Category Archives: Multiculturalism

Toilet Tidbits About America’s Favorite Immigrant Groups

America, China, Culture, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Etiquette, IMMIGRATION, Multiculturalism, Technology, The West

Labour of lavs”* is a delightfully titled article in The Economist (an excellent source of global news for those of us who’re sick of the cesspool that is the American media, Left and Right).

“… In the past few decades China has done a fairly good job of supplying basic sanitation. Only 2% of Chinese still do their business in the bushes, compared with 40% in India; three-quarters have access to toilets which the World Health Organisation deems acceptable, up from less than two-thirds in 2000. But about 70m still use shared facilities, and 260m continue to rely on bucket loos, open pits and other grungy facilities. Some are literally lethal: last month police traced a huge blast in the port city of Ningbo, which killed two people, back to an exploding septic tank. …”

If toilet habits are so abysmal in China, just imagine what these are like in India.

MORE in “Labour of lavs.

* A combination of “lavatory” and the phrase a labor of love. The image is of a typical Chinese toilet.

UPDATED (6/15): Japanese Leaders Are Patriotic, Rejecting Mass Immigration As An Answer To Declining Birthrates

Asia, Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Multiculturalism, Nationalism, Nationhood

It’s shameful—treason, if you are a politician—to suggest that an aging and shrinking population is REASON TO FLOOD A COUNTRY WITH IMMIGRANTS, bringing about the near extinction of the native population.

This I’ve said in all my writing on immigration, and in response to the “demographics are destiny crowd” (Mark Steyn being among them). See: “Beck, Wilders, and His Boosters’ Blind Spot” (2010)

Not being traitors to their own, Japanese leaders are having none of it.

Japan will not accept mass immigration, says Masashi Mori, the mayor of Toyama. Efforts to raise the birth rate have had little success, although there are a few exceptions (see article). The only alternative is to learn to live with far fewer people. That implies great upheaval, which Toyama hopes to minimise.

MORE: “A small Japanese city shrinks with dignity.”

UPDATE (6/15):

Trump tells Shinzo Abe, “You don’t have this (immigration) problem, but I can send you 25 million Mexicans and you’ll be out of office very soon.” Brilliant audacity.

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Bye-Bye To Chile, The Most Peaceful, Prosperous Country In Latin America

Crime, Government, IMMIGRATION, Multiculturalism, Nationhood

In 2010, the blog “Chile Is No Haiti” noted how that country had coped with what was “one of the most powerful earthquakes in history”:

If to judge by the number of opprobrious pieces the malfunctioning media, activist Anderson Cooper in the lead, ran about the little looting there was in Chile—they have been hoping that Chile, who’s been subjected to aftershocks as strong as Haiti’s main event, would fare as poorly as did the Africa of the Western Hemisphere.


Contrary to the thesis presented in “What Makes A Country, People Or Place?,” Chilean leaders have decided that their people are not their strength.

Wall Street Journal:

As the Trump administration aims to curb immigration, one of Latin America’s richest and safest countries has opened its doors to some of the region’s poorest migrants in record numbers. Tens of thousands of Venezuelans have fled their crime-ridden country in recent years for Chile, which has a history of receiving Bolivian, Peruvian and Colombian migrants.
But the most dramatic surge has come from Haiti. Last year, almost 105,000 Haitians entered Chile, compared with about 49,000 in 2016 and just a handful a decade ago, according to federal police that oversee border crossings.


RELATED: “Can Freedom Lovers Chill In Chile?

NEW COLUMN: Why Tax Breaks Won’t Stop High-Tech, H-1B Human Trafficking

IMMIGRATION, Labor, Multiculturalism, Outsourcing, Taxation, Technology

Why Tax Breaks Won’t Stop High-Tech, H-1B Human Trafficking” is the current column, now on An excerpt:

“If the tax reform bill goes through, do you plan to increase your company’s capital investment?”

The question was posed to a sizeable group of CEOs at The Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council, in the presence of White House economic adviser Gary Cohn.

A pitiful show of hands failed to wipe the smirk off Mr. Cohn’s face. But at least the knaves were candid. Tax cuts for American big businesses are unlikely to move corporations to deploy that capital to raise the wages of the little guy, the worker.

The repatriation deal planned for fat-cat multinationals is particularly sweet. But don’t expect the “one-time tax rate of 12 percent on cash returns and five percent on non-cash for corporate money repatriated from overseas” to spur investment in the U.S.

Ideally, policymakers would prefer, as Business Insider quips, for companies to “reinvest in their core businesses, as this holds the most direct bearing on economic expansion.” All the president’s men certainly preach it.

But President Trump’s plan to grant the multinationals, tech titans included, a tax holiday, is more likely to see capital used to tinker with share prices. Repurchasing shares, a share buyback, will boost stock prices and benefit large shareholders.

Where a multinational also traffics in human labor, globally—as do the likes of Apple, Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle, Qualcomm, etc.—a lower tax rate on their repatriated earnings is unlikely to redound to American computer programmers and engineers.

In the event these tax holidays encourage American high-tech to “reinvest in their core businesses”—it will not be an investment in employing American talent, which will continue to be replaced apace with foreign workers.

For accretion in employment among Americans to occur, the president would have to turn off the H-1B (and other visa) spigots. He has not.

Multinationals consider the world their labor market. High-tech traitors will continue to replace the worker bees of American STEM—science, technology, engineering and mathematics—with reliably mediocre, culturally aggressive, foreign workers.

And not necessarily because foreign workers are cheaper. Importing workers from India calls for enormous in-house bureaucracies to handle immigration applications and renewals, attendant litigation, and family importation and resettlement packages for tribes of new arrivals (also known as chain migrants). This isn’t necessarily cheaper than employing your local lass or lad.

The H-1B visa racket is, however, a taxpayer-subsidized, grant of government privilege. Duly, profits remain private property.  The costs of accommodating an annual human influx are socialized, borne by the bewildered community. …

… READ THE REST.  Why Tax Breaks Won’t Stop High-Tech, H-1B Human Trafficking” is the current column, now on