Category Archives: Middle East

Did Hillary Hawk Lose Because She’s A Lot Like Chucky Krauthammer?

Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Hillary Clinton, Middle East, Military, Neoconservatism, War

A new study makes the case that Hillary Clinton lost because the poor, largely white communities which pay for war forevermore, got sick of paying.

… professors argue that Clinton lost the battleground states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan in last year’s presidential election because they had some of the highest casualty rates during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and voters there saw Clinton as the pro-war candidate.

By contrast, her pro-war positions did not hurt her in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and California, the study says; because those states were relatively unscathed by the Middle East wars.

The study is titled “Battlefield Casualties and Ballot Box Defeat: Did the Bush-Obama Wars Cost Clinton the White House?” Authors Francis Shen, associate professor at the University of Minnesota Law School, and Dougas Kriner, a political science professor at Boston University, strike a populist note:

I hope so. And let’s hope Trump remembers running on a plank of no more unwarranted, aggressive unconstitutional wars. (Good move today in initiating cooperation with Russia.) However, whenever I watch soldiers selected to appear on Fox News, they’re cheering loudest for war, and damning those who object.

Trump’s Saudi Best Friends Are A Major Threat To Regional Stability

Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Iran, Islam, Middle East

Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates have enlisted the West in “a proxy Sunni-Shia religious war,” Riyadh’s ultimate aim. The scary part: Donald Trump seems perfectly willing to partake.

Via Doug Bandow at

Wealthy and pampered Saudi Arabia and the UAE, along with their satellites, particularly Bahrain and Egypt, whose loyalty has been purchased with abundant cash and military support, have declared diplomatic war on Qatar. They blame the latter for supporting terrorism, but almost certainly more important to them, dictatorships all, is the desire to silence criticism of their own crimes.

Doha supports opposition groups, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, the chief target of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s brutal rule in Egypt, and TV channel Al Jazeera, which speaks ill of most of the oppressive Gulf regimes. Qatar also maintains civil relations with Iran …

… Indeed, under Saudi Arabia’s ruthless new Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman—who apparently has put his cousin and ousted predecessor under palace arrest—Riyadh has become the major threat to regional stability. Although U.S. officials blame Tehran for destabilizing the Gulf, it is the Saudi royals who supported radical insurgents in Syria, launched an aggressive war against Yemen, and sent troops to support Bahrain’s Sunni monarchy against the oppressed Shia majority. If the House of Saud ever loses its hold on power, the crash will be heard around the world.

At one level there isn’t much to choose between the assorted Gulf kingdoms. They are monarchies in a world which mostly abandoned that ancient form of government a century ago. They are largely dictatorships. Kuwait is the freest, with an elected assembly and robust media; otherwise the picture is bleak. Most sit atop sizeable energy reserves and hire foreigners to do their dirty work. Including Americans to defend them.

Saudi Arabia is the Gulf colossus and usually takes the lead. But Qatar, with the largest natural gas reserves in the world—and consequently the world’s wealthiest nation—long has followed a very different foreign policy. This rankled Riyadh’s royals, who were used to being obeyed. Worse was Doha’s creation of Al Jazeera, which promoted the Arab Spring and has attained wide viewership in a region where the media is highly controlled. (Confession: I’ve appeared on the channel.) Egypt’s al-Sisi, who in 2013 ousted a democratically elected president from the Muslim Brotherhood and imposed a reign of terror to crush all opposition, most objects to Qatar’s support for the MB. …

A stupid title for what is a good analysis. READ: “Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates Should Put Own Houses In Order Before Accusing Qatar.”


Ann Coulter, Donald Trump, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Foreign Policy, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Middle East

Just when the need for real journalism intensifies, the great Seymour Hersh returns to the headlines. Military Officials: There Was NO Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria; Trump Bombed Syria DESPITE Advice From Military:

They advanced starvation and cholera in Yemen by bombing it. Now the Saudis, POTUS’s BFFs, donate relief and get praise. So why is Trump green-lighting Saudi aggression against Qatar?

Ridiculous: On the West’s ability to grapple with Islam, Ayaan Hirsi Ali shows she is FULL OF IT, and has adopted her adopted countries’ habit of babbling about a mystical ideology, instead of a brute religion (Islam). Ali has come out against a man who was once a friend to her: Geert Wilders.

We got some comic relief when a CNN “reporter,” having covered nothing but the no-news Russia non-story, moaned about the lack of attention to torture and murder ongoing in Venezuela. Fake News doesn’t even know it’s fake news.

Sean Hannity may have once promised to keep Trump honest, but as illustrated in the column “THE WAR ON TRUMP: The Big Picture for Conservatives, Libertarians & Liberals,” the two party apparatchiks simply move into the same firing positions when their men are in power. Hannity censors Ann Coulter’s criticism.

Deplorables supported the Trump who ran on diplomacy with Islam-fighting Russia. Sanctions & hostility don’t MAGA. But apparently Deplorables adapt once their guy is in the White House. Sanctions on Russia and on Cuba: Bad.

Suffer the helpless dogs: Animals, too, are in danger because America imports people with monstrous morals. Germany is no better.

I don’t know about you, but I no longer believed Trump In Iowa. He said immigrants were to enter only if they love us. Like Australia’s unwanted refugees, which POTUS has welcomed?

There was no excuse for North Korea’s mistreatment of poor Otto Warmbier, and no excuse for Obama indifference to Otto. Maybe if Otto, RIP, had looked more like Trayvon Martin? Remeber Obama’s “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon Martin”?

Finally, Democrat Jon Ossoff lost his race in Atlanta, but, oh how like Jared Kushner he looked: Both are in gender limbo, not quite man, not quite woman. (See “What Ivanka Wants, Ivanka Gets.”)

President Trump Channeling Hillary On Syria

Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Middle East, Neoconservatism

The conflict in Syria is regional, ancient and, when all is said and done, impervious to outside, top-down reordering and interventions.
Doug Bandow in Chronicles:

Donald Trump campaigned on an “America First” foreign policy. But he hasn’t been immune to the vapors of the Swamp. Not even three months after his inauguration, administration officials were praising NATO; affirming commitments to Japan and South Korea; discussing troop surges for Afghanistan; talking about permanently stationing forces in Iraq, increasing aid for Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen, and effecting regime change in Syria. It was as if Hillary Clinton occupied the President’s body.
Trump’s flip-flop on Syria was particularly shocking. Before the dawn of the Neoconservative Age no sane American would have suggested intervening in the horror that this ancient land has become.

… The Syrian conflict quickly turned into a proxy war: The U.S., Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf states pushed for Assad’s ouster, while Iran (including Afghan and Iraqi militias under Tehran’s command), Lebanon’s Hezbollah, and Russia supported the Damascus government. Turks and Saudis were pleased to work with the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra (the Support Front), which was the local Al Qaeda affiliate; meanwhile, Washington actively battled ISIS while tolerating al-Nusra. True to form, Ankara viewed Kurdish militias (allied with Washington) as the most dangerous faction and focused its malign military attention on them….

Remind me:

Islam in early America: