Category Archives: Republicans

UPDATED (2/5): Gavin McInnes Dishes Old News About Fox News

Conservatism, Media, Neoconservatism, Political Correctness, Republicans

Gavin McInnes has discovered what I’ve chronicled for 15 years: Fox News is NOT rightist, the network pussyfoots around the Left, cares more about showcasing boobs than brains, practices affirmative action, for women and minorities (they cowered before “Motormouth Megyn Kelly & The Mad Matriarchy”), is hell of a timid about daring opinion (yes, where’s Ann Coulter, Fox News?), and hated on Donald Trump. You know all that and more if you’ve been reading this space  (for example: “The Murdoch Media: Root ‘N Branch For Marcobot”).

That’s why you’ll find the adjective “banal” paired with Fox News in all books and writings originating here. Neoconservatives all, with few exceptions.

A pity McInnes sounds a little desperate. Red Eye, which he seems to lament losing, is unwatchable (ditto the Greg Guttfeld Show). It stinks of smarmy, unfunny idiots. The only good moments were when McInnes ranted in character. Scottish character. Once upon a time the show allowed this outrageous female comedian to host. She was so brutally wonderful that … they never had her back again.

UPDATED (2/5):

Greg Gutfeld? I don’t think so.

About The Republican ‘Facile Argument’ That Obama Halted Immigration. Just Like Trump

Barack Obama, Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Logic, Reason, Republicans

Republicans are whinging about “how the media didn’t mind much when Barack Obama halted immigration, why are they making a fuss about the Trump refugee pause.” The whine amounts to one of those tit-for-tat, vacuous, non-arguments. It’s not an arguments of substance.

In fact, I dearly hope the Washington Post is correct and that it’s “facile”  to “claim that Trump’s refugee policy is similar to Obama’s in 2011.” Why my hope? Because, I don’t know about you, but I despised Obama’s immigration policy. If Trump is merely doing what Obama did, then that’s not a positive thing in my book—and it’s not an argument in defense of Trump’s welcome ban.

Moreover, if Obama already did what Trump intends to accomplish with his executive travel ban—then he wasn’t so bad, now, was he? See how the non-argument above can be turned on Republicans? If Obama already did what Trump is doing about refugees—and I hope not—then Republicans and their media were  guilty of ignoring BHO’s “great merits.”

Yes, that’s what happens when you make a you-pulled-my-ponytail-first “argument.”

But since we know full well BHO was G-d awful—that he increased immigration overall, refugees and illegal aliens—it’s obvious he never came close to fulfilling the Trump promise of a Muslim immigration moratorium.

So what is the whine about? Is it to point out that mass media prefer Obama and didn’t hold him accountable? That’s a no-brainer! Better to offer a substantive defense of Trump’s positions on their merit than to keep disgorging dumb case after another to the tune that, “Hey, our guy is just like the other guy, it’s just that the media don’t like him for no reason.”

Our guy is not like Obama and I hope the media continue to hate him. That’s one measure of how well the president’s keeping his promises.


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Trump Presidency: What His New Team Might Teach Us

Donald Trump, Elections, Foreign Policy, Republicans

While I disagree with the writer’s conclusions regarding Donald Trump’s selection of successful businessmen, not all Anthony Zurcher’s questions are unreasonable, following President-elect Trump’s cabinet picks. After all, they’re “not exactly drawn from the ranks of the angry populist masses”:

* Since “the president-elect has frequently turned to the military brass,” will “Mr Trump’s picks give his administration a decidedly martial bent”? He campaigned on “a less interventionist foreign policy.”

* “Mr Trump railed against the political establishment on the campaign trail, but some of his nominees are very comfortable in the Washington ‘swamp'”: “Tom Price, slated for Health and Human Services, is a member of the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives. … Elaine Chao served as labour secretary under President George W Bush and is married to Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell,” not to mention Republican Party darling, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.


UPDATED (1/9): The Unbearable Banality Of Fox News (Tucker Carlson Excepted)

America, Conservatism, Intelligence, Media, Politics, Pop-Culture, Republicans

“Tocqueville in the 19th century, and Solzhenitsyn in the 20th, noted that conformity of thought is powerfully prevalent among Americans.” Thus, the possibility that a lonely voice telling an unwanted, original truth might be heard on Fox News is small.

With this in mind, I couldn’t resist bringing you the “mind-blowing” Fox headlines for December 22, 2016, the kind of insights that are off-the-charts brilliant (cynicism alert):

“Germany’s Refugee Policy Has Been a ‘Complete Disaster.'” [You don’t say!]

“Gutfeld Slams ‘Divisive, Alienating’ YouTuber Who Claimed Racism on Plane.” [Yawn.]

Meghan McCain, one of the dumbest women on TV: “‘I’m So Blown Away’ That Some Dems Want a 3rd Hillary Run.”

“‘Russia Didn’t Elect Trump, America Did'” [OMG!]

Prepare for the clincher: “‘Tolerance Is One-Sided’ on the Left.” [The truly brilliant Christopher Hitchens must be tossing in his grave. His brilliance has finally been bested.]


UPDATE (1/9):