreported or underreported US news.

Item: “The Council on Foreign Relations has released its estimates on the year’s covert targeted killings in Yemen and Pakistan, carried out primarily by drones. The Council estimates a total of 3,520 casualties since the drone strike program began in 2004, of whom 457 have been civilians. …” MORE.

Item: The Obama daughters were listed as “senior staff” for “the June 21-27, 2011, trip taken by First Lady Michelle Obama, her family and her staff to South Africa and Botswana. The passenger manifests confirm the presence of Obama’s daughters, Malia and Sasha on the trip. …” MORE.

Those are some of the costs to this- and other countries of The Drone and his family.

Redcoat Piers Morgan Tossed And Gored Back To Britain

Britain, Critique, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Morality, Propaganda, Republicans

As always, “Redcoat Piers Morgan” led the pack of presstitutes with a pack of lies, declaring that conservative media was covering the Chris-Christie scandal not at all.

I’m the first to criticize the interminable stupidity and corrupt complicity of the Republicans and their dedicated TV channel. But is Fox New doing due diligence to the Christie story? Very much so—although they have, appropriately, refrained from inflating the “Fat and Furious folderol” beyond its significance, as is being done on the histrionic, Hussein-oriented “news” networks.

The “insufferably pompous Piers” has made Jim Goad’s “13 Most Annoying People of 2013” list. Goad tosses and gores this “lime-farting Enemy of All Things American” straight back to Britain:


This fey, pompous, snooty, lime-farting Enemy of All Things American had the gall and fundamental lack of honesty to call Rachel Jeantel a “smart cookie” after an appearance on his show that revealed Jeantel to be dumber than a hippo basking in an African mud pond. All year long, Morgan railed against guns, racism, Americans, American guns, American racists, and American racists with guns. Here’s hoping that some meth-addled gun nuts somewhere in the American heartland devise a gun big enough to shoot Piers Morgan all the way back to England.

On Health Care & ‘Homo Economicus,’ And The Spoils Of Entrapment & Political Predation

Economy, Government, Healthcare, Media, Politics, Propaganda, Regulation, Terrorism

Health Care & ‘Homo Economicus. Even the pro-Obama socialist youth of America act as “Homo Economicus”: they know they are young and healthy and unlikely to fall ill. Why should they partake in a scheme that financially punishes them for this natural advantage? Millennials want us to pay for them, not the reverse.

“Federal Health Care Enrollees: Older Outnumber Younger”:

.. more than 2 million people who have signed up for private [it’s not private: “A healthcare cauldron of Obama’s creation, government-run exchanges constitute a planned economy, not a market economy”] health insurance through the exchanges set up by the federal government. … Of those who signed up in the first three months, 55 percent are age 45 to 64, officials said. Only 24 percent of those choosing a health insurance plan are 18 to 34, a group that is usually healthier and needs fewer costly medical services. People 55 to 64 – just below the age at which people qualify for Medicare — represented the largest group, at 33 percent.”

Speaking of the Dah Factor, or of the news newsmen were not anticipating (but you were):

“Review Of Terrorism Cases Finds NSA Spying Helped Very Little”:

Surveillance programs run by the National Security Agency helped very little when it came to cases brought against individuals the United States says were linked to al-Qaida. …

A great deal of efforts of our spymaster “protectors” go into entrapment; concocting elaborate traps to ensnare potential “evil doers”; “setting swarthy simpletons up and then nabbing them in a so-called terrorism sting.”

More non-news:

“Majority In Congress Are Millionaires”: Of course, the reporter doesn’t tell us how the predatory political class has acquired wealth, for he doesn’t think that it’s important, nevertheless:

For the first time in history, more than half the members of Congress are millionaires, according to a new analysis of financial disclosure reports conducted by the non-partisan .
Of the 534 current members of the House and Senate, 268 had an average net worth of $1 million or more in 2012 – up from 257 members in 2011. The median net worth for members of the House and Senate was $1,008,767.

Rep. Darrell Issa notwithstanding—he made his fortune, if I am not mistaken, in business, before joining the parasites in Congress—“The political class and its sycophants utilize the political means to earn their keep. As libertarian economist Murray Rothbard reminded, these ‘are two mutually exclusive ways of acquiring wealth”—the economic means is honest and productive, the political means is dishonest and predatory…but oh so very effective.'”

‘Fat And Furious’ And Other ‘Complicated’ Folderol

Gender, Intelligence, Media, Politics, Republicans

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was christened “fat and furious” at, following what appears to be the governor’s feigned outrage over his administration’s intentional closing of the George Washington Bridge as political retribution.

I got a kick out of the reaction of those “great minds” of Crossfire.

“Great minds don’t always agree” goes the once-illustrious show’s new motto. Nothing they can say or write will even make Cupp, Cutter and the other two co-hosts worthy of the great-mind moniker. At best one can call Neut Gingrich a mercurial mind.

Rasped S.E. Cupp the cretin:

“[I]f you’re in not New Jersey or not D.C., you look at this story, which is actually pretty complicated, … and you think, he did what, to who, when, where, what?”

Replied co-host Stephanie Cutter, who is indisputably less of a fool than Cupp:

“I think it’s not hard to follow the story, regardless of where you live.”

… somebody is seeking political retribution and … somebody is bullying somebody on the other side of the aisle

Pretty much politics as usual.