Category Archives: Politics

UPDATE (6/21): Don’t Let Politicians Win; Withdraw From Public Square Following A Terrorist Attack

Europe, Islam, Jihad, Politics, Terrorism

Fox News’ Shepard Smith was exalting the Belgian human anthill for the speed with which the ants returned to darting back and forth, following a Muhammadan’s attack on Brussels’ Central Station. The terrorist win if we don’t return to our aimless consumption, laughing and making merry as we’re being picked off by the enemy within, goes Shep’s “thinking.”

The terrorists win if we don’t do as the politicians say” is reverse psychology and cliché rolled into one. Obama kept saying, “Dare do x, y or z on matters Muslim, and you guarantee that ISIS wins.” Or, “ISIS wants you to do x, y, and z.”

First, how do these asses know what ISIS wants? Or, are politicians and pundits like Shep simply ass-uming they know? It is more likely politicians are using reverse psychology to get Westerners to comply with their own wishes.

In any event, if ISIS wants you, America, to do what in your estimation is best for you–perhaps ISIS is right and the politicians and pundits are wrong. What a concept!

Perhaps ISIS is right and Shepard Smith is wrong. Mr. Smith, we’ll take that long moratorium on Muslim immigration, which Trump promised and reneged on. It’s a winner for Americans and Europeans. If ISIS approves, too, so be it. ISIS is happy; we are happy; everybody is happy; we all win.

To peacefully bring about the desired immigration policy changes, people need to withdraw from the public square to the extent possible. Secede. Shop online. Instead of dining out, gather at the homes of friends. Only when their Keynesian edifice of non-stop consumption suffers and their re-election is threatened will the politicians carry out their duty to implement immigration policies that safeguard lives.

For more, read The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed.

UPDATE (6/21/017): Excellent. Americans, at least, are acting rationally. They’re not rah-rahing it for the politicians.

Gallop has found that, “Terrorism Fears Drive More in US to Avoid Crowds”:

38% of Americans less willing to attend large events due to terrorism
Previous high was 32% in 2002
46% less willing to travel overseas due to terrorism concerns


UPDATE II (5/11): You’re Fired, James Comey

America, Christianity, Democrats, Donald Trump, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Objectivism, Politics, Propaganda, Russia

James Comey is out. Donald Trump fired the FBI Director. (Read the ‘You’re Fired’ letter.) One wonders what took POTUS so long? Was he waiting for Congress and Comey to orchestrate another career-advancing hearing? Comey provided “four hours of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee,” on May 3. Boy, did he put on an act. This was Careerism 101 by Comey.

A Republican president fired someone. And OMG! The freaks are free associating. Russia. Putin. Shades of Nixon. Impeach. Tyranny. Is there any doubt Democrats control the received “narrative”?

It’s an alternate reality. Most of it is just not true. Russia, Putin; this that: you know it’s as manufactured as was the invasion of Iraq.  “The proof is not in the Putin“:

The same vague nomenclature deployed by CIA analysts to take Americans to war in Iraq is evident in the agency’s unsubstantiated claims against Russia. In trying to incriminate absent hard evidence, the CIA, as reported by the Washington Post, alludes to “a secret assessment,” nowhere apparent, identifying only “anonymous sources and individuals” in “closed-door briefing.”

During the Bush era, the mantra of Washington operatives like Karl Rove was, “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.” Not much has changed. Deep State creates reality as they go.

Ignored or rejected as rogue is a reality not of the making of America’s entrenched punditocracy, its self-anointed intelligentsia, slick Big Media, slimy politicians, Democrat and Republican, spooks and bureaucrats.

Back on earth, Hillary lost. Deplorables triumphed over Hillary’s “Antifa” by a smidgen. The degree of contempt for Americans among Democratic leadership and their candidate was revealed through the good works of WikiLeaks, which had exposed the Bush government before Hillary. Deep State doesn’t like to be exposed. Hence the convulsions.

UPDATE (5/10):

Putin channels Bart Simpson, “I didn’t do it.” Whatever IT is:

FBI is rotten:

UPDATE II (5/11):

Syrian Christians:

Gloomy Media Happy, Gloating Over Trump Healthcare ‘Failure’

Democrats, Donald Trump, Healthcare, Media, Politics, Republicans, War

Media have taken a break from chasing down and inventing imagined Trump-Russia connections. The tail-chasers are no longer gloomy, but are now happy, celebrating their nemesis’ healthcare failure.

It’s almost a relief to have these miserable media bitches emerge from their brain-addled Russia monomania and laugh a bit. The crazy Russia rants were the stuff of straitjackets (where CNN’s Brian Stelter belongs).

It’s no joke. This same moronic media has taken America to wars with the frenzy it’s able to muster when its members don’t get their way. When the world these media elites inhabit ceases to make sense, they become dangerous. So a respite in these paroxysms is welcome and even relaxing.

Some of the “happy” headlines celebrating the failure to pass the American Health Care Act:

“GOP abandons health-care overhaul as Trump ultimatum fails to save it”

“‘The closer’? The inside story of how Trump tried — and failed — to make a deal on health care”

Trump learns that dealmaking is not the same as leadership

“Trump tastes failure as healthcare bill collapses”

Major Setback for Trump in First Big Legislative Clash

If the Trump healthcare bill was no good, why is its failure so bad? Throughout, Republican and Democratic TV hosts said not a word about the contents of Trump’s healthcare Bill. They’ve failed to explain it to their audiences. The empty debates on TV and radio have been devoted to lamenting a strategic loss, nothing else.

Lie Down With The Enemy, Get Up Without The Presidency

Donald Trump, Politics, Republicans

Donald Trump is making a HUGE mistake that could cost him the midterms and/or make him a one-term president. He thinks he can defang the snakes he has gathered around him in the administration. President Trump has hired individuals who do not articulate the principles he ran on and jump at every opportunity to stick it to him.

“Hiring different perspectives in business could well be a strength. But it’s not a strength when it comes to politics and policy. In politics, you want a team that shares a political philosophy.”

The main mamba is Paul Ryan, much loved and admired by MSNBC (see: “An Ode To Paul Ryan By MSNBC’s Left-Liberal Lawrence O’Donnell”), CNN and most liberal media. The GOP news media love Ryan, too, but are scared to come out as fans lest Trump Nation retaliate.

Like Pavlov’s dog, Ryan, the Damien look alike (I’m only ever referencing the old, excellent, 1970s-19802 Omen/Damien movies; there is no other, as far as I’m concerned) can’t but appear to please the CNN interviewer while making the president look bad. (See: “Ryan: I’ve seen no evidence wiretap occurred.”)

Poor Damien, purr CNN’s empaneled women. The lovely, wonkish young Ryan [despised by Trump Nation] would rather legislate than have to defend The Donald.