Category Archives: Middle East

UPDATED: Americans Sick-And-Tired Of Being Manipulated By Their Leadership & Its Client States

Donald Trump, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Middle East, Political Correctness, Republicans

World leaders are heavily vested in an America whose borders are open to all, and whose leadership leverages political correctness as a weapon against a down-trodden American people petrified of … being called names.

It would appear that Americans, for the most, are sick-and-tired of being manipulated from above and from every other direction by their leadership and its client states.

The audacious Hisham Melhem of Al Arabya:

And there’s the ubiquitous threat, again, issued by ESTABLISHMENT ERICK (ERICKSON). People, behave or else!

“… ultimately that Donald Trump supporters need to understand that Hillary Clinton will be elected if they choose to go down this path and Republicans have an obligation to to make it clear in the primary that it will be Hillary Clinton if they don’t change.”

UPDATE (2/29):

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Frau Merkel’s Idea of Defending Germans

Crime, EU, Europe, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Middle East, Multiculturalism

With the blessing of the treacherous Angela Merkel, migrants—mostly Muslim, male, Middle-Eastern—may endanger the lives of Germans all they want. But they cannot be returned to sender if there’s even the slightest concern that their lives will be imperiled back at “home.”

German law doesn’t protect the rights of German citizens, but the rights of migrants. So Merkel’s response to the mass molestation by migrants of German girls is no response at all. “Serial offenders who repeatedly rob or repeatedly affront women must feel the full force of the law,’ Merkel told journalists in Mainz.”

By “the full force of the law,” what does this repulsive woman mean?

“Under German law,” explain Reuters reporters Joseph Nasr and Matthias Inverardi, “asylum seekers are now typically only deported if they have been sentenced to at least three years in prison, and providing their lives are not at risk at home.”

Three years in prison is probably the sentence meted out for murder in Germany.

Saudi Arabian Execution Is A Good Excuse For the US To … Leave The UN

Foreign Policy, Middle East, Nationhood, UN

The role the US should play in the execution by Saudi Arabia of a Shiite cleric is twofold:

First, make clucking sounds and issue empty statements. Here’s an example, via RT:

“Human Rights Watch strongly criticized the Saudi executions. Regardless of the crimes allegedly committed, executing prisoners [en masse] only further stains Saudi Arabia’s troubling human rights record,” Sarah Leah Whitson, the group’s Middle East director said, adding that al-Nimr was convicted in an “unfair” trial and that his execution “is only adding to the existing sectarian discord and unrest.” “Saudi Arabia’s path to stability in the Eastern Province lies in ending systematic discrimination against Shia citizens, not in executions.”

Next, use the occasion to get the hell out of the UN, where Saudi Arabia plays a prominent role in … human rights affairs.

Through its many agencies, the U.N. works tirelessly to undermine the values of economic freedom and individual responsibility and to consolidate a coercive global economic order. If the people ought to govern, then it seems obvious that a centralized administration like the U.N., with considerable sway over “sovereign” nation-states, is a danger to the freedoms of all nations and their individual subjects.

That the UN is a terrible enterprise with too much power over the US is nothing new. “The mass execution of 47 including the Shia cleric,” by a mover and shaker of the UN’s Human Rights apparatus, would have simply afforded any moral government the diplomatic opportunity to say adios to the UN blight, for once and for all.

The second response is as likely as a snowstorm in the desert. “That the U.N. is working diligently to homogenize laws the world over is a source of delight to national leaders. These leaders don’t want to have to stay competitive in order to keep productive people and their capital in their jurisdictions. The real U.S. sovereignty violators then are successive American governments. By becoming signatories to global wealth-distributing agreements and assorted schemes that place Americans under U.N. jurisdiction, our own governments continue to betray us.

Lindsey Graham: Liar & Dissembler About Islam And Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy, Islam, John McCain, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Middle East, Neoconservatism, Republicans

Three minutes and fifteen seconds into Chuck Todd’s unedifying exchange of niceties with the left’s favorite Republican, Sen. Lindsey Graham, Imam Graham imparts that Islam isn’t the problem; he’s not afraid of The Faith, as most Muslims practice it as it ought to be practiced. (Doesn’t he enjoy a security detail, too?) If indeed, as this liar asserts, “there is a war [of reformation] going on within Islam,” it is the most silent, uncontested intellectual war ever. The truth is that no Muslim jurist of note—and no, Pakistani cleric Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri’s fatwa is deceptive, too —to date, in any recognized center of Islamic learning, has canceled out the authentic Islam outlined in the Quran, supplemented by The Hadith and practiced by ISIS.

As to Graham’s foreign policy promises if elected by MSNBC: ISIS did not exist in the region during the Golden Age of Saddam Hussein. ISIS is a creation of American foreign policy. Yet the stuff that gave rise to ISIS—the American military’s overthrowing of secular leaders in the middle East—Graham wants revisited and intensified, not to mention more foreign aid to spread “our values” and build schools. Obama and Bush before him have done plenty of that stuff; billions worth of it, but I guess the American public has forgotten how well that went.

I wonder how the poor of South Carolina and America feel about Graham’s expansive mandate?

Recommended reading (for kids, too): “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades),” by Robert Spencer.