Category Archives: Pop-Culture

The Real Atomic Bomb

Business, Debt, Economy, Federal Reserve Bank, Founding Fathers, Inflation, Islam, Jihad, Pop-Culture, The Zeitgeist

“There is something horrible about to explode,” said Patrick Byrne, the CEO of O.Co, formerly


In fact, for special effects, insert here a series of Beavis and Butthead grunts to simulate the Jihad-obsessed. It is misguided to convince Americans, living in “The Age of the Idiot,” that the primitives who inhabit the Muslim world will eliminate the freest, most prosperous civilization, when it is American leadership—43 & 44, and all those Dems and Republicans who went before: They are the architects of American ruination.

If Islam poses a danger to our communities, it’s because of anti-private property laws mandated over the decades by the Traitor Class. These laws prohibit most forms of voluntary, peaceful dissociation and effective self-defense.

Patrick Byrne’s economic acumen comes from his Austrian thinking. He knows what’s upon us: Great Depression # 2. “Something very bad is coming. … We’re at the edge of a catastrophe,” he has warned. Byrne understands, as his philosophical ancestor Thomas Jefferson did, what unprecedented levels of public and private debt will do to a republic.

“We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude.” Debt is the “fore horse for oppression and despotism,” after which “taxation will follow, and in its train wretchedness and oppression.”

So said Thomas Jefferson.

Below is the sage from O.Co (as well as “The Brothers Grunt” from MTV):

Grunt if you agree.

Piersing Christine O’Donnell

Celebrity, Journalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Pop-Culture

Admittedly, it didn’t take much to revive the moribund CNN slot which had been occupied for decades by the braindead Larry King. Piers Morgan is a lefty, but for a bloke who works for CNN—and does lightweight stuff—Piers does a good interview. (I mean, contrast Morgan with the mindless Anderson Cooper!)

And boy-oh-boy, did Mr. Morgan, politely yet emphatically, expose Madam Christine O’Donnell’s high-and-mighty antics. The former Republican candidate for Senate in Delaware appeared on “Piers Morgan Tonight” to promote a book (which some major publisher, sadly, found worth publishing). O’Donnell being O’Donnell, she refused to answer a question about a topic she discussed in the very book her host had had the courtesy to read. (I give Piers props for that; it must have been torture.)

Speaking of mindless and narcissism, here Cooper goes into paroxysm of laughter over a an overwritten spoof he or one of his side kicks wrote about actor “Gerard Depardieu’s [recent]… airplane peeing incident.” I find the Keith Obermann-like bloated text from which Cooper was reading far more offensive that the actor’s behavior (which you just know had to be provoked by the American airline on which he was flying).

UPDATE III: Jeff Ashton: Class Act in the Classless Casey Anthony Case

Crime, Criminal Injustice, Law, Logic, Pop-Culture, The Courts

What a class act is Florida’s Assistant state attorney Jeff Ashton. What magnificent closing arguments he delivered in the case of the through-and-through sociopath, Casey Anthony. What a stellar presentation of evidence, rebuttal of the defense’s pie-in-the-sky’s clashing theories of the crime, and slap shod, ad hoc, invent-as-you-go narrative.

Ashton etched in evidence an identikit of the classic sociopath. Casey Anthony had never told the truth in her short life; had never done a day’s work in her life, and expected constant gratification and thrills at every turn. It’s a great shame that a man with as rigorous a mind as Ashton’s is retiring. I don’t blame him. Reason and reality, increasingly, will be lost on younger juries, who now inhabit a parallel, electronic universe where idiocy is normalcy.

One criticism of Ashton: His slurping of bottled water was annoying; he ought to have been supplied with glasses of water for his hard work.

Another is his theory of the day of the crime. It was well-done, but a little narrow for the morons in the jury box to grasp. Mommy dearest departed with her daughter, who was never again seen alive. It is, however, possible, even likely, that this wanton woman, a sociopath—who kept telling her parents she had a job, a babysitter, but had neither and was lying and stealing to keep herself in the loop of club life—lost it with the child, and climbed into her in a fit of rage.

The murder of Caylee Anthony was no accident, but it could have been committed in an unplanned manner too. Casey is clever, but she is also a bitch in rage (and in-heat). The child was probably spirited and willful, and this woman (now letting down her hair, primping and preening as though on a red carpet) had had enough of her child’s willfulness, and of the responsibility her (pretty liberal) parents attempted to foist on their difficult daughter.

“I have never been able to figure out why someone would cover up an accident by putting three pieces of duct tape over the nose and mouth of a child and then dumping him in a swamp. When children die of accidents, people call for help; that’s how it works in the real world, not in fiction.” (Ashton on CNN)

Rather than do the job with which they were entrusted, and deduce a logical sequence of events from the powerful evidence provided by the prosecution, the Millennial moron juror interviewed took elements of the profile and the evidence as discrete, atomistic items rejecting her duty to apply some deductive thinking. As I’ve said, short of a YouTube clip, nothing would have convinced these clods of the Anthony woman’s guilt.

Casey’s victory is about “winning”… in the Age of the Idiot.

[I can’t find transcripts of Closing. Can anyone send these?]

UPDATE I: I give your Dean Eckstadt, alternate juror. He instantiates most everything I said about the Millennials, some of who sat on this case. “Like, from the pictures, she seemed a good mother to me. Like she’s innocent. Like, it is what it is.”

I called this justice in the age of YouTube and I told you that there is something deformed about many younger Americans’ mindset and mentality, some of whom debuted on the jury. I’ve witnessed it in the young people with whom I am forced to deal in my interactions—narcissistic, informal, disrespectful to their elders and betters; they conflate how they feel with how things should work, they are the center of the universe, lazy, often incompetent, slow, can’t follow any logical, sequence or algorithm, conflate the personal and the professional. On and on. In short, Dean Eckstadt.

Behold another such specimen: Russel Heuckler. Not as young but as limited.

UPDATE II (July 11): In Florida, there are two possible penalties for first-degree murder — life in prison without parole or the death penalty.” Also, as I understand it, there are two phases to a trial. The other, highly opinionated, young female juror doing the rounds, indicated that what weighed on her ability to deliberate was the fact that the prosecution had sought the death penalty. She was, however, prohibited from judging the evidence with the recommended penalty in mind. Moreover, the jury did not have to recommend the death penalty. When the sentencing phase commenced, they could have recommended life in prison. Not unexpectedly, Mike Huckabee was not apprised of this distinction. The man is a simpleton. Always has been.

In any event, the jurors currently proudly touting their exquisite sensitivity had flouted the Judge’s instructions in the matter of distinguishing the deliberation from the penalty phase of a trial. To these simple, Millennial minds, everything was enmeshed. And, of course, there was no footage of the act…

UPDATE III (July 11): And Greta keeps a straight face. I give you the YouTube youth vote on Jury Duty.

UPDATED: Libertarianism Lite (Small “l,” Please)

Classical Liberalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Liberty, Political Philosophy, Pop-Culture, Terrorism, The Zeitgeist

From “Libertarianism Lite,” on WND.COM: “A certain establishment-endorsed libertarianism is currently being touted on the Fox News and Business channels as the only legitimate brand of libertarianism. This life-style libertarianism, or libertarianism-lite, as I call it, tends to conflate libertinism with liberty, and appeals to hippies of all ages, provided they remain juveniles forever.

As I noted, when defending Ron Paul, in 2008, from attacks by the same libertarians,

Beltway libertarians … are moved in mysterious ways by gaping borders, gay marriage, multiculturalism, cloning, and all else “cool and cosmopolitan.” Judging by Reason Magazine’s “35 Heroes of Freedom,” “cool and cosmopolitan” encompasses William Burroughs, a drug addled, Beat-Generation wife killer, whose “work is mostly gibberish and his literary influence baleful.” … Madonna Reason has exalted for, as they put it, leading “MTV’s glorious parade of freaks, gender-benders, and weirdos who helped broaden the palette of acceptable cultural identities and destroy whatever vestiges of repressive mainstream sensibilities still remained.” That sounds like the unscrambled, strange dialect spoken by a professor of Women’s and Gender Studies. [Or is it “Wimmin’s Studies”?]

Much as the Left does, libertarians-lite divine, in the country’s founding documents, all kinds of exhortations to let it all hang out. …”

The complete column is “Libertarianism Lite,” now on WND.COM.

UPDATE (July 9): SMALL L, PLEASE. Guys: We’re talking small “l” libertarianism. Capital “L” Libertarainism refers to the Libertarian political Party.

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