Category Archives: Religion

Capitalism Is Freedom, Mr. Pope, Communism Is Slavery & Death

Capitalism, Christianity, Communism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Morality, Religion

The Left has vanquished America—the gaseous media strumpets and their papal “experts” certainly give that impression, in their coverage of the arrival of Pope Francis. One of these venal types on CNN has just ventured that Pope John Paul criticized capitalism as much as he did communism, therefor justifying Pope Francis’ folly.

Sacrilegious nonsense.

Capitalism is the moral right to make a living freely and voluntarily, absent coercion, and by relying on the rule of law and the sanctity of private property, the latter beginning with individual self-ownership:

This philosophical, moral wonder has lifted millions out of poverty.

Now capitalism is being juxtaposed to a system chosen by leading lights like Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong and Pol Pot, to best justify the centrally planned slaughter of over 100 million people the world over and the enslaving of many more.

If this is not yet more proof that the Left has vanquished America, I don’t know what is.

How disgusting are your lawmakers? Read about the carnival.

RELATED: “Remembering The Worst Crimes Against Humanity, Ever.”

The People’s House Or The Pope’s House?

Etiquette, Foreign Policy, Politics, Propaganda, Religion

What was noted in this space on 01.23.15 and years prior will be reiterated again, today: It was an abomination when Mexican President Felipe Calderon was allowed to address a joint session of Congress in May of 2010, it was as unseemly for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to have been permitted to issue forth in the same venue earlier this year, and every bit as improper for the Pontiff to insert himself into American politics by doing the same. Via Vatican City (AFP):

Pope Francis is gearing up for potentially his most politically charged trip yet, an eight-day whirlwind visit which will take him from Havana’s Revolution Square in Cuba to the headquarters of the United Nations.

The Argentine, who will become the first pontiff to address a joint meeting of Congress in Washington, has taken advantage of a summer lull at the Vatican to fine-tune his hotly awaited speeches, sources at the Holy See say. …

The American people’s representatives are the traitors here. For it is they who’ve permitted this reoccurring spectacle; it is they who’ve turned the American People’s House into a House for hire; a one-way exchange program for foreign dignitaries.

Of course, this is purely a no-partisan rule and has nothing to do with the fact that the anti-intellectual Jorge Bergoglio is shaping up to be a dreadful cur.

WTF! Did A Woman Just Get Jailed For Being Tardy??????

Government, Homosexuality, Liberty, Religion, The State

District Judge David Bunning has jailed a Kentucky county clerk who refused to violate her Christian faith and issue licenses to same-sex couples. (Via WND.) Fine (yes, how about a fine as a first option). Fire Kim Davis if she refuses to do the government’s business. It’s the dirty business she signed up for. But jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Get Off Your Knees, Gov. Pence! (You’re Not In A Gay Bathhouse)

Individual Rights, libertarianism, Private Property, Religion, Republicans

“Get Off Your Knees, Gov. Pence! (You’re Not In A Gay Bathhouse)” is the current column. An excerpt:

Pretend the U.S. is as free as the Founding Fathers intended it to be. In this authentically (and classically) liberal America, no one can tell free men and women what to do with their property, namely their bodies, their abodes and their businesses.

The individual living in America as it was meant to be is free to run his business as he wishes, associate with those he likes, dissociate from those he dislikes or disapproves; hire, fire, rent to or evict from, invest and disinvest, speak and misspeak at will.

This hypothetical free man is at liberty to bruise as many feelings as he likes, so long as his mitts stop at the next man’s face. So long as he harms nobody’s person or property, our mythic man may live as he wishes to live.

Americans have been propagandized for so long; they no longer grasp the basic building blocks of liberty. A crude reductio ad absurdum should help:

A retail store selling Nazi memorabilia opens its doors in my neighborhood. I enter in search of the yellow Star of David Jews were forced to wear during the Third Reich. The proprietor, decked out in Nazi insignia and regalia, says, “I’m sorry, we don’t serve Jews.” “Don’t be like that,” I say. “Where else can I find a pair of clip-on swastika earrings?” The Nazi sympathizer is polite but persistent: “Ma’am, I mean no disrespect, but back in the Old Country, Jews murdered my great grandfather’s cousin and used his blood in the leavening of the Passover matzah.” “Yeah,” I reply. “I’m familiar with that blood libel. I assure you my own mother’s matzo balls were free of the blood of brats, gentile or Jewish. No matter. I can see where you’re coming from. I’m sorry for your loss. Good luck.”

There! Did that hurt?

Did I rush off to rat out my Nazi neighbor to the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice? Not on your life. A principled Jewish libertarian (with a sense of humor)—who believes in absolute freedom of association and the rights of private property—would doff his Kippah and walk out. …

… Read the rest. “Get Off Your Knees, Gov. Pence! (You’re Not In A Gay Bathhouse)” is now on WND.

Featured on The Unz Report:

“Is Anarcho-Capitalism Compatible with Natural Justice?” By Ilana Mercer